Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 919: hit the bottom

   "We will never give up any of our brothers in Latin America, we cannot always live in the shadow of imperialism." Cuban leader Castro called on the progressive forces of the world to help Nicaragua resist US subversion.

   Soon Cuba sent a delegation to Moscow to seek help from the Soviet Union. In real history, this should have been the stage of the Soviet Union's strategic contraction, and Cuba's efforts still cannot change the fact that the Soviet Union is retreating.

Serov met with the Cuban delegation in the Kremlin. Raul Castro, the second-ranking figure in Cuba, came here. More than 20 years ago, Raul Castro and Che Guevara came to Moscow, and let Khrushcho come here. Husband's determination to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba resulted in the most intense confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States to date.

"We will not give up Nicaragua, and we also recognize Cuba's position, but under the current situation, we can only do this step. I hope Cuba can rest assured that Moscow will definitely support the current government of Nicaragua. How long does Washington want to fight? Just play with them for as long as possible." Shelov gave Cuba a reassurance, but the Soviet Union could only do so much.

   Expanding the scale of the conflict will only allow the United States to tear its face and directly intervene, or should I go directly to the Soviet army to help Nicaragua settle the situation? The Cuban comrade came late. He should have come on the day of the Russian New Year. The general secretary on that day even dared to formulate a plan to attack Europe. Maybe he would agree to it in a flash, but now, the general secretary is not drinking.

   was originally in Serov's heart, giving up Nicaragua at the right time and letting Reagan taste the sweetness. But now he has changed his mind again under the persuasion of Cuba, why should he give up? Isn't his plan to take the United States away in one wave? Still playing that kind of strategic game of offense and defense, and dawdling with the United States for decades?

"I still think that we have a great advantage. The next few years will be decisive years!" After the Cuban delegation left, Serov explained at the Central Bureau meeting why he insisted on acting as a proxy in Central America and the United States war.

"The entire Eurasian continent is in our hands, from the Arctic Circle to the Persian Gulf, the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, countries have broad and solid alliances, the central continent of world civilization, more than half of the world's population, and massive resources. The U.S. has a greater advantage, and in this case, we can certainly meditate and not be fooled by the false prosperity of the United States.”

   "With the support of so many countries, we are bound to win. This is the reason for us to persevere. However, it is not enough for only one country. We must give full play to our advantages, that is, collective strength."

The capitalist class is far easier to unite than the proletariat, but the proletariat is far more numerous than the bourgeoisie. The advantage for Serov is that the Soviet Union is the first socialist country in the world. At the same time, the Soviet Union still has such an organization, that is, the Comintern. With the Comintern in hand, Serov can organize an international column to support the civil war in Nicaragua. .

"Inform the Comintern to express concern about Nicaragua being bullied by imperialism. Comrade Ligachev..." Serov handed the matter over to Ligachev, "to put pressure on the International Court of Justice in The Hague, should the US blockade of Nicaragua be appropriate? The verdict?"

Nicaragua submitted a petition to the International Court of Justice against the US government for instructing US soldiers and nationals of Latin American countries to mine Nicaraguan ports, destroy Nicaragua's oil facilities and naval bases, violate Nicaragua's airspace sovereignty, and organize and finance anti-government groups in Nicaragua. and paramilitary actions. The case is still pending...

  The Hague International Court is of course nothing to the United States and the Soviet Union. Of course, any international organization has a certain position. The problem is that the United States has a hard fist, and the Soviet Union’s fist is not soft. The Soviet Union is not Russia, it is the leader of the socialist camp, the leader of dozens of countries, and the master of Eurasia.

Serov is not worried at all about the outcome of the Nicaragua arbitration. This is very obvious. It is the bullying of a third world country by an imperialist. The United States mines Nicaragua's ports. It is no different from direct aggression. It is so obvious that even if the judge has no conscience, he knows how to make a judgment. Under the circumstance that the Lian Ge map has already kneeled and licked Reagan, the historical verdict is still very unfavorable to the United States, let alone now?

Regarding the Nicaragua issue, the Soviet Union started to fight back through two lines. The first was to contact the Communist parties around the world through the Comintern to create momentum to win sympathy for Nicaragua. The second was to exert pressure on the International Court of Justice in The Hague and use legal means to isolate the US International Environment.

  At the same time, the military support for Nicaragua cannot be interrupted. On these three fronts, the Soviet Union began to respond to the United States. The Nicaragua issue has become a new round of hot spots in the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union just started this year.

Reagan was acutely aware that the storm was accumulating, and decided to preempt it. At the UN meeting, the US ambassador to the UN was about to inform the UN Secretary-General that the US statement after World War II to accept the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice would not be accepted within two years. Applicable to "disputes with any Central American country or disputes arising out of or in connection with events in Central America," the notice, effective immediately, excludes the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice over the United States.

"This is imperialist logic, and international law cannot govern the United States. This attitude is a trampling on the forces of justice in the international community. This kind of behavior by the United States is draining the American countries themselves, which do not have much favoritism for the United States." The Soviet ambassador to the United Nations was gloomy. Said, "In recent years, the United States has become a problem for the whole world. I have to say, can't the United States be quieter?"

   "In terms of disrespect to the international community, is there a more obvious act of the Soviet Union's undeclared war against Turkey?" The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations also retorted bluntly, "Nicaragua poses a threat to the national security of the United States."

   "The Soviet Union accepted Greece's request for help before upholding justice to prevent Greece from being invaded by Turkey!" The Soviet ambassador to the United Nations nodded to the Greek representative, and then said noncommittally, "As for Nicaragua's threat to the United States, are you fooling the child?"

  The ambassadors of the United States and the Soviet Union once again used the United Nations as the stage for a war of words, evenly divided. In another battlefield, the International Court of Justice, the United States has come under unprecedented pressure. The trial of the Nicaragua issue has been very unfavorable to the United States from the very beginning. The International Court of Justice passed temporary measures to protect Nicaragua, and voted to ask the United States to immediately stop mines in Nicaragua ports. . The results of the vote concluded that Nicaragua's political independence and sovereignty "should be fully respected and not endangered by any military or paramilitary act"

"Nicaragua is already a puppet state of the Soviet Union. This is a confrontation between justice and evil. The United States will not accept this ruling. At the same time, it believes that the International Court of Justice has become an international anti-American tool like some international organizations. We have decided to withdraw from the International Court of Justice. Arbitration!" said a State Department spokesman, "We hope that the International Court of Justice does not follow the path of other international organizations that are politicized and opposed to the interests of Western democracies."

  In the office of the General Secretary of the Kremlin, Serov lay down in a very dignified Hawking manner, drooping his eyelids and listening to the ruling on the Nicaragua issue. He was not surprised by the reaction of the United States. Who would really respect the International Court of Justice? Even Russia dares not to implement the relevant ruling, it is still the Russia of the Khitans. Not to mention America, which still feels good about itself.

"The United States has withdrawn from the International Court of Justice, and a steady stream of support is still entering Nicaragua. We even seized the latest American sniper rifles." General Bobkov, the first vice chairman of the KGB, sighed. The United States is obviously against the International Court of Justice. Regardless, the current government of Nicaragua must be overthrown.

"When will the International Court of Justice administer justice? What a joke!" The general secretary who maintained Hawking's bed yawned, "Freedom? That's just the right of the United States to judge other countries freely. On the contrary, those American countries cannot be free. The choice is to be pro-American or pro-Soviet, that's Reagan's freedom."

Reagan's thinking was different from that of previous US presidents, and even went further than those anti-Soviet presidents. The average American president was still concerned about the conflict between his own thoughts and international interests. America is noble, making decisions aimed at defeating communism, sometimes not in America's interests. I don't know if it's really Alzheimer's starting to attack!

In later generations, the United States and the world praised Reagan, but it was a shameless praise of a group of imperial literati who crossed the river with a basket under the condition that the Cold War and the defeat were already determined. Otherwise, the US$800 billion deficit created by Reagan. The president has been on for a while. But it's very good, Serov needs this kind of guy who is anti-Soviet and obsessed...

"Reagan wants to fight? Very good, but the war to support Nicaragua is not our own business. We should call on all socialist countries to share it. After all, the cost of our aid is greater than that of the United States!" This is relative, in fact, the United States The total amount of aid was several times that of the Soviet Union.

   The problem is that even if the exchange ratio looks so good, the general secretary does not want the Soviet Union to pay the money by itself. Since it is an internationalist behavior, the Soviet Union cannot afford to fight against the United States in order to uphold justice. Is this the confrontation between the entire socialist camp and the United States? Why not confront the capitalist camp? Because American mines have also blown up British and French ships over the past year.

   "Then we will fight them to the end!" General Bobkov thought for a while, but did not mention the idea of ​​forming an international column.