Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 46: Gloomy President x God of Cookery

Han Qianling lived in the courtyard of Luo Jiujiang for three days.

During these three days, Luo Jiujiang quickly developed a brand new lifestyle habit, which was to appear in Han Qianling’s room on time every night and cover him with a quilt.

As for the timing of covering Han Qianling's quilt... Ji Shijie probably has a say in this.

Because after Luo Jiujiang went to the door to beat him on time every day, he would go home to cover Han Qianling.

For Luo Jiujiang’s approach, the systematic review is: [Freshly. ]

Today Ji Shijie has a feeling that when Luo Jiujiang hit him, he seemed to be absent. Because Luo Jiujiang seemed a bit uncreative when he beat him this time.

Of course, he would definitely not take the initiative to report this to Luo Jiujiang.

——Luo Jiujiang is indeed absent.

There was a heavy rain in his hometown today, and the halo of the led light seemed a little trembling before he left. After the system check, he regretfully told him that there might be a power outage today.

A power outage means a network outage. For alien humans like Luo Jiujiang, disconnection is nothing terrible. However, Han Qianling uses mobile phone video to communicate with each other every night. And it is inevitable to send out a few WeChat messages in the middle of the night.

Moreover, this Han Qianling's defense is relatively heavy. For him, disconnection may mean that he has cut off contact with the outside world. Luo Jiujiang didn't want Han Qianling to feel unsafe.

As for other things, such as the hidden wounds in the joints of Han Qianling's joints that hurt every time it rains on a cloudy day, it is not within Luo Jiujiang's consideration. After all, the glue-like aura of the room in Luo Jiujiang was not left for nothing.

As long as Han Qianling still lives in the "golden house" built for him by Luo Jiujiang, whether it is rheumatic bone pain or even heart rate disorders, these pains can't disturb him.

If Han Qianling's soul was not a broken piece, just one breath in this room would be enough for him to live longer for half a month.

It's a pity that he is.

Luo Jiujiang's daily tasks are the same, finishing Ji Shijie at a fixed point and finishing work. However, at the moment he just appeared in his room, the LED tube above his head shook twice, and finally the light faded out.

The notification of the system arrived at the same time: [Power is off. ]

As if deliberately wanting Luo Jiujiang to be anxious, at the moment of power failure, a loud noise suddenly came from the direction of the guest room where Han Qianling was located.

Luo Jiujiang's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

He appeared in front of Han Qianling's guest room with a blink of a thousandth. Although his spiritual consciousness can feel that everything is well, he still feels uncontrollable worry.

Luo Jiujiang took a deep breath and knocked on the door in front of him restrainedly: "Qianling?"

The people in the door were silent for a while, his breath was faint, but Luo Jiujiang knew he was not asleep.

After a short while, Han Qianling said in a low voice, "Please come in."

Luo Jiujiang pushed the door and entered, and saw Han Qianling standing in front of the window with a long slender lady's cigarette between his fingers. He noticed that Luo Jiujiang entered the door and didn't turn his head. He just swallowed a puff of smoke, and slowly said, "Something fell on the shelf and surprised you?"

"No." Luo Jiujiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that everything was fine. "I'm afraid you will be scared."

Han Qianling finally turned his head slightly in the direction of Luo Jiujiang, and the half gleam of light reflected through the window glass of the rainstorm night was enough to illuminate the strange look on his face that was not smiling.

"The person who would have this kind of worry about seem to be the first one."

Before Luo Jiujiang showed a cramped expression, Han Qianling had already added: "I'm not saying this is bad..."

If it weren't for Luo Jiujiang's superior vision, I must have lost sight of the fleeting trance on Han Qian's face.

Han Qianling turned around slowly. He was so thin that his spine was a little protruding, and the top part of his back was pressed against the cold window glass. Behind him was the cold night and the noisy rain. His slightly raised chin carried a look of arrogance into the world, as if the next moment, he would melt into the night.

The white noise flowing out when the rainstorm washes the sky and the earth, and the natural sense of security that the dark night brings to people, on the contrary make the mood more peaceful, and can let Han Qianling take off a part of his defense.

It was in the sound of such rain that Han Qianling spoke softly, saying what he would never say in the day.

"I am not afraid of the darkness, nor the rain. In my childhood, I was locked in the attic room for a long time. The skylight of the attic only opened a gap, and I was the only person in the darkness."

"I'm used to dark places, and I'm also used to the sudden heavy rain in the middle of the night. When I'm too lonely, the sound of rain and thunder and lightning are my most used friends."

Han Qianling probably didn't often confide his past to people, and his tone of voice became slightly tight because of this. These things he said now, even his psychological counselor could not dig out his mouth. Today, however, he said to Luo Jiujiang so easily.

I'm probably crazy. In the coolness of the dark night, Han Qianling took a cigarette, thinking soberly and mockingly in his heart.

Originally, his face was more elegant than handsome. If he smoked a mint-flavored lady's cigarette, his posture would be more elegant and noble. However, even if only a vague silhouette is shown, no one will mistake him for a woman.

Because of his temperament look, the aloofness, sternness, and unyielding that are naturally revealed, it is almost a thousand miles away from the appearance of the lady.

Luo Jiujiang looked at Han Qianling quietly and suddenly realized something.

For a long time, he knew Qianling as he knew himself, no matter which Qianling it was, it was a treasure on his heart. Since the origins are all from the same soul, these Qianlings are all the same familiar to Luo Jiujiang.

He grew up with Qianling since he was a child. They are close friends, brothers and sisters, and they are also a pair of Taoists who have never been separated. Before Luo Jiujiang had his first knife height, he had already reached out to Han Qianling resolutely.

He felt that he knew everything about Han Qianling.

Wrong, not so.

Another thing is Luo Jiujiang's blind spot-he doesn't know what Han Qianling looked like when he was injured.

Since Han Qianling had been carrying the endless malice in his soul since his birth, his endurance was much better than ordinary people.

Whether it is the sarcasm of others, the hostility in the dark, or the vulgar words in the face, they are nothing to him, and they can't even leave a trace in his heart.

And the physical injuries...the rolled flesh, the shed scales, and the blood-stained scars, those are not injuries, but can only be called pain.

In that world, the only thing that touched Han Qianling was the safety of Luo Jiujiang.

When Luo Jiujiang blocked Han Qianling from Wen Xinlei, Han Qianling's expression was unprecedented regret and anger in his life.

... Luo Jiujiang has never really seen how Han Qianling looked when he felt hurt.

Until now, until this moment.

With a thin smoke between Han Qianling's fingers, the traces of the past gathered in his eyes like a turbulent wave, but his face naturally showed a nonchalant look.

He may not be able to ignore everything in the past like the Han Qianling in Luo Jiujiang's memory. But at least he has put on a hard shell of steel in his thousands of tempers.

The strongest, the most proud, the most vulnerable.

Even if there is only one stranger here, he can still see traces of old marks from his expression, and see the heavy and complicated past clearly.

Han Qianling spit out a mouthful of smoke, which spread out in the air and turned into an uncontrollable shape. Across the misty smoke and the deep night, Han Qianling vaguely felt that he was always locked in the leaky icy attic, and never left.

In the extremely quiet night, he occasionally thought of disputes between relatives about inheritance.

They made loud noises and put down cruel words to show their attitude, and they were even one step away from the fight. Han Qianling lay alone on the floor of the attic, quietly listening to the distorted human voice from the gap.

When his parents died, it seemed that it was also on such a rainy night.

Han Qianling said nothing, feeling the coldness spreading from the spine close to the window and gradually flowing through his limbs. He shuddered slightly.

Then Han Qianling was suddenly pulled up from the window glass.

The opponent's hands were not heavy, and could even be considered gentle, but being suddenly taken away from the cold source still made Han Qianling a little dazed.

Luo Jiujiang stretched out his hand and covered him at the junction of his neck and spine. The skin on the back of Han Qianling's neck was almost frozen to numbness, so it took a long time to feel the warmth of the opponent's hand.

He heard Luo Jiujiang say painfully, "It's cold."

Han Qianling closed his eyes.

His assistants know that Han always doesn't like others being too close to him, and he is even more insensitive to physical contact. Except for the courtesy handshake, he hardly makes physical contact with anyone.

However, at this moment, Han Qianling actually let Luo Jiujiang use the temperature of his palm to warm him.

In the darkness, the two maintained a slightly awkward posture, Han Qianling defaulted to Luo Jiujiang's palm to his life gate.

He spoke, and the muscles simultaneously transmitted the vibration of the vocal cords to Luo Jiujiang's palm against the back of his neck, causing the skin to itch slightly.

"During the day, I once talked to you about jewelry and jade." Han Qianling said softly.

"I remember. You also told me about the process of a diamond from being discovered to being thoroughly promoted to the world as a marriage accessory."

"Yes." Han Qianling said carefully, "The bond between diamonds and love is just a concept. In fact, in the history of mankind, whether it is the formation of religion or the establishment of the country, it is also a matter of persistence. It’s just that people are willing to abide by and decide to believe in the'concept' together."

Luo Jiujiang listened patiently.

"I used to think that those feelings, the love that was specially set off with diamonds and praised by thousands of people, were also such a concept." Han Qianling whispered.

Han Qianling paused, as if his throat was itchy, and coughed unnaturally.

"Jiujiang, I used to think so." He repeated.

He could only confide in his secretive past at night when he could not see his fingers, so he admitted that he was tempted, and only used the most euphemistic expression.

Han Qianling didn't mention the temperature of Luo Jiujiang's palm, how hot it was at that moment, burning into his heart like a fire. He only said that he had had a radical idea, and that idea was wrong.

He had never believed in love before, so naturally he refused to admit that there would be love at first sight in the world.

Until in the darkest night, Luo Jiujiang lit his eyes like sparks.