Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 13: Bai Yueguang

When Xu Liangan's fans were beating Shen Qingjiang's weak Weibo account, thousands of people punched in easily.

However, when the people’s vast ocean surrounded them, the fans were surprised to find that their combat effectiveness was actually as thin as a piece of paper!

It's not that our side is too incompetent, but the other side is too big.

The masses of the people played the role of the countryside surrounding the city, encircling them like sea water huddling the highlands, and swept them all.

Xu Liangan's fans united, broke the boat, and carried out the final Jedi counterattack.

The counterattack is invalid.

Basically, they were beaten by a dozen or so, even if they had the ability, they couldn't even stretch their arms and legs.

A part of the fans just tried to brush up on the national curse, only to find that their own swear words came out. The other party’s national curse has been +1, and +2 has been added to 10086.

Xu Liangan's fans sobbed, humiliated, and pained. They found that they couldn't beat them, so they sat down and cried.

They accused the majority of netizens, saying that others were committing cyber violence against them.

Netizens curiously began to line up to check in, taking turns to visit the wonderful species.

Many of them are rational and objective. Some netizens who want to speak well will ask them, if what we do to you is called cyber violence, what do you call it?

Fans said humbly, of course we are walking for the sky!

Ok? Walk for the sky? What heinous thing did Shen Qingjiang do? Did you line up to bully and curse people under an amateur's Weibo to "walk for the sky"?

——Shen Qingjiang attacked thoroughly, he bullied us Liangan!

Xu Liangan? How familiar is this name.

The Internet has memories. With the angry accusations from fans, the memories of the majority of netizens have slowly revived...

Was it the anchor who pinched up with a newcomer in the singing circle and used the same set of methods to pinch his life to the end of the circle?

Fans bumped into porcelain and clocked in. Eight hundred miles away, they dropped their vases and fell down. They felt that everyone’s style and singing sounded like their Liangan. Isn’t this the anchor?

It is said that the little demon in the temple is very windy, and Chiqian has a lot of kings, isn't it this king...Ahhh, anchor?

Wow, what kind of treasure boy, why did we miss him before?

This man has always been driven by people, has always been aggressive, and has always been good at attacking more wildfires. Finally, today, he is surrounded by exactly the same tactics, and finally caught fire.

As for all of this, Luo Jiujiang was still ignorant.

——He and Han Qianling had a very happy meal.

This is always the case. As long as he is with Qianling, there is no need to find anything to say.

Whether it was the little Qianling he once encountered, or the young Qianling who was like his brother and sister, or even today, it was just another world Qianling that was transformed from a piece of Qianling's soul. As long as "Han Qianling" and "Luo Jiujiang" meet, they must have a very happy conversation.

It seems that fate has set a permanent red line in an unknown place.

During the meal, Han Qianling probably taught Luo Jiujiang about piano knowledge.

For a pianist of his level, explaining to Luo Jiujiang the sound names, roll names, and high and low notes is probably equivalent to an English professor explaining abc to children.

But his piano level and background are there, so even if it is only a simple basic introductory knowledge, he has also explained it in a simple way, which is very interesting and moving.

Usually, some people think that Hanqianling is alienated and cold. After all, although he is very polite in dealing with others, the feeling of isolation when getting along always shows his personality silently.

Some people have speculated that Han Qianling might not like to talk more at all. He may not be accustomed to being friendly and not interested in social interaction.

In fact, it is not, it is mainly divided.

I don't know why, when facing Luo Jiujiang, Han Qianling can't help but say a little more.

He wants to see each other smile. It was obvious that the other party had eyebrows that were very similar to his own. However, when Luo Jiujiang's expression stretched and his eyes were curved, the condensed streamer in his eyes overflowed with a refreshing look that made Han Qianling's heart beating.

If he had his old knowledge here at this time, I would be shocked by Han Qianling's wit.

——It turns out that this guy understands jokes and knows what a joke is, but he never made jokes when he was with us?

In Han Qianling's popular science, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly penetrated in horizontally.

[Host, detected that someone on the Internet is spreading negative news about you in an organized manner. ]

[Oh. Luo Jiujiang put his cheeks on, and listened quietly to Han Qianling's words, thinking that my Qianling looks really beautiful.

System: [……Host. ]

Luo Jiujiang gave him a part of his mind. He asked: [To what extent is the negative impact? Someone will come with a knife and come to my real person and say they want to kill me? ]

System: [...very likely not. ]

But no, no, what kind of weird criteria are you!

[No problem, no problem. Luo Jiujiang casually nodded at the system in the spiritual space, and devoted himself to Han Qianling's jokes again.


The system has received several hosts, but I have never met Luo Jiujiang.

In the face of this kind of opening, the general host usually adopts conventional methods: imagining and arguing with the target character in exchange for the opportunity to leave the room. Then he won't run away and further gain the trust of the target person.

Some hosts with a little bolder operation might also try to win Bai Yueguang's heart like Luo Jiujiang. But they will behave well in this show, and then when their reputation is damaged, they will launch a large-scale counterattack immediately.

However, Luo Jiujiang didn't care at all. Instead, the system is eagerly gearing up, thinking that you don’t understand the Internet, and it will be done in a while!

What is the emperor's emergency? This is really amazing.

Even the system spit on itself very much. However, the alarm sound and flashing red light of the host's reputation being attacked repeatedly sounded inside his module.

Finally, the system couldn't help it anymore, he took the initiative to ask: [Host, can I cut an mv with the materials of you and the other party, upload it to the Internet, and make some comments? ]

Of course Luo Jiujiang has no opinion. He thinks that the system is the same as human beings and has some driving needs, but the venue is on the Internet: [You can do it as you please, and be safe when you go out to play. ]

System: [……] Why does this sound so strange?

But in any case, now that it has been authorized by Luo Jiujiang, the system 5555 can also stretch its hands and feet and start a huge counterattack eagerly.

This time, there was no host's command or host's decision-making. Instead, it felt an unprecedented freedom and an impulse to create.

The system carefully recorded the logic data inside its own module, and felt that this should belong to the passion and romance of the system.

It is an advanced system that completely hits the Internet, and the technology for editing videos is naturally first-class. Soon, in a short period of time, a hot and eye-catching video was released.

Then, using loopholes in the algorithm logic, this wonderful and unusual video quickly appeared on the homepage of major marketing accounts.

Marketing accounts all love group action. As long as a user with many fans reposts this video, it means that others will flock to it.

So in this way, with the same mode of operation, this video, and the previous clip of Luo Jiujiang’s amazing performance of "kneeling at the feet of my little brother" video, at the same time repeatedly bloodbathed the homepages of users, making some passersby who had no idea of ​​eating melon Can't help but end one after another.

After watching the first Luo Jiujiang mouth technique video, their feelings are all: wonderful! Amazing!

As for the video produced by the second system, everyone said in unison: Hahahahahahahaha!

The video edited by the system selected Luo Jiujiang's eight-minute performance of ventriloquism, and also excluded Xu Liangan's "excellent performance" in the program.

The video does not directly express one's position, but cleverly intersperses Luo Jiujiang's performance with Xu Liangan's singing scene. Luo Jiujiang's mouth skills are about to be pushed to the most exciting moment, Xu Liangan's performance is strongly inserted.

This’s like the chicken steak can be eaten immediately before a mouthful of fragrant cheese bursts, and someone has a mouthful of healthy wolfberry tea; the roller coaster is about to dive downhill at the highest speed, and the amusement park is out of power. ; You grabbed a good hand of four bombs and grabbed the landlord again. Unexpectedly, the peasants dropped the line directly and this card was useless!

The people expressed their most simple anger and contempt towards Xu Liangan.

Even if singing and ventriloquism are not in the same category, it is visible to the naked eye that Luo Jiujiang can hang the opponent up and beat him to death.

And that's not counting, every time Xu Liangan's picture ends, the freeze-frame segment must be his slightly sweaty face.

You don’t even need more language, and the sense of gap between the front and the back is already convincing.

In the end, when Luo Jiujiang was about to perform to the scene of "Hundreds of people calling, ten thousand voices", Xu Liangan's big head appeared in the video again. This time, the wrong sound at the climax of his song was singled out, played several times, and jumped repeatedly.

Netizens: "..."

What a shame! What a shame!

Scratch your heart! The ventriloquism stops here, it's really uncomfortable for people to get stuck!

When the video finally finished playing, three lines of words slowly appeared at the end.

"This video is entirely based on the live broadcast of "Dream Producer", only the sequence is adjusted, and no picture or realism processing is performed."

"I heard...the former wants to rub the heat of the latter?"

"Wow, it's amazing!"

All the netizens who saw the end and felt the difference between the powers of the two, all smiled heartily.

"Hahaha who needs to rub whose heat?"

"The power of this po master card **** is overwhelming. I just wanted to beat this Xu Liangan."

"Hahaha, this is the most ridiculous ‘wow’ I have ever seen. I also want to say, it’s really amazing."

With this turbulent wave coming and the heat visible to the naked eye, marketing accounts have also actively accepted fan submissions and began to diligently produce popular science strips.

The fact that Xu Liangan bullied the unknown little singer and forced people to retreat came out again.

Under the big data of the Internet, the traces of various "spontaneous voluntary activities" of his fans are vividly visible.

This time, Luo Jiujiang was shocked by his skills, and "Dream Producer" became an instant hit, and marketing accounts have eaten the rumors and enthusiasm they want.

Only Xu Liangan was completely peeled, or the biggest loser in the win-win scene.