Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 899: School bus in front of headquarters

   The process of these months has allowed Shelov to verify his guess. Given the current situation on both sides, the United States has nothing to do with the Soviet Union, although the United States caused the Soviet Union a little setback after the strategic counter-offensive. But overall, there was no such avalanche danger that the Soviet Union was in a step backwards.

   During the war and confrontation, the enemy launched a violent counterattack. Appropriate strategic contraction is very normal. After the Vietnam War, the United States was like this, but Ge Tutu can turn the strategic contraction into a strategic avalanche. He is also really a talent.

   "It's only September, and sooner or later, it's a little cooler. No wonder so many people go abroad to Indonesia and Thailand every winter." Touching his familiar seat, Serov sighed very much. Lubyanka KGB headquarters still retains his chairman's office, and the general secretary will come back when there is nothing.

   To say that there is something different recently, that is, the Central Presidium was relatively deserted during the meeting. Needless to say, Chernenko has almost been unable to participate in the meeting, and only reserved a nominal seat. What is more surprising is that Marshal Ustinov, the Minister of Defense, has also begun to deal with the hospital.

If Serov remembers correctly, Marshal Ustinov has always been in good health. It seems that he is still in front of Chernenko, the leader of the three major departments in the Brezhnev era, and only Gromyko is alive. several years.

   The recent general secretary was quite proud. He used the Olympic Games to give Reagan an eyedropper. The old men in China are about to be defeated by time. From both inside and outside, he is approaching victory step by step. This time is not happy, when is it proud? This is not a good situation, but a good one...

The upsurge of    International Democracy Games has just passed. Moscow, which has held two consecutive World Games, has also become the pride of the capital’s citizens. There are still discussions about the Games in the streets. And of course there is talk of the Soviet Union building its own strategic missile defense system.

Of course   cents exist in the Soviet Union, but it has to be said that the Soviets of this era are patriotic, not to mention that the KGB will come to the door for reactionary remarks, so these bad elements who curse the country can only hide in a place where there are only mice and whisper.

More people are gratified that the country has responded to the challenges of the United States head-on. Of course, ordinary people hope that their country will be as strong as possible. In addition to the strong style of the anti-revolutionary workers, the good impression of the new general secretary is also related to the social atmosphere. The reversal, the establishment and work of the Anti-Sabotage Committee, although the handling method is too one-size-fits-all, it is indeed the fastest way to deter the bad atmosphere. Such a quick effect can naturally make everyone feel it.

   Police means cannot solve all problems, but as long as some problems are solved well, people will naturally have hope in their hearts. As long as a good change can be felt, even if the problem is far from being completely solved, it is easy to be championed.

   Shelov believes that it is not difficult to win the support of the Soviets. Even after Ge Map took office, he can do it every year. There is no reason why he can't. The feedback from the KGB's Internal Defense and Espionage Bureau also proves this.

   "What a nice weather!" Serov, who watched the security report, was intoxicated, the superpower was under his control.

   When school is over at noon, the whole streets and alleys are instantly lively. Schools in the Soviet Union are basically the same as factories in the Soviet Union. Don't expect teachers and students to stay at the school for an extra minute. Working time is working time, and the state has no right to take one more minute of their private time. Workers who don’t sleep and eat, of course, exist, but they are not as common as when the People’s Republic of China was founded, and students leave school in military-style school uniforms and maid uniforms.

   "This is the capital of a superpower, and that's what it looks like." Near the gate of a high school, a dozen middle-aged men looked at these Soviet students who had just left school with hatred and a bit of lewdness.

   "These infidels will end up in **** in the end." They have traveled thousands of miles from Bulgaria to enter the country, and they have long since given up their lives and come to the Soviet Union with mortal hearts to take revenge.

   Originally, they wanted to directly capture a school, but after the inspection, they gave up this idea. The Soviet schools are directly under the protection of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the security personnel of all schools have weapons. Directly attacking the school may not achieve the goal. I heard that this was ordered by the head of the evil secret police.

  Then they can only narrow down the target. After observation, these people found that the school bus is a good target. The KGB logo above was scary at first, but the bus driver was unarmed and would not be an obstacle.

  As the school bus started, these militants who were hiding nearby were masked almost at the same time and followed by driving their cars.

  Arrived at a section of road without police, and the militants behind him suddenly accelerated and hit the school bus. Seeing this scene, the driver took the bus elsewhere to avoid. But before he finished speaking, he only felt a huge force rising from the bottom of the car, even wearing thick military boots could feel the majestic and hot force. He only felt that the world in front of him seemed to be spinning. There was a feeling of being held up to the sky and then being slammed to the ground. When the spine and left hand fell, they were hit hard. The ears are full of buzzing.

"Dare to hit the school bus, do you know that the school bus is under the supervision of the KGB?" go. For the safety of the screaming children on the school bus, the driver stopped the car and waited for the police to deal with it.

   However, this normal thought was taken advantage of, and the other two cars quickly followed and surrounded the school bus. The bus driver was shot, and thirty-three schools were kidnapped, and the bus rampaged away from here.

The crowd around    immediately called the police, and then stepped forward to rescue the driver who was shot dead. The scene fell into chaos. It took less than 120 seconds from the start to the successful kidnapping, and there was only one dead driver left at the scene.

  The news went directly from the Internal Affairs Bureau to the General Directorate of Internal Affairs, and soon to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB headquarters in Lubyanka.

   "What? There's a kidnapping case in the capital?" Serov, who was still intoxicated, stood up suddenly and looked out the window meaninglessly. From the report, he still doesn't know what happened, but the kidnapping case in the capital is only the most optimistic guess. It is not like a kidnapping case, but a case with obvious purpose, which is likely to be directed at the Soviet Union.

"If there is such a case in the capital, find me where the school bus is immediately?" Serov, who was slapped in the face, immediately issued a death order. He did not believe that the KGB couldn't even do such trivial things. This is the capital, the Soviet security forces. In the most powerful places, the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have 100,000 police forces that can be deployed.

   The general secretary, who felt good about himself, just started to be intoxicated, and was immediately slapped. This embarrassing feeling is no longer the most important thing, and these people cannot be let out of Moscow. Soon all the main roads in and out of Moscow were blocked, and KGB anti-rebel workers personally set up the blockade on the road.

  A gunship appeared over Moscow to search from the air, and the General Bureau of Surveillance and Investigation turned on the monitoring equipment to find the school bus number. All school buses, no matter what model, have receivers set up by the KGB inside. The school bus was quickly found...

   "Don't look for it, the school bus is coming towards Lubyanka." General Chebrikov whispered, "They are coming for us!"

   Serov stared blankly at General Chebrikov, his face became very terrifying, he gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Have the guts..."

Although he still doesn't know who led this operation and which country the armed men came from, since the destination is Lubyanka, it must be aimed at the Soviet security agencies, or directly at him. Who doesn't know that the current general secretary has been the chairman of the National Security Council for a long time?

  Twelve militants armed with guns and ordered the students not to move. During the whole process, they kept silent and went straight to Lubyanka with expressionless faces. Their relatives had already died at the hands of the Soviet Union. The militants who bear the hatred of the country and the family have been exposed to hatred since childhood. They are not afraid of death, but they must take revenge...

Under the surveillance of KGB anti-rebel workers along the way, the kidnapped school bus appeared in Lubyanka Square, in front of the headquarters of the Soviet security agency, less than 200 meters away from the statue of Dzerzhinsky. stop.

   Almost at the same time, anti-revolutionary workers, internal affairs police, and security advisors in various military uniforms appeared like a tide from all directions. There were at least nearly 10,000 people, and everyone looked at the school bus in front of them with indifferent eyes.

"I hope you understand where this is, no matter where you come from, what purpose you have, and don't bring disaster to your country!" KGB vice-chairman Zweigong shouted with a loudspeaker, "You are provoking someone who can't be provoked. It's good for us all to stop this dance on a nuclear bomb."

In Serov's binoculars, the terrified expressions of the children were all in sight, and the general secretary with a grim expression said in a low voice, "No, there are too many armed men in the car, and there are children as cover, and it is impossible to kill them in one shot. "

He also saw the despairing expressions of these children, but he had no choice but to be anxious. "As long as the other party negotiates the conditions, we can temporarily agree, focusing on the safety of the children." Even if the agreement is temporary, he is looking for opportunities. , at least take some time out and let the people at the headquarters designate a rescue plan.