Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 988: United Nations resolution

The    Offenburg chemical weapons depot bombing was an almost fatal blow to the Federal Republic of Germany. Forty years of repentance after the war were ruined, and the psychological trauma to the German people was equally severe. It is unacceptable when a government has been educating the people to repent for 40 years, but suddenly it has been preparing for war.

After this blow to the Federal Republic of Germany, the impact on the hearts of Americans was even greater than that of the U.S. stock market crash. The explosion of the chemical arsenal not only killed more than 20,000 people in the small town of Offenburg, but also took 40 years to build. rising national identity.

   However, even so, the Soviet Union, or Serov, could not spare Germany. The Soviet Union, the GDR, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania and Greece, a total of 11 countries jointly issued a joint communiqué, asking the Federal Republic of Germany and NATO to explain.

"A wide-ranging investigation team is necessary to conduct a thorough inventory of the Federal Republic of Germany. Our eleven countries are not consulting the Federal Republic of Germany or any other country involved, but the Federal Republic of Germany must do so. There is no room for negotiation on this matter. !" The editorial of the Komsomolskaya Pravda was full of threats.

  There were several important battlefields in World War II, but no one doubts the decisive role of the European battlefield. To be precise, the victory or defeat of the Eastern Front in the European battlefield determines the direction of the world war. As the main battlefield, Eastern Europe has suffered the most serious damage. Now all Eastern European countries have expressed their position on this matter, causing almost all countries to experience a tragic World War II.

   These eleven countries are the most core forces in the Soviet bloc. Except for Finland, all of them have joined the Warsaw Pact. At the same time, the joint communiqué that expressed their position shocked the public opinion of the whole world.

   The Soviet Union is not only targeting the Federal Republic of Germany, but also questioning whether the United States has the strength to supervise and whether the purpose of arming the Federal Republic of Germany is to provoke a war again.

In the face of the Soviet Union's aggressive questioning, Reagan must also take a stand. It involves the role of the United States in World War II. Even if Reagan really wanted to pull the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, he had to give the Soviet Union a positive response, "About the chemical weapons of the Federal Republic of Germany. The U.S. is not aware of the stockpiles, which are completely secret stockpiles carried out by Germany themselves.”

The direct consequence of   Reagan's speech is to add a shot to Cole's political life. From now on, the political life of this important member of the International Democratic Alliance has come to an end.

The United Nations headquarters in New York, a symbol of the post-war order, the Soviet ambassador to the United Nations proposed to convene a United Nations General Assembly to discuss the issue of the Federal Republic of Germany, bluntly declared, "This conference, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Serov, will come to participate, and Elaborate on the nature of the explosion at the Offenburg chemical arsenal."

   "This is an internal matter in the Federal Republic of Germany, and it seems inappropriate for the UN General Assembly to discuss it." The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations retorted, "If the tragedy in the Federal Republic of Germany becomes the talk of other countries, it will be unfair to those who are hurt."

"It has become a topic of discussion now, if the Americans are not deaf!" The Soviet ambassador to the United Nations said with a cold face, "I just convey the opinion of General Secretary Serov. If the United States objects, I can wait to transfer the words of the General Secretary, Repeal the provisions of Articles 53, 77 and 107 of the Charter and we can solve the problem ourselves."

The provisions of Articles 53, 77 and 107 of the Charter are the enemy clauses in the traditional sense, of which Article 107 states: "The action of governments responsible for action shall not be cancelled or prohibited by any signatory power to this Charter during the Second World War. Actions taken or authorized to execute by an enemy country due to the war." The enemy countries in wartime mainly refer to the Fascist Axis countries headed by Germany, Italy and Japan.

   As soon as these words came out, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations kept his mouth shut and communicated with the American staff around him. Then they shook their heads helplessly. It was almost impossible to stop this matter. The United States forcibly blocked it, which would only make other countries think that the United States was covering up the Federal Republic of Germany. The world is one, but it is divided into two camps. At present, the United States is spending energy and making great efforts to befriend China. If the Federal Republic of Germany is shielded, it will also make China, who has always been wary of Japan, think more.

   "This time we are going to turn Germany upside down. Of course, we have other goals. This can only be implemented in the next stage. Now it's just laying the foundation." Sitting on the plane to New York, Serov was very comfortable. Of course, with his character, he generally doesn't take airplane adventures to prevent others from assassinating him.

   But sometimes, as long as there is enough **** force, this kind of risk can be worth a try. On both sides of the general secretary's turnaround, two Tu-160 pirate flags with nuclear warheads, in a beautiful figure like a white swan, are slowly approaching the United States with the general secretary's turnaround. As for the outer layers, Serov also enjoyed the US Air Force. full protection…

After entering the cordon of the continental United States, the two Tu-160 pirate flag strategic bombers began to return, which made the ground radar command center in the United States relieved, knowing that the **** planes of the general secretary of the Soviet Union were two white swans. People couldn't sleep all the time. The way of doing things of this Soviet leader is like a terrorist.

  No way, other fighter jets in the Soviet Union have insufficient range. The Soviet Union and the United States are separated by an Atlantic Ocean, and the air forces of the allied countries cannot reach them. They can only use the long-legged white swan as the escort, which is also impossible.

At JFK International Airport, Serov's An-218 passenger plane landed slowly. The overall shape is very beautiful, and it adopts a supercritical wing design. The captain is about 60 meters long, with a wingspan of about 50 meters, a range of about 12,000KM, and a passenger capacity of 400 meters. people. Before today, people in all countries had never seen this wide-body airliner, because this airliner had not entered the stage of mass construction. Only this one passed the inspection and was directly requisitioned by the general secretary to fly to the United States.

   As soon as he got off the plane, Serov got into the car prepared by the Soviet embassy in the United States. He was not here to visit the United States, but to make a statement at the United Nations General Assembly. Adoption of a resolution to conduct an inventory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

"Why should I communicate with Reagan? Who will the vast majority of countries support? Needless to say? Why should I make concessions on an overwhelmingly dominant resolution? Does the United States have conditions that can be exchanged with us?" The embassy conveyed that Reagan wanted to discuss with him the proposal to deal with the Federal Republic of Germany. If he remembered correctly, in the US stock market crash more than two months ago, Reagan also threatened the Soviet Union.

   Such a one-sided thing, still want to let the Soviet Union make concessions? Did Reagan have a hole in his head? Serov remembers correctly, since Reagan came to power, he has been looking for trouble with the Soviet Union for years. After the US stock market crash, the Soviet Union and the United States have no warmth at all, and they did not even do superficial work. The Soviet Union continued to withdraw its troops from Poland. Respect, don't mention the United States at all, what else can we talk about in this situation? what to talk about...

   "General Secretary, we are only conveying the opinion of the White House. Of course, the decision is in your hands." According to the practice of similar meetings, the United States handed the Soviet Union a list of human rights violations by the Soviet Union. Andrei Gromyko always received similar lists and then accused the United States of interfering in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.

   Shelov did not want to receive this list directly from the United States. Instead, he took out a list prepared for the United States and asked the ambassador to the United States to transfer it to the White House. As for the meeting, it was completely unnecessary.

"As far as the United States is now, it is still qualified to fight against us. The current United States is that the economic data is stronger than us, not that the economy is stronger than us. These are two completely different concepts." Shelov said this sentence with contempt. , and then waved the others down, today he was taking a break to prepare for the UN General Assembly.

   has been messed with by Reagan for several years, and now it should be the turn of the Soviet Union. Serov will not make any consultations this time, and France is also preparing to work with the Soviet Union to conduct a thorough inventory of the chemical weapons arsenal in the Federal Republic of Germany, and its attitude is even tougher than that of the Soviet Union. Reagan wants to save the Federal Republic of Germany, and it is not impossible for France to completely withdraw from NATO.

   On the afternoon of the second day, the United Nations General Assembly was full of seats and the atmosphere was tense. Representatives from various countries kept silent.

"Representatives of the countries, and comrades, hello!" Serov, who was on the podium to deliver a speech, said flatly, "Regarding the explosion of the chemical weapons arsenal in the Federal Republic of Germany, I will first express my sympathy in my own name, and here I propose , a minute's silence for the ordinary people who died!"

   Serov opened with a moment of silence. The whole venue was extremely silent. Representatives from various countries, while relieved, also accepted the proposal to observe a moment of silence. Just after a minute, Serov took off his big-brimmed hat and put it aside, his words changed abruptly, "Now we are officially entering the issue, including the Soviet Union and other eleven countries proposed to conduct a thorough inventory of the Federal Republic of Germany, standing in the country's From this point of view, this matter must have an outcome, an outcome that the Soviet Union wants, and nothing can stop it."

   "Is the Soviet Union holding the United Nations hostage?" The Turkish representative stood up and asked, "Is the Soviet Union suspected of interfering in internal affairs?"

"I don't know whose will Turkey represents? If the Turks think that after more than ten years, they are strong enough." Serov said without looking at the other party, "I propose to vote now, if the joint investigation team's proposal is rejected If I reject it, I can only let the Soviet armed forces check it. Today's proposal is just to show respect for the United Nations."