Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 824: The 26th National Congress of the Commun

   It is of course very important for the general political commissar to seek justice for the Jews, but this is not the biggest thing at present. But the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which will be held soon. The time is exactly one month after US President Ronald Reagan was sworn in.

   In February, Moscow has already started preparations. The major headquarters of the KGB have received orders from Lubyanka to ensure absolute safety during the 26th National Congress. Near the start of the conference, Moscow was already in a state of quasi-smoking cessation. At the same time, representatives of the Communist, Workers' Party and pro-Soviet parties from 199 countries around the world began to be welcomed, and people of all skin colors appeared on the streets of Moscow.

   In the Great Hall of the Kremlin, a total of 5,000 delegates were present, representing 18 million members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Brezhnev presided over the meeting in a silver-white military uniform, and Serov was also wearing a silver-white military uniform. Sitting in the second row of the rostrum, after Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, all stood up to welcome the leader, who was in his 70s, and applauded for a long time. in the hall.

"In the past five years, our great party and motherland have made remarkable achievements. Looking at the international situation, we can say with certainty that our friends are more and more, but our enemies are less and less. It's done." Brezhnev took out the report "The Summary Report of the Central Committee and the Current Tasks of the Party in Domestic and Foreign Policy", and said in a slow but still powerful voice, "But we It must also be seen that the current stage is not smooth sailing, and it is not a time when crises cannot be seen. The sky on the international horizon is rolling with dark clouds, which are complicated and full of storms. This is a new and extremely challenging time for our party and country. Tests, opportunities and crises coexist, and the final outcome depends on the leadership of the cadres and how to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the difficulties under the guiding ideology of Marxism-Leninism.”

  The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Tikhonov, submitted a report on the "Basic Guidelines for Economic and Social Development of the Soviet Union from 1981 to 1985 and Before 1990", and passed corresponding resolutions on these reports.

Andropov submitted the "Summary Report of the Central Supervisory Committee", passed the decision on drafting the new revision of the CPSU program, and on the letters and reports from the working people and the appeals from the Communist Party members received at the 26th Congress of the CPSU decision.

After Chernenko's "Summary Report on How to Maintain the Advancement of Communist Party Members", Serov walked to the podium, took off his hat and put it on it, and said in a low voice, "I will simply focus on the current situation in the motherland. I will comment on some possible threats outside, and I can interrupt me if there are different opinions, thank you!"

After the applause subsided, Serov cleared his throat, signaled to Brezhnev and then said, "The general secretary said that the sky on the international horizon is rolling with dark clouds, which are complicated and full of storms. This is very suitable for the current situation facing the party and the country. The situation is practical and full of wisdom. Since two years ago, we can clearly feel that European and American countries are collectively turning right. From Margaret Thatcher to Reagan, they are all hostile to the collective, fairness, the working class, and even the Politicians in the entire socialist country, in this case, I expect the confrontation that follows will be deeper and more complicated."

"What worries me the most is that some cadres relax their vigilance because of their current achievements. Compared with various external threats, I have always emphasized that internal enemies are the most guarded against. Some naive The idea of ​​​​is circulated among the cadres, that we can coexist peacefully with the United States and develop independently. This is a huge mistake. We may coexist peacefully, but development will never interfere with each other. Anti-work experience, tell me clearly. Imperialism is absolutely untrustworthy, and imperialism will never die. The Soviet Union will be a thorn in their eyes for a day." After a soft cough, Serov continued, "Since the United States launched the band After the fiasco of the aggressive Vietnam War, because of the awakening of the American people and the excessively greedy expansionary policy, the United States had to temporarily calm down for ten years, which is not what the United States is willing to do. level of confrontation."

"Recently, some European and American politicians, from their remarks, we obviously think that this is to create public opinion to rehearse a new round of confrontation. In this regard, I just want to say that the Soviet Union just wanted to slowly wait for them to enter the history of garbage. Heap, if they don't want to do it and want to maintain their existence by provoking trouble, we don't mind lifting our feet and helping them with this necessary step to kick them in." Shelov stopped himself Aggressive report, glanced at the representatives everywhere with usual eyes, and said the last sentence with a conceited smile, "The enemy who provoked resistance will definitely be completely buried by the fire and steel of the Soviets."

  Papa..., the warm applause sounded, Serov nodded slightly, and answered a few questions. Returning to his position, "Comrade Serov has always been known to everyone, and he has always spoken so straightforwardly. Our general political commissar of national security reacts fiercely to any threat. But it is precisely this Attitude, we have the current security situation, the general political commissar has a sentence that is right, dare to confront the great Soviet, will be buried by the fire and steel of the Soviet. For more than 60 years, our great motherland has endured Countless trials, where is our enemy now? We never fear any competition or war."

Brezhnev said again, "The general crisis of capitalism has been further exacerbated. This is a structural contradiction, which cannot be avoided by any capitalist system. Of course, we have our problems, and we still have many of our own problems. It needs to be solved, but just because we have problems doesn’t mean our opponents don’t have problems.”

  The crisis of capitalism is inevitable and will become more and more serious. In fact, this is not in line with the current economy of the United Kingdom and the United States, because Europe and the United States are slowly crawling out of the quagmire. But this set of rhetoric presented at every Congress of the Soviet Union is indeed the real truth. The time between the outbreak of capitalist economic crises is getting shorter and shorter.

  Especially the last time because of the world economic crisis caused by the oil crisis, the unemployment rate in the United States remained high. In fact, it has never ended. This is why Reagan started reforms and wanted to solve the source of all problems in the Soviet Union.

  Selov knows the later history more than people. First cut South America, and then used the Plaza Accord to **** blood from the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan. In fact, the economy in the era of Reagan's leadership of the United States was not good. Signs of an economic crisis began to appear before Reagan stepped down, and when Bush launched the Gulf War, the nominal growth was 5% in 1990 and 3% in 1991, but after deducting inflation, are 1 percent and minus 0.1, respectively.

   shows that when the Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse, the United States has lost too much blood and started to go backwards. Everyone knows what happened later. The Soviet Union disintegrated, and the United States under the leadership of Zidton was hard to beat on the earth. The actual and nominal growth of the American economy was outrageously fast.

  Brezhnev has always thought that his policy was problematic, that the Soviet Union was going to confront the United States. Just as Khrushchev never thought that the Soviet Union could win the US in a peaceful contest. After the inauguration of US President Ronald Reagan, the Soviet Union held the National Congress, which was equally aggressive, the global offensive policy continued, the arms race continued, the hostility between the two sides continued, and business as usual.

   "The meeting elected a new member of the Central Presidium, Chairman and General Secretary of the Supreme Soviet, Brezhnev."

   "Chairman of the Central Supervisory Committee, Secretary of the Central Committee, Comrade Andropov!"

"Comrade Suslov, Secretary of the Central Committee, Comrade Chernenko, Secretary of the Central Committee! Comrade Serov, Secretary of the Central Committee, General Political Commissar of National Security, Chairman of the National Security Committee, Comrade Ustinov, Minister of Defense, Secretary of the Central Committee. Foreign Minister Gromyko Comrade, First Secretary of the Moscow Municipal Committee Comrade Grishin, First Secretary of the Leningrad Municipal Committee Comrade Romanov, First Secretary of the Soviet City Committee Comrade Fortseva, First Secretary of the Kazakh Party Committee Comrade Kunayev. Council of Ministers Chairman Comrade Tykhonov and First Secretary of the Ukrainian Party Committee Comrade Shcherbitsky are members of the new Central Presidium."

   This meeting continued Brezhnev's established policy, from the 24th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union that the general crisis of capitalism "continues to deepen". The 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union reiterated the judgment of the 24th Congress, and further believed that "the myth that the current capitalism can avoid crises has gone bankrupt". This time, the 26th Congress of the CPSU believed that "the general crisis of capitalism has further intensified".

   In their remarks, members of the Central Presidium, including General Secretary Brezhnev, Andropov, Serov, Ustinov, and Gromyko, criticized the United States very directly. It seems that he was very dissatisfied with Reagan's Soviet attitude and took tit-for-tat measures. As the meeting continued, some countries exclaimed that the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union is intensifying, that there has never been such a direct expression of hostility between the two countries in a decade, the Cold War will enter a more intense stage, and so on.

Later, a dialogue between Serov and Ustinov was leaked, "The United States is a country on a marginal continent, and American intelligence can maintain its influence by provoking conflicts between countries in the Eurasian continent. Unfortunately, the center of mankind has not been able to challenge the Soviet Union at all. country, the Americans can't win against us."