Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 44: Gloomy President x Fast Blade Chef

Turn back to the afternoon when Luo Jiujiang's body smelled of rib soup.

Luo Jiujiang puts the camera on the bowl rack in the kitchen, and the system will automatically adjust the rotation direction of the camera for him to get the best shooting effect.

Accompanied by the sharp cutting of the sharp blade, the crystal clear white lotus root slices lay neatly on the chopping board in a regular "swish" sound.

Lotus roots are usually divided into seven-hole lotus root and nine-hole lotus root.

Qikong is noodle lotus root, specially used for stewing soup. As long as it is simmered in a casserole for half an hour, the flavor of the soup will be in the lotus root. The mouth is soft and sweet, and the two rows of teeth are light. When closed, the taste of the micro-sand is just right.

The nine-hole lotus root is a crisp lotus root, which is full of moisture and crispy in the mouth when used to stir-fry; or it can be marinated with chili and can be used as a cold dish in summer. But it is not suitable for boiling soup, because the crispy lotus root does not absorb oil. If the soup is cooked, the soup will be greasy and the lotus root will not taste good.

Crisp lotus root noodles are also different in appearance. Crisp lotus roots are raw and white, and they look full of water. The color of the noodles is light yellow, and some have a little pink on the outside. The pink is not serious, just like borrowing a touch of color from the tip of the lotus petal.

What Luo Jiujiang put on the chopping board now is such a washed pale pink seven-hole lotus root.

A small section of the lotus root on the chopping board is straight, and the outer belt is slightly pink, like a shy and thin beauty arm. When Luo Jiujiang quickly peeled off this layer of lotus root, only a water of white was left inside.

The ancients once had a poem "Liubian people are like the moon, bright wrists are frosty and snowy", but that's probably because they haven't seen this lotus root on Luo Jiujiang's chopping board.

If the poet sees this section of peeling lotus root festival that is so full of spiritual energy, the beauty of the jade wrist must have another description.

The audience in the live broadcast room is very used to Luo Jiujiang's "three-second chopper peeling" stunt.

Occasionally a newcomer strays in, and a fuss-"my computer graphics card is broken?" on the barrage will be educated by the old audience:

-"The anchor's real skill, just watch it."

-"Don't make a fuss, see the basic knife skills every day."

-"Friendly reminder, you'd better find a bag of snacks and hold it first. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

The mobile phone in the live broadcast was placed diagonally in front of Luo Jiujiang's perspective, and occasionally he would take a little thought to look at the barrage.

But most of the time, such as now, Luo Jiujiang does not comment on the content of the barrage.

The noodle lotus root that had been pinched and removed was sliced ​​by Luo Jiujiang into uniformly thick lotus root slices. His palms magically touched the lotus root slices, and the neat lotus root slices followed his strength, layering on top of each other in a counterclockwise direction. Arranged into a blooming flower.

-"Really, no matter how many times I watch it, I still admire the anchor's skill in cutting vegetables."

-"I admire it too, but it's useless. Whose dishes will be served on the chopping board."

-"Are you new here? How else would you ask such stupid questions?"


Under the newcomer's question marks and confused gaze, Luo Jiujiang took the spare glass plate in his hand.

He pressed his left hand flat on the cutting board, slapped it just right, and the cutting board jumped slightly with his strength. The blooming lotus root slices on the cutting board soared under the action of inertia, and Luo Jiujiang held them upright on the bottom of the glass plate.

The flower that was wiped off by the lotus root slices magically moved from the chopping board to the glass plate, without even being misplaced by friction.

The newcomer almost lost his eyes.

-"What's this? You can still play like this? God, is this?"

There was a ha ha ha ha ha ha in the barrage.

-"Sit down, the anchor operates normally."

-"This time the anchor is just flying a lotus flower to set the plate, it is not exciting at all. Next time the anchor comes to the air to set the plate three hundred and sixty degrees!"

Luo Jiujiang accidentally glanced at this barrage and replied when he washed the blade: "Yes, there will be carved radish dishes tomorrow, and they can be flipped in midair."

Because of his firm promise, the comment was full of joy.

Luo Jiujiang's figure walked deeper into the kitchen, and the camera operated by the system with mechanical data also steadily advanced. Luo Jiujiang took out the fresh ribs that had been cut into chunks in front of everyone, and shook the ingredients in front of the camera again.

"We are making lotus root rib soup this time."

"First, prepare the cut ribs and lotus root slices. I just showed you how to cut them."

"The ribs need to be blanched to filter the blood foam. I just did this step too—"

Just halfway through what Luo Jiujiang said, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Han Qianling had already walked to the door of the kitchen, looking at the complete set of camera equipment in Luo Jiujiang's kitchen, he was obviously a little surprised: "Oh, you are broadcasting."

"No." At that moment, Luo Jiujiang's fingers were almost afterimages, and the audience in the live broadcast room hadn't realized what was happening, and his eyes suddenly went black.

It's literally black! Their wicked anchor meal was only half done, and they left a group of children waiting to be fed and ran away!

Facing the black screen of the live broadcast, the audience could not react to what happened for a long time.

-"What happened just now?"

-"I heard a voice, and the screen went dark."

-"Oh, it turns out that the screen of my mobile phone is broken. I starved to death and I thought I stopped broadcasting as the host."

-"Be more sober in front, you are already hungry and mentally confused. The anchor just won't broadcast."

-"So, who is the voice-over off the screen?"

No matter how the audience faced the sudden strike of the anchor, the fact that there was no delicious pork rib soup to eat today was cruelly before their eyes.

On the other side, in the reality of Luo Jiujiang, Han Qianling looked at the camera that was suddenly turned off, and his expression was slightly stunned: "I just heard you talking, so come and take a look..."

"Well, it was live broadcast just now, but it's gone now." Luo Jiujiang shrugged casually, "There are stools in the kitchen. If you are tired, let's sit for a while."

Han Qianling thought for a while and sat in a chair.

Looking at the professional cameras placed in the kitchen, he thoughtfully said: "So you are the anchor? What do you usually broadcast live? Are you cooking?"

"Originally it was eating and broadcasting, but later changed to cooking." Luo Jiujiang's eyes were slightly bent, and he spoke to Han Qianling in a joking tone, "It's delicious enough to cause you to misunderstand that kind of misunderstanding, can I learn it well?"

The unnatural meaning on Han Qianling's face swept across, and he carefully observed Luo Jiujiang's expression.

After discovering that Luo Jiujiang was really just using it to make a joke and casually talked about it, he couldn't help but feel a little more confused.

"The last misunderstanding, I really feel very..."

Without waiting for his apology to be complete, Luo Jiujiang has already interrupted him first, "The last mistake was a surprise, nothing to mind."

"The only thing I'm sorry for may be the dishes I made-they were all cooled. As compensation, I suggest you eat more today."

"……it is good."

Han Qianling watched Luo Jiujiang turn around, and methodically put the seasoned **** and onion cooking wine in a casserole, boiled the clear soup, and then started to simmer the ribs.

Just looking at the other's calm movements, Han Qianling felt an unspeakable relaxation.

He didn't know the reason for this relaxed state of mind, perhaps because he finally got rid of the suffering of the sickness, so he felt particularly brisk.

Or, just because Luo Jiujiang has this unconsciously convincing power in him. His temperament, his words and deeds, his easy-going but open smile, all carry a kind of calm and refined open-mindedness.

Han Qianling felt calm beside Luo Jiujiang, as if a tired bird came home.

"What is the name of your live broadcast room?"

Luo Jiujiang reported a name back.

Han Qianling lowered his head and installed the video software on his phone, then searched, and clicked into Luo Jiujiang's live broadcast room.

The live broadcast room is still discussing why the anchor will go offline mysteriously.

-"Ah ah ah ah so who is that mysterious man?"

-"After not doing food and broadcasting, the anchor is really dedicated. Waiting for you in the wind and rain before cutting the board. I have never lost three meals a day. This is the first time I have seen an anchor pinch in the middle."

-"Seriously, you can be guilty of being asked to broadcast, did the anchor steal someone's pot?"

These are all sand sculpture netizens. Han Qianling snorted in his heart, scrolled down blankly, and clicked on the red follow button.

His attention, in the number of fans in Luo Jiujiang's tens of thousands, can't even arouse any splashes.

But the news was reported to Luo Jiujiang by the system for the first time: [Your Bai Yueguang has subscribed to your live broadcast room. ]

Luo Jiujiang was very happy after hearing this: [Really? ]

[As a celebration, shall we beat up the scum tonight? ]

System: [...Stop it. ]

Han Qianling's fingertips went up, and the barrage was still discussing why the anchor dropped. Although there is no food as an incentive, netizens are very open-minded, self-sufficient and very happy.

Han Qianling's gaze flicked over the unreliable guesses, and finally he asked the question himself.

"I just came over just when I heard the sound of talking. I found out that you would walk away immediately after the live broadcast. Aren't you on the live broadcast, why did you suddenly turn it off?"

Then he heard that Luo Jiujiang said in a natural tone: "Since you are here, of course it is to chat with you. If you are not used to live broadcasting, the pass is closed-here, the rib soup will take a while, hungry. Eat some apples first."

He turned around and handed Han Qianling a plain white porcelain bowl, which contained a carved gardenia, and each petal could be torn off and eaten. Han Qianling was holding the flower, and he was a little bit reluctant to say anything.

Luo Jiujiang smiled: "Eat it."

Han Qianling then gently took off a petal.

The sweet taste of apples melted on the tip of Han Qianling's tongue. He held the petals specially carved by Luo Jiujiang, and his expression was a bit like a child's helplessness.

If Luo Jiujiang resented what he had done because of a misunderstanding, and let him sit in the kitchen first, and then splash him with hot soup, Han Qianling could understand.

If Luo Jiujiang sees that he is a rich man and wants to be a friend with him and make a fortune from him, Han Qianling can still understand.

But Luo Jiujiang has such a skill, he doesn't have to worry about money, let alone to indulge himself; and he didn't pick up the casserole to pour himself, he just turned around, because he was afraid of being hungry, so he was the first to help himself Carved a gardenia.

Han Qianling was holding the petals, as if he was holding the sweetness he had never gotten for the first half of his life.

In his short first half of his life, he has been with pain, and has experienced parting, betrayal, abuse and loneliness...He walked from adversity with wind and rain, wearing an indestructible armor, and would never be hurt by the world.

However, his armor would collapse in front of an apple blossom, shattered to the ground, and smashed in Han Qianling's ears.

Han Qianling closed his eyes and rolled his Adam's apple slightly. The sweet juice wetted his throat, making him a pure desire.

The desire is not even mixed with any desire, but the blind people want to get close to the color, and the cold people want to plunge into the fire.

If he says the name of the other party, will the same sweetness flow on the tip of his tongue because of those two syllables?

Han Qianling paused for a while, and said hesitantly: "...Jingjiang?"

Luo Jiujiang laughed when he heard him call that.

"Don't call Jingjiang, you can call me Jiujiang." Luo Jiujiang said softly, "My best friends, family, and future partners...I will let them call me that."