Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 854: Falklands Prelude

   The leader is still here, more than anything. Although Brezhnev has indeed considered his future problems in his mind, at this moment, he is still not ready to voluntarily give up the position of general secretary. He wanted the people of the Soviet Union to know that the country was still under his leadership and had reached the peak of its history.

   There has never been such a powerful period in the history of Russia, never before. A great country and a great leader are one body. This is Brezhnev's idea. Whether it is a friend of the Soviet Union or an enemy of the Soviet Union, he wants everyone to know that he is still here and not to blame the Soviet Union. .

   "However, the temperature of the October Revolution will be very cold!" Chernenko's meaning is obvious, Brezhnev is not young anymore.

   "I am the general secretary, and this is my responsibility." Brezhnev's expression remained unchanged, and he did not listen to Chernenko's bluntness.

   "I saw a lot of problems, but this is not a reason for the disintegration." By 1982, Serov felt that he should have seen how serious the problems of the Soviet Union were. The external environment of the Soviet Union has undergone great changes, which are very different from those in history, but the internal environment remains the same. The same old people are in control of the situation, and those people are still in power. No matter what, some problems should arise.

   But the problem that the General Political Commissar saw was not the reason why the Soviet Union had to disintegrate, but at best the reason why it could not defeat the United States. If the standard is only in 1982, this year's Soviet Union and the United States are not significantly different, the Soviet Union's central presidium is already aging, but Reagan's early Alzheimer's patient is also a rare old American president.

   No reform can take effect immediately. This is the law, and Reagan could not violate this law. Just like Serov couldn't give an order, all the Soviets were possessed by communism, and all the indicators of the Soviet Union were crushed by the United States.

   But one thing, Serov will adjust now, he can adjust now from Lubyanka. The KGB's world strategy, a country's intelligence department formulating a strategic plan, sounds like a bit of bragging, but the Soviet Union is like this, and the KGB's strategy is to serve the Soviet Union.

"According to the spirit of the Central Committee, all security and internal affairs cadres at all levels should understand that both ourselves and our enemies are undergoing a round of adjustments. They are preparing for the next round of confrontation without saying anything, so some foreign policy And the plan, as our department, the department that is confronting the United States at this moment, should respond flexibly according to the changes of facts anytime and anywhere!" Taking off his blue big-brimmed hat, Serov emphasized word by word, "Intelligence work cannot only be It is defensive, and more importantly, offensive, even if it is defensive, it is offensive defense.”

  The KGB's offensive strategy includes any country on earth, any nation, regardless of the opponent's ideological and political structure, without exception. Manipulation and control, armed subversion, the work of the CIA, the KGB is doing, and the KGB is also doing things outside the CIA's mandate, because the KGB is a comprehensive intelligence department.

"Put up your ears and listen, I'll just say a few simple questions. I can talk about the British Expeditionary Force later. Now let's talk about the big frame!" The preparation time for the Falklands War came later than in history. It may be because the strength of the Soviet Union has increased greatly. The United States does not want the United Kingdom to go all the way to war in Latin America at this time, but it seems that Reagan’s mediation failed. Although it was a few months late, the United Kingdom still began to prepare for war.

Britain's war preparations are underway, Serov will talk about this at the end, at this time he is talking about his own strategic plan, "North Atlantic Treaty Organization is our primary target, for our intelligence adjustment, three important cities must be carried out. Adjust!" The three important cities in his mouth are Vienna, Berlin and Rome.

  The KGB's intelligence work on Western Europe is dominated by industrial intelligence. Of course, under normal circumstances, the KGB will not use the Soviet Union's own people, because the target is too large, it is obviously easier to use the Germans and Czechs. Berlin and Vienna, in the eyes of the KGB, are equivalent to a launcher, without which missiles cannot take off.

The entire Federal Republic of Germany has more than 20,000 informants from the KGB and the Stasi, more than 10,000 in France, and 10,000 in Italy. Of course, most of these people do not know that they are spies, and it is because of the ratio of men to women in the Soviet Union. question. Therefore, there have been many transnational marriages, and active recruitment of Soviet spouses abroad to serve the Soviet Union is also a routine method.

   Furthermore, it is to control the topographic and hydrological data of the entire Western Europe in detail, conduct surveys along the way, and prepare for the westward advance of the Soviet army. Once the Warsaw Pact army starts, the fastest route with the highest success rate has always been the key area of ​​KGB work. The hydrological data and throughput of major ports in Western Europe were also important factors for the Soviet Union to consider. The most vulnerable navy in the Warsaw Pact, and the army has an absolute advantage over NATO. How to prevent the United States' transoceanic assistance is a factor that must be considered during the war.

"In Asia, for a long time we have used Tokyo, Bangkok and Jakarta as the main locations for our activities. The only difficult place is the British colonies, because they have no diplomatic relations with us, so we can't get first-hand information nearby, but in today's era It has changed, the significance of the British Pearl has disappeared, and we can directly enter China.” Shelov said silently, “Geographically, we should enter the north, but in fact, compared with the difficulty of work, it is actually the most cost-effective. It should be a coastal city, these are the few cities I have delineated."

   "Immediately preparing to set up a joint venture with Singaporeans, approving all the funding applications from the Singapore embassy, ​​and the scale of 350 people. Although this country is very annoying, it has a huge effect on us."

   All the embassies of the Soviet Union abroad have a large number of people, and it is normal to have more than 100 people. The embassies in all Southeast Asian countries are in the scale of three or four hundred people. No matter whether the country is pro-Soviet or pro-American, large or small, large or small, the Soviet Union treats them equally.

This situation does not only exist in Southeast Asia. For any country, as long as it has diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, usually the Soviet Union has the largest embassy in this country, and absolutely does not hire locals. The chefs and logistics personnel are all hired from Moscow. The Soviet Union The embassy in Thailand consists of 25 diplomats with a standard configuration of nearly 300 people. Even the Soviet embassy in Bolivia has more than 500 people.

  It is also for this reason that the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the same status as the KGB and the Ministry of Defense, becoming the three major departments directly responsible to the general secretary. Foreign Minister Gromyko also became a member of the Soviet Central Presidium.

"Finally I will mention Latin America, Latin America is America's backyard, Americans think so, and Latin Americans know this reality, and who least wants a great power there, of course Americans. Americans know the future of Latin America America has its own great power, which is a direct threat to the United States. Americans understand it, and we understand it. Latin America has long been a volcanic zone of revolution, a continent in turmoil, it has huge resources, but two hundred million Yet three-quarters of the population live a very miserable life, rushing to work like serfs, 70 million people have no savings for even a month's salary, 100 million people are illiterate, 100 million people have no medicine, 100 million people Fifty million people are undernourished and on the verge of starvation, so even if we don’t use a lot of power in Latin America, the socialist movement there is still thriving.” Serov finally spoke of Latin America and held out his finger. Dao said, "I put this issue together with the issue of the formation of the British expeditionary force, the revolutionary nature of the Latin American stage of existence."

“The Peruvian peasants munching on coca leaves and feeding on rats, the Uruguayan miners crawling in the mines, the destitute Brazilian peasants, and the students executed by the Paraguayan junta. For a long time Latin America’s economy was dominated by Americans In the hands of the people, this situation has existed for more than half a century."

"The United Kingdom is organizing an expeditionary force. This is a good opportunity to inspire unity in Latin America. We should support the Argentines to abolish this unequal treaty. Give the Argentines the courage to fight against the United Kingdom." Sheloff narrowed his eyes and said, "We happen to be in Chile. I've stocked up some interesting stuff before, and this time I'm giving it to the British. It's a hello to Mrs Thatcher."

"Comrade Chebrikov, I'll leave the affairs of South America to you, keep the information unobstructed, and let's see how capable the British are." Serov nodded meaningfully, he was looking forward to the Falklands War. .

Argentina's inflation rate is as high as 600%, its GDP has dropped by 10%, and its manufacturing output has dropped by a quarter; The government is spurned and hated by the people. In the face of serious domestic economic and human rights issues, Galtieri chose to divert the public's spotlight with what he saw as a clean-cut Falklands campaign.

Does the military government always want to establish its own authority through war and live to support it? Wasn’t the Greek military government also working on this idea ten years ago? If it wasn’t for Serov, he would have been waiting for the opportunity to open up the sea outlet to the Mediterranean Sea. , the fate of Greece will be very tragic, this time Galtieri is just like the military governments of various countries, transferring the crisis. Anyway, the Falklands are very far away from the British mainland, and they have not found any value worth fighting for. The British may not do it.