Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 834: war in south asia

"The Cheka division, the KGB division, and the Greek troops are all on the line, and hold on to me until the last moment. We must let Ustinov remember this big exercise." Serov has no choice, he already knew his blue side The weak point is the Warsaw Pact coalition forces in the second echelon. This exercise is like a fight between the left hand and the right hand. Two people who know each other are fighting each other.

   Take off Sukhoi and MiG through the frontline airport to engage with the remaining air targets of the enemy, but they will definitely move forward at least 100 kilometers to prevent being attacked by friendly forces, and at the same time prevent NATO's air power from taking off. If possible, it is best to wipe out the NATO air force in the airfield.

After the Sukhoi and MiG fighters did not stop the NATO air force from taking off, and a group of enemy planes passed through the air iron curtain, the SAM missiles will destroy all air targets in the range of about 100 kilometers to 20 kilometers, no difference To strike an air target, the plane does not dare to approach it at all.

Under the guidance of radar, the anti-personnel barrage composed of anti-aircraft artillery will destroy all air targets in a specific airspace, such as an altitude of 1,000 to 3,000 meters, and within a range of 10 to 20 kilometers. The curtain, of course, can also use nuclear bombs for air defense. The Shilka River anti-aircraft vehicle, Tunguska portable ammunition, BTR cannons and the accompanying low-altitude air defense network composed of army aviation, the Red Army under the command of Ustinov, opened all preparations for a large and deep assault.

"Summon the airborne troops, conduct an airborne 100 kilometers behind the blue side, cut off the blue side's retreat route, wipe out the opponent, and end this exercise!" Marshal Ustinov began the final deployment to achieve this purpose of the exercise.

In the headquarters near Minsk, the atmosphere was not so optimistic. Ustinov withstood the continuous attacks of the blue side and successfully started all preparations for a large and deep assault. At this time, the red troops seemed to be together Sky high waves. In the face of this irresistible all-out attack, they have nothing to do. It's like watching yourself being crushed by a road roller but not moving. This is the overall movement of nearly 10,000 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and anti-aircraft tracked vehicles.

"It's not really surrounded, what are you afraid of? Continue to resist until all the participating units are eliminated. Hold on for as long as possible! In the end, we can still detonate the atomic bomb." The atomic bomb on the innermost side can only play a consoling role.

  The battle line between the two sides is hundreds of kilometers. What atomic bomb has such a large impact surface? Even the Great Ivan doesn't have the ability to make no grass grow within a hundred kilometers. It can be said that he can't do anything about it. He also understood that Ustinov hadn't used the Airborne Division yet, but he had no choice. He was inferior in strength and could only choose one side to attack with all his strength.

  In the Kremlin, Brezhnev, who was wearing a marshal's uniform, received a telegram from the blue side's headquarters, shook his head slightly, and said, "General Political Commissar Serov, ready to detonate twenty nuclear bombs, and die with the red side's troops."

"He can't do it. With our fully mechanized army, 20 nuclear bombs can completely break through, but it may lose about one-fifth of the force, but in this way, Lan Fang will also suffer a devastating blow." Deputy General Ahromeyev, the chief of the general staff, said, "In our army building idea, nuclear war is an option. damage."

   "Once we attack Western Europe, NATO's use of nuclear bombs to prevent us from advancing is a necessary consideration." Marshal Cuikov thought for a while and said, "Since the exercise has not set detailed restrictions, it is also possible to use nuclear bombs."

   Of course, it is impossible to use a real nuclear bomb. It is easy to use dozens of tons of high explosives to simulate the explosion of a nuclear bomb. Now the focus of the Western August 1st Exercise has become how many days can the Blue Army of the General Political Commissar last, and when will the simulated nuclear bomb be used?

   Nearly one million troops and tens of thousands of tanks fought on the Great Plains of Eastern Europe. For all military lovers, it was a feast. All kinds of keyboard politicians were dispatched one after another to point the country from the perspective of bystanders. Point at the strategy and deployment of the red team or the blue team without any psychological burden.

The military exercise using nearly one million troops, I dare not say that it must be unprecedented. There has never been such a large military exercise before this, plus the endless armored forces of the red side and the blue side are published in the newspapers, densely packed. The photos of tanks lined up together immediately attracted the attention of all military-related media.

  The ground power of the Soviet Union, which is terrifying at first glance, has become a topic of conversation for military enthusiasts from all over the world. But for the commander of NATO headquarters, this is not a talk, but a real threat.

   A heavy threat is like a boulder in the hearts of all NATO commanders. Although they don't really want to admit in their hearts, these NATO members really hope that the Blue Army will win. This is not a question of IQ, but a question of buttocks. But the evolution of the battlefield situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the blue side. After the red side's full-scale offensive is launched, the blue army immediately retreats, or it will end up being annihilated. This exercise is likely to be decided within a few days.

"In fact, the ground power of the Blue Army far exceeds the standards of our confrontation with the Warsaw Pact on the front line, and the strength of the Air Force is not much worse than ours, but it has only been five days, and signs of failure have already leaked. Optimistically speaking, it is only one-third of the Warsaw Pact on the opposite side, and in fact it has not yet, how can this be fought?" A Dutch commander asked a very sharp question, but no one came forward to answer it.

   "That's because the Soviet general political commissar is not a commander at all, he is just a spy." This retort was just raised, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room was quiet, and then they whispered to each other, what to do. They can't refute, otherwise they will lower their grades and appear incompetent.

Now that the war does not say that the front-line commander is completely useless, at least the professional staff team will balance the commander's independent decision, unless the staff officer next to Shelov is a decoration, otherwise it will not be as the person just said, the secret agent does not will fight. Then again, if it is really the plan made by the Soviet spy chief himself, it means that the spy is also fully qualified to be the commander, because except for a few people, most NATO commanders think that the Blue Army is already very good.

   If the obviously strengthened Blues are not Ustinov's opponent, then NATO is not the Soviet Union's opponent. It is impossible to clean up a single country in the Soviet Union, not to mention that the Soviet Union also has the support of a group of supporters. Although there is no strong country, they are not easy to deal with, not to mention that the Soviet Union is still the leader of the Yaan system.

   The qualified commander in NATO's mouth is now almost stuffing his head in his crotch. Ustinov came over like a giant wave. No one knew how many days the Blues could support. However, his depression was not as severe as others thought. Could it be that he had to hang himself if he lost an exercise? The opponent was the Minister of Defense and he was the chief political commissar. If the General Political Commissar really won, the Minister of Defense should hang himself.

   "Chairman, eat something, you have to think about the solution slowly!" Little Valya walked in with the food to persuade.

   She thought that her boss was distressed by the unfavorable situation, but it was not the case at all. Sheloff smiled and accepted the secretary's kindness, stretched out his hand to take over the table, and touched the smooth back of the girl's hand, um, the skin is very good...

Without moving the food delivered, the always optimistic general political commissar directly pulled the girl over, let the girl sit on his lap, and hugged little Valiya's bumpy body and said, "Now I understand better that NATO thinks of the Warsaw Pact. The thoughts when attacking, so not only is the mood not bad, on the contrary, it is quite good.”

You must know that the blue side under the command of Serov is playing the role of NATO. This big exercise is equivalent to a simulation of a confrontation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It is very unfortunate that if the general political commissar who knows the Soviet Union very well cannot win the defense minister, then NATO can't win either. Many people just think that the economies of the United States and Western Europe are stronger than the Warsaw Pact, so once the tank army accumulated by the Soviet Union falls into a protracted war, the American industry will go all out and win sooner or later.

   The question is will it fall into a protracted war? Western Europe is the Great Plains. And in these people's arguments, they often compare the American and Soviet industries during World War II, as if the world will never change, ignoring the fact that the Soviet Union lost important industrial areas at the beginning of the war. But the actual situation is that the Soviet Union has surpassed the United States since the 1970s in most of the important industries simply compared to industry, but it is true that the gap has always been obvious in agriculture.

  The industry of the United States and Western Europe is higher than that of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, but the problem is that the Soviet Union is part of Europe, and the United States and Western Europe are separated by an Atlantic Ocean. The Soviet Union not only has geographical advantages, but also armament advantages and industrial advantages.

   "I'll stick to it until the last moment, so that I know what the real war will look like." Sherov lowered his head and sniffed the girl's body, and said with a smile, "In this way, I will judge more accurately in the future."

In far-flung South Asia, it was midnight. An order was issued from New Delhi. It quickly passed through all levels of command and reached the border between India and Pakistan. Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi gave an order that the Indian army on the western front crossed the border and attacked Pakistan. …

  The war broke out suddenly at midnight. The deployment of the Indian army has always been divided into two directions, and the main force is already very close to the border, posing a direct threat to Pakistan, so once the operational order is issued, the Indian army can quickly cross the border.