Big Time 1958

v1 ~: The one hundred and sixty-fourth palm me

When he appeared again, Serov was already in Kremlin Khrushchev's office, and he told all the details of his trip to Indonesia, "I met Aidi, and I also did some research on Indonesia. , including light industry and some rubber industry plantations, Indonesia's rubber industry and Malaysia, Thailand, it is difficult to say who is the real rubber kingdom, but enough to supply the industries of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, there is no problem at all..."

   Of all the allies of the USSR, there is not a truly tropical country, otherwise Stalin and Khrushchev would not have wanted China to grow rubber in the south. Most of the raw materials of rubber are controlled by the United Kingdom and the United States. If the Soviet Union wants to buy it, it must go through the United Kingdom and the United States, which control the origin. With the economic system in which the United States and the Soviet Union can be said to be inseparable, the United Kingdom and the United States can hold the Soviet Union without any scruples. The neck is not worried, even if it suffers a little damage, it is completely acceptable, but it seems that the situation has changed a little bit, and the country of Indonesia is changing in favor of the Soviet Union, and Khrushchev seems to see this.

"You set up the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Indonesia to deal with the Indonesian Army? Have you considered that the Ministry of Internal Affairs can actually deal with the Indonesian Communist Party?" Khrushchev asked a key point. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is quite dreadful, otherwise Beria Nor will they be attacked by a crowd.

"The capacity of the Indonesian Ministry of Internal Affairs is limited. I have deduced it from the sidelines, and it is difficult to act alone without Sukarno! From the very beginning, I have taken opposition to Bonapartism as the assessment standard to recruit members. The first enemy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Indonesia. Army!" Serov did not dare to make any omissions in his explanation of the questions raised by Khrushchev.

   This answer made Khrushchev quite satisfied. The young cadre in front of him was the director of the General Administration of Military Administration, and he was judging this issue. It should be reassuring! When it comes to Bonapartism, Khrushchev has a lingering worry in his heart. That is the disarmament still in the pipeline, the Soviet Union's aerospace and nuclear industries have made breakthroughs! From the first artificial satellite to the first spacecraft to reach lunar orbit, Luna 1, to the Venus probe launched this year, the advancement of aerospace technology has made Khrushchev more and more convinced that the Soviet Union does not need to retain conventional military power. With so many troops, a balance of power against the Americans can be achieved. The rest of the money can be used for economic development.

   But the problem is, the decision to disarmament is not so good! It is necessary to keep the military generals from rebounding. Looking at the director of the General Administration of Military Administration in front of him, Khrushchev asked in a test manner, "What do you think is the attitude of the Ministry of Defense towards the disarmament plan?"

   "On the surface, it should be a move to support Comrade First Secretary! Even if there is dissatisfaction, he will not say it!" Shelov thought for a while. Gives the most reasonable answer! It is wisest to choose to tell the truth on such an issue.

"Even if there is dissatisfaction, you won't say it?" Khrushchev nodded clearly, showing a hint of sneer with a clear love and hatred attitude, "Yes, those veteran generals of the Red Army want us to put all our money into the military. In the development of power, in their opinion tanks can be eaten, diesel can be drunk as water..."

   This sentence cannot be accepted! To Serov's duty, if Khrushchev is ready to attack the army. He can be willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses! Khrushchev has always been dissatisfied with the huge size of the Red Army. Since the development of the aerospace industry and the nuclear industry, there is a meaning of disarmament at the same time. The huge expenditure of the Soviet Red Army has always made the government's funds less optimistic. Now the Soviet Union is still There is no such thing as after the discovery of the Tyumen Oilfield in the 1970s, while using oil profits in exchange for foreign exchange to improve the welfare system, all the money was used to develop heavy industry. Khrushchev's life was actually far less good than Brezhnev's later.

  The conditions for Brezhnev to come to power. Already much better than Khrushchev. Khrushchev has adopted many reforms with huge consequences, but some of them have achieved results! Brezhnev because of Czechoslovakia. Then all reforms were terminated. The two leaders were diametrically opposed extremes. If Khrushchev drove a rocket, Brezhnev would drive a classic car.

The most troublesome thing for Shelov is that Brezhnev seems to be very reluctant to use young people. I don’t know if it is because of Sherepin’s role in overthrowing Khrushchev, plus the early checks and balances by Sherepin. , Brezhnev did not like young cadres, the cadres he appointed were all very old people, and he himself did not want to see unfamiliar faces in familiar places, even if there were young cadres with good conditions in all aspects, Brezhnev also preferred to have older cadres occupy prominent positions.

This is simply the way of Serov. It is better to let Khrushchev work for two more years instead of Brezhnev coming up to play ********. At least this first secretary with clear love and hatred really Not bad for the young man, no matter how many mistakes he made, he was at least a communist, and he had absolutely no problem with his beliefs.

"Why, when we meet the generals of the Ministry of National Defense, don't our Caspian tiger dare to answer? This is not good. You are the director of the General Administration of Military Administration, so you shouldn't be afraid!" Khrushchev said with a kind of The tone of education spoke to Serov.

   "After all, they are all old marshals of the Great Patriotic War. How could I, a young man, treat them?" Serov didn't feel embarrassed at all, it was just like that. In front of Khrushchev, Serov tried his best to tell the truth, "These people have too much prestige. If they really have opinions on disarmament, how can I, a lieutenant general, deal with it? Of course, according to the first secretary's instructions, I will still Do your best to…”

Serov said this sentence completely according to his original intention. Those military bosses in the Red Army who have a good relationship with Brezhnev cannot be shaken by himself and Shelepin. If you want to make these people honest, you can only let the first Khrushchev, the first secretary, took the initiative to attack, and Serov was playing side drums below. It is best to get two retired!

"The idea of ​​capitulation is unacceptable. We communists must adhere to the principles. Of course, you are relatively young, so I can understand that!" Khrushchev pretended that he had been through many battles. From an angle, Khrushchev is the most human-like. Serov has already seen the human side. It is hard to imagine that Stalin would make a frivolous expression, and Brezhnev would not have such a side.

   Shelov suddenly remembered, didn't he have a bunch of photos on him? He directly took out the photos taken from Bali and handed it to Khrushchev, so that the conversation could be separated from the topic of disarmament, "This time I visited Bali in Indonesia, and to be honest, the scenery there has never been seen before. Comrade First Secretary, come and see..."

"Oh? Really?" Khrushchev was very interested when he heard the words. His time and itinerary in Indonesia were far less free than Serov's, and naturally it was impossible to go to Bali for a visit, but these photos immediately attracted attention. After visiting Khrushchev, he stared intently at the beauty in the photo, and exclaimed from time to time, "Unfortunately, if I have the opportunity, I would like to see it too, maybe I can travel there after I retire..."

retire? Serov was suddenly stunned, just standing in front of Khrushchev, Khrushchev was also stunned! The atmosphere became quite strange in an instant, "Secretary, it's too early to talk about this issue, I hope you don't say such things in the future!"

"I'm just talking about it! There are still many reforms that have not been completed!" Khrushchev said while looking at the photo. This year's Khrushchev is 66 years old, and he is different from ordinary Soviet leaders. Yes, he is really seriously considering the issue of successor. Although the question of succession has only just appeared in Khrushchev's mind. But compared to other general secretaries who have always been dead in position, Khrushchev is indeed not ready to die in the position of first secretary.

   "Oh, fortunately, it's just casual talk!" Shelov also let out a sigh of relief. It's not how much he loves Comrade First Secretary, but Shelepin and the others have no strength to defeat other forces at all.

   After seeing all the photos that Serov took out, Khrushchev asked very satisfied, "What else do you have in your schedule this year?"

   "Comrade First Secretary of the report, I plan to go to Italy in the second half of the year to take a look at the Italian environment in detail, and prepare to put some products into production in Italy last year! After the improvement is completed, I will return to China and put it into the society!" Serov reported.

"So?" Khrushchev pointed his finger at the table and pondered for a moment, "This year the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be abolished. You have to cooperate with Comrade Shelepin to take over the specific tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which tasks should be handed over to the Republic, and which tasks should be given to the Republic. Merged into the KGB, this department that has caused a lot of panic, it is time to come to the end of history..."

Today is the most important news that Serov has heard. I don’t know if Khrushchev has abolished the Ministry of Internal Affairs this year, but he understands that the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has been split since the Beria era, will soon be re-merged. to the KGB! The KGB in the era of Shelepin and Semichasny was a huge institution that could be compared to the era of Beria. Far from the sector that was shackled by Brezhnev.

   Resisting the agitation in his heart, Serov maintained a respectful attitude and said, "Before I go to Italy, I must deal with domestic affairs first, and there will never be any problems with the cancellation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

   Serov, who left the Kremlin, went directly back to No. 11 Lubyanka Square, and exchanged the news he got today with KGB Chairman Sherepin, "Retire?" (To be continued~^~)

  PS: The new background won't work...