Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 874: Comintern founded

  China no longer has the morality to find trouble with the Soviet Union. At least for the name of Soviet revisionism, the Soviet Union is no longer the most suitable country. It is not the 1950s and 1960s, and China no longer has prestige. So what to worry about? Naturally, the Soviet Union was the first socialist country, which no one can deny.

   Is there a communist leader with more prestige than the Soviet leader in the world today? Yes, Castro of Cuba, but Cuba is on the front line against the United States and will not pose a threat to Soviet leadership. Therefore, a country that threatens the leadership of the Soviet Union means that there is no country. If there is no country, what are you afraid of?

   Afraid of another country accusing the Soviet Union of not being socialist enough? The Nordic countries can compete with the Soviet Union in terms of welfare, but unfortunately they belong to the Socialist International, and there is no reason to blame the leaders of the Comintern.

   Even twenty years ago, China's strength was far from enough. It is entirely the personal prestige of the leader that can make the Soviet Union look ashamed. The Soviet Union has never been more afraid of China than the powerful Soviet Union. On the contrary, in the ideological field, the Soviet Union at that time did not have a good way to challenge the challenger, and now these factors have disappeared.

  The reservations of Italy and France were quickly squeezed into the corner by one-sided support. Support and solidarity for the Soviet Union appeared in the Soviet news network at night, and every Soviet person saw it on live TV. Communists from all over the world strongly hope that the Soviet Union should shoulder international responsibilities and lead the international communist movement.

   "The Comintern? Your Central Presidium actually wants to revive this organization? But isn't this what you have always thought?" Valiya said with a smile, "When was the Nine Nations Intelligence Agency established?"

   "If there was a Comintern, there would be no need to set up the Nine Nations Intelligence Bureau!" Shelov opened the blueprint, which was a blueprint for the Comintern building. The original Comintern headquarters, the Comintern Building, is located on the east side of the National Lenin Library and the west side of the Alexander Garden. On the north side of the building is Manerz Square, on the west side on Mokhov Boulevard, and on the east side on Manezh Street.

   Liux Hotel, equivalent to the guest house of the Comintern, where most of the members of foreign delegations to the Comintern lived here. Opposite the Liux Hotel is the Union Hotel, which also provides accommodation for Comintern staff.

   The Comintern Building is no longer suitable for the headquarters of the Comintern, because the number of Communist Parties and Communist Party members in the world in the 1930s was completely disproportionate to today. Even if the original Comintern building was rebuilt, it would not be enough for the representatives of the Communist Party of the world to live in Moscow.

   The new Comintern building must be built, and it cannot be lost to the Kremlin. In this way, it proved to communists around the world that the Soviet Union still supported the international movement and concealed its true idea of ​​establishing communism in its own country.

  There is really such a place around the Kremlin, the Moscow swimming pool, the original symbol of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, yes, the cathedral that Stalin ordered to blow up.

  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia rebuilt the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. How could the General Political Commissar accept that such a thing would happen, either the Palace of the Soviets or the Comintern Building would be built there. Anyway, it can't be left blank. It is necessary to cut off the thoughts of those religious people and let them say goodbye to their religious traditions.

   Make the city better, more beautiful, and no doubt grander. This is the change that Stalin brought to the Soviet Union after he became general secretary. Any large-scale building under construction is designed with the commemoration of the heroic war years and the achievements of the people in the anti-fascist struggle. For majestic form, exaggerated representation, tending to palace-like grandeur, and even luxury. It must borrow from neoclassical art and incorporate the national style of the Soviet Union. This is the case with the Moscow Metro and the Palace of the Soviets. The same goes for the Comintern.

"Not bad, this money is paid by the KGB? You know that the whole country is anti-slacking, and the country is not afraid of causing dissatisfaction with so much money?" Valiya tilted her head and glanced at her husband with a blink of an eye. .

   "Catch more fines for workers who slack off, plus the illicit money collected from cadres as expenses. How can I expect the KGB to do it? The KGB is not a construction worker!" When he heard the money, the General Political Commissar immediately became selfless. How can it be possible for individuals to pay for the affairs of the country, but from the standards on the design drawings, it seems that this cost will not be small, "How about I donate next month's salary and play a leading role."

Valiya pouted, the number one greedy didn't show her demeanor at all at this time, which made her a woman who couldn't stand it anymore. She was obviously a ruthless spy chief who always showed the appearance of a communist revolutionary. look.

The news that the Comintern was about to be established soon spread all over the world through reports from reporters waiting outside the Kremlin, which of course again aroused strong dissatisfaction in the United States, accusing the Soviet Union of once again trying to subvert the free world by remotely controlling the communist parties of various countries. of sinister intentions. The Soviet Union immediately counterattacked, saying that the Soviet Union's move was just a counterattack against the establishment of the International Democratic Alliance by the United States. As for the Soviet Union's popularity, it can only prove that the people's eyes are sharp.

   It is not that the Soviet Union has to be the leader, but the Communists of all countries in the world have chosen the Soviet Union to be the leader.

“To accuse the founding of the Comintern of subverting the United States is as ludicrous as to accuse the Soviet Union of starting the Cold War. The International League for Democracy, which was clearly hostile to the Communist Party and the Socialists, now in turn accuses the party unity of the working class? This imperialism The logic is so skillful."

  The conference was held again when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in the Nth mouth cannon war this year. One day will not discuss any actual results at all. One word from each of the more than 100 socialist parties can make the day pass immediately. Yesterday, it was just some political parties expressing their opinions, and it has not entered the actual field.

   On the third day, I barely got to the point and started to negotiate some practical issues. For example, the construction of the headquarters, as well as the organization of the Comintern, the process of regular communication, and so on. In the past two days, the Western European Parliamentary Struggle, represented by the Italian Communist Party and the French Communist Party, was already in a state of being an audience member.

"In all countries where the communists cannot work openly due to martial law or special decrees, it is absolutely necessary to combine open and secret work. In Europe and the United States, the class struggle has almost entered the stage of civil war. In this case The Communists cannot rely on the bourgeois legal system. They must establish parallel secret institutions everywhere in order to help the party carry out its revolutionary duties at the decisive moment.” Serov emphasized, “In some countries the methods of repression are more direct and more direct. Immoral, and the comrades of the Argentine Communist Party have the most say."

  The representative of the Argentine Communist Party nodded. Since the defeat of the Falklands War, many viciousness of the military government's secret arrest and interrogation of the Argentine workers' forces have been exposed. Border disputes between the two countries were resolved, and relations with the Soviet Union improved. But the Argentine Communist Party will not forget so quickly how the military government treated them in the first place.

   There must be a systematic and systematic agitation work in the countryside. If the working class cannot gain the support of even some peasants and poor peasants, and cannot use its policies to neutralize some other rural residents, it cannot consolidate its victory. In the present period, the work of the Communist Party in the countryside is of paramount importance. This work should be carried out mainly through revolutionary workers' Communists who have links with the countryside. To abandon this work is to abandon the proletarian revolution.

  The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Parties of various countries decided to keep most of the original provisions of the Comintern,

"Even we did not expect that the Comintern still exists in the hearts of comrades from so many countries, and that the international spirit called for by the Comintern still has such a strong vitality." Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, said in a subsequent speech Said, "The resurrection of the Comintern today is not because the Soviet Union wants to control the Communist parties of other countries. It is about uniting the forces belonging to the workers and peasants, supporting each other, and under the inspiration of internationalism, improving the treatment of workers and peasants, so that the world can More equality, and make ordinary people more dignified."

"Until true equality has come, and until the due rights and interests belonging to the workers and peasants are taken back, this struggle will never stop!" Chernenko said, "The Comintern is voluntary and will not Coercion on any member. Of course we will ensure the issue of unity with wider cooperation and open discussion within the framework of democratic centralism."

"As a member of the Communist International, we in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union believe that sooner or later we will see the day when classes will be eliminated, and victory will surely belong to the great Communist International." Serov raised his right hand and clenched his fist and swore, "Proletarians of the world , unite..."

   "The proletarians of the world unite!" In the Kremlin auditorium, Communist Party members from various countries swore an oath in their own language. At the same time announced the establishment of the highest leading organ of the Communist International, the World Congress. And the establishment of the Red Trade Union International, the Youth Communist International and other subordinate organizations.

  France, Italy, and China became observers of the Comintern, and more than 150 other political parties announced their participation in the Comintern on the same day. On May 5, the Communist Youth League Pravda published the news of the establishment of the Comintern in a large page.