Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 36: Gloomy President x God of Cookery

Luo Jiujiang looked up at the barrage between cooking, and smiled indifferently.

Chicken and vegetables filtered by Reiki ensure cell viability, fresh texture, and full fragrance. Whoever eats it is good.

Generally speaking, after the live broadcast, the anchor, even if he has work on his hands, will probably do something to prevent the audience from feeling lonely.

Luo Jiujiang probably knew about this set in the last world, so while he took out the crystal clear and firm chicken from the basin and pressed it on the chopping board, he asked the audience through the camera: "What do you want to talk about?"

The barrage immediately swished out ten questioning barrage.

A few asked him where he bought the materials, and others asked him why he didn't make food and broadcast.

"The ingredients are all sent from my hometown and can't be bought in the market." Luo Jiujiang noodles said unchanged. "As for why not eat today...I will eat this porridge when it is ready. But I won't be like that in the future. It hurts me if I eat it."

"Well, yes, it's changed to live cooking. It's just a little different."

Luo Jiujiang stretched out his hand and slowly pulled up the sleeve of the hoodie, facing the camera for the first time, revealing Lin Jingjiang's scrawny forearm.

On the back of his slender hand with distinct joints, there are several old scars from tooth marks, which are scratches from the early vomiting.

Even if the camera has the effect of slimming and widening, Luo Jiujiang's arm is obviously pale, weak and unhealthy.

"I am one meter and eighty one." Luo Jiujiang smiled with a self-deprecating smile, "Weight... ninety catties. If I take off my jacket, you can clearly see every rib and the refugees who died of hunger. same."

The organs and bones are stripped out, which is almost the same weight. In other words, Lin Jingjiang was already skinny.

This kind of vomiting and rest after eating, this kind of brain has remembered that it is best not to digest what you eat. In the past few years, it has almost completely destroyed your health.

"So starting from today, I won't do the same eating and broadcasting as before."

After Luo Jiujiang said this sentence, the barrage on the screen had everything in it, some threatened to take the pass, some made a few exclamation marks, and some people didn’t care about it and wanted to watch the excitement and encouraged Luo Jiujiang. Simply take off the top.

Luo Jiujiang was completely unmoved by all these comments, and he didn't even care about it from his expression.

"In the future, the content of the live broadcast room will become a check-in and rehabilitation. With everyone for three years, we can get together and relax. If there are viewers who are willing to stay and watch me recover, I will stay, and the remaining friends will see you again."

As soon as he said this, the attention number in the upper left corner began to jump down visibly.

Luo Jiujiang lowered his head unchanged, his right hand had already picked up the kitchen knife and aimed it at the chopping board.

The system reminded him: [Host, according to the current rate of unfollowing, it is estimated that you will lose about 20% of the following fans. ]

Luo Jiujiang's attitude is very calm, obviously he had anticipated this: [Although let them take the pass... Maggots can only grow in rotten flesh and cannot adapt to clean places. ]


It was the first time since the two worlds that the system heard Luo Jiujiang say such cruel words, and it was a little surprised for a while.

[Who do you think promoted the death of the original owner? Ji Shijie? Although his responsibility cannot be evaded, these netizens who have created a pathological environment actually form part of those pushing hands. ]

[During the avalanche, every snowflake is not innocent...] The system mumbled.

Luo Jiujiang responded with a calm smile.

[I can use Sound Kill to restrict them, so that if they continue, their dreams will be painful every night...] Luo Jiujiang said in a deep voice.

But he did not do so.

Because evil is endless. Even if the desire to spy on gluttony is blocked, people will breed the evil of anger, the evil of greed, the evil of laziness...

Today, he can restrict those who caused the death of the original owner from watching such a live broadcast, but tomorrow they will find a live broadcast of broken boulders on their chests, provocation and then be beaten live...

And in what capacity will Luo Jiujiang be in charge of this kind of judgment that is almost a **** in this world that does not belong to him?

Even in his own world, even as a sword **** who can unite three thousand worlds, Luo Jiujiang has never done that.

"I am not absolutely fair, so my moral requirements should not be others' standards."

Luo Jiujiang whispered: “When most people pursue this perceptual stimulus, at most they only understand words and don’t understand what this pain represents. So, I will let them see.”

Evil and good are opposed to each other. They have existed in this world since the day the world was opened, and cannot be eradicated.

So Luo Jiujiang only told those who could listen.

He put down his sleeves calmly and skillfully tossed a knife with the shining kitchen knife in his hand. Luo Jiujiang smiled at the audience who had not left in front of the camera, and the next moment, the live broadcast room was completely exploded.

-"I rely so fast!"

-"Fast forward! Definitely fast forward!"

-"How can you fast forward live streaming?"

-"But how could the manpower be so fast? It must be the black technology fast forward!"

I saw Luo Jiujiang's flashes, and his slender fingers had already left behind in front of the camera. But in the blink of an eye, that neat piece of chicken had been finely diced by Luo Jiujiang.

Some people have a bad internet speed and only saw the live camera jammed, and the anchor will have cut the chicken in the next second!

"?? The anchor prepared a replacement chicken in advance?" They were very confused about this:

Luo Jiujiang smiled very modestly: "It's just the most basic kung fu."

-"No, no, no misunderstanding, this is not the most basic skill!"

Luo Jiujiang put down the kitchen knife, brought the chopping board close to the camera, and showed the diced chicken to everyone.

He took the initiative to twist two pieces of chicken diced and put them together for comparison.

"We can all see that under the operation of the basic knife, except for the irregular part of the edge, each piece of chicken is the same size. This will make the taste better."

-"Anchor, wait, you are not a basic swordsman at all, you are against the sky!"

-"No! I have never seen a basic knife like this! If this is all basic, then what is our knife? I can't cut tofu so fast and so neat!"

Luo Jiujiang looked at these accusations without changing his face, even with a smile on his face.

"Well, then, we cut the chicken...oh, actually we should put the rice in the pot and cook the porridge first, I forgot. Then, let's cut the vegetables and mushrooms in a moment."

As he said that, he washed the pot that had been washed, the grains were all crystal clear and full, showing a firm, semi-milk white rice in front of the camera, pouring them down like rain, and pour them all. Into the porridge pot.

The audience was almost crying.

-"I'm just watching a live broadcast. What kind of special effect is this commercial? This rice makes me want to eat!"

-"You can eat it raw, and you can chew the fragrant rice when you eat it raw. I never expected that one day I would fall to the point where I would see the raw rice and even my saliva would flow down!"

"Everyone is optimistic. Let's put the rice in the pot and add two large bowls of water... Through the transparent lid we can see the rice lying well on the bottom of the pot. You can eat it when it's cooked."

After the vegetables and mushrooms were processed in the same way, the pan was oiled, and the vegetables and chicken were seasoned and cooked, the audience was still very interested.

——Of course it's impossible to be exhausted! See how long it took Luo Jiujiang to process the pile of ingredients? Thirty seconds! Thirty seconds in total are less than!

It's almost just the effort of the network card. He has pushed the chopping board in front of the camera, and then said easily: "It's cut."

Some of the audience shouted supernatural skills, and some did not believe in evil, thinking that this was definitely a victory for black technology.

They unanimously agreed, and all frantically demanded Luo Jiujiang to come again on the screen.

Luo Jiujiang fulfilled their wish, he decided to make a vinegar potato shreds.

After rummaged through the kitchen cupboard with the camera, but still did not find the potato peeler, Luo Jiujiang sighed and drew a light fruit knife from the knife rack.

"Next, let's peel the potatoes."

-"Wait, maybe the anchor do you want to..."

-"Anchor, do you know why a fruit knife is called a fruit knife but not a potato knife? Because potatoes are strangely shaped and difficult to cut!"

-"And the skin of the potato is still thin. If the anchor did not deliberately design a funny gimmick, then the technical content is really great."

Luo Jiujiang lowered his head and smiled. From the point of view of the live camera, everyone can only see the corners of his mouth.

Then the next moment, a washed potato was thrown high by Luo Jiujiang, and it was almost just a short moment of breathing and breathing, the potato landed firmly in Luo Jiujiang's palm.

Everyone on the barrage was relieved.

-"Huh, so the anchor is just for fun."

-"so far so good."

-"No! Wait a minute, look at..."

Luo Jiujiang put down the fruit knife in his hand, took the potatoes above the sink and shook them twice, then...

That layer of potato skin, as thin as a cicada's wings, had become a complete strip, and with the shaking of Luo Jiujiang's wrist, it quickly fell off the potato.

The incision made by Luo Jiujiang was even thinner than the blade of a fruit knife, so that when the skin of the potato was attached to the potato, most people could not see that the potato had actually been peeled!

All of a sudden, there was silence in the live broadcast room.

After a while, someone weakly floated a barrage.

-"Brother, you have this ability, what do you do as a broadcaster. Wouldn't you be good to play Legend of the Swordsman?"

And hundreds of miles away, there are also people watching this live studio closely.

As soon as the camera in the live broadcast room was opened, he received the live broadcast prompt, and this person was agitated. After discovering that his administrator authority had been cancelled, the expression on his face was already very angry.

And after seeing Luo Jiujiang's sword skill, which can only be described with magical skills, the man's face has become blank.

He thought in shock and annoyance: I never knew he had such an ability, he had never told me!

I knew that Ji Shijie would not give up Lin Jingjiang so quickly. This is simply a cash cow!

He didn't notice that the camera on his laptop had been turned on at some point. The red light in the camera aimed at his face, and it flashed slightly, like a focused blood-red eye.