Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 5: Bai Yueguang

Han Qianling not only bought a guqin for Luo Jiujiang, but also a flute and a flute for him.

In order to invite Han Qianling, the piano that Shao Lan bought with a lot of money was already at a good price. However, Han Qianling didn't care much about his belongings. Almost every instrument he chose for Luo Jiujiang was as valuable as that piano.

His family lineage is a level higher than Shao Lan, and he doesn't even know how rich he is than Shao Lan.

As for the duplex apartment he lent to Luo Jiujiang, it is located in a prime location, with simple decoration and a bright and beautiful beauty with clean lines.

Luo Jiujiang did not live up to his thoughts. Soon after entering the room, he offered to play the piano for Han Qianling.

Coincidentally, the moment he put the guqin on the piano bench, it happened to be the time when Han Qianling's suppressed disease emerged again.

There was a strange feeling in Han Qianling's eyes, but he didn't say anything, just burned a piece of sandalwood for Luo Jiujiang.

The system reminds Luo Jiujiang: [The host may cause Bai Yueguang's suspicion. ]

[Qianling will hurt if I don’t play the piano. Luo Jiujiang responded naturally: [You know, from the day we first met, as long as I can avoid it, as long as I can afford it, I never make him uncomfortable. ]


Luo Jiujiang knew exactly what happened to Han Qianling's "sickness".

The Han Qianling in this world is a piece of soul fragment of the "Han Qianling" in the world he lives in. And the Han Qianling that he loved so much was the only descendant of the Dragon of Creation.

Being enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, but also enough to merge the existence of heaven and earth, the fragments of Qianling will be strongly rejected in every world.

These worlds want to swallow him, but they don't welcome him. They contain the soul fragments of Qianling, like a thorn with a choked throat.

Larger soul fragments in Han Qianling will be cast into mortals, and smaller soul fragments will even be reborn into animals.

Luo Jiujiang even picked up a black cat incarnation of Han Qianling. It was a thin, folded ear, with sparse hair, a small figure, and it was about to reach the end of life.

Repelled by the will of the whole world, every Han Qianling, no matter what identity, whether it is a human or an animal, will be born with ailments and life span will be greatly reduced.

How could Luo Jiujiang sit and watch countless Qianling suffering in a world he didn't know? This is his most beloved person in this life.

It is for this reason that he embarked on the road to travel around the world.

Of course, it would be a surprise to encounter a system with its own pass.

The sound of the piano is like running water, gurgling from the fingers of Luo Jiujiang, fresh like a stream breaking the ice at the beginning of spring, like a yellow warbler on a branch in an empty valley.

For some reason, this tune seems to have a defensive power, and is now gently kissing Han Qianling's two eyelids, persuading him to take a comfortable nap.

Before he knew it, Han Qianling, who was sitting straight on the sofa, slowly leaned on the backrest, then slowly closed his eyes, and finally leaned against the sofa and fell asleep.

The sound of Luo Jiujiang's gurgling piano still remained unresolved.

His music can cure Han Qianling's illness, which has its own reason.

When he was young, Luo Jiujiang used to learn a magic trick from his predecessors, called "Sound Kill". The so-called one sound can make all things live, one song can make the world die, it is enough to clarify the power of this spell.

Luo Jiujiang's music is filled with healing vitality.

For a while, Luo Jiujiang's haunting and quiet piano sound lingered in the room, but after a while, a mechanical electronic sound rang in Luo Jiujiang's mind.

The system informed Luo Jiujiang: [The basic situation of Shao Lan has been inquired. ]

[Shhh, be quiet. Luo Jiujiang replied: [Qianling is sleeping. ]


No, is there something wrong with your host being broad-minded? I'm talking in your mind, what does it have to do with the Han Qianling outside?

For its own future, in order to complete the task successfully, and in order not to rewrite its own program, the system 5555 feels that it is obligated to have a good talk with Luo Jiujiang.

So it arrogantly and lowly asked: [Please, at least look at the task squarely. ]

Luo Jiujiang: [Shh! ]


After putting his Taoist companion to sleep, the amiable Luo Jiujiang finally condescended to face the system's request squarely.

[By the way, what did you just say? ]

As a considerate (and heart-to-heart) system, it has just turned off the sound module, obediently waiting for Luo Jiujiang to play enough piano before turning it back on.

[Host, do you know, there is a famous saying in the small world you are now in. ]

Luo Jiujiang is very interested: [Huh? Appreciate further details. ]

[‘The most precious thing of man is life. Life is only once for us. A person’s life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he does not regret for wasting his years, nor is he ashamed for his inaction-in this way, when he is dying, he can say: "My whole life And all my energy is dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world-the struggle for the liberation of mankind*.']

The system said earnestly: [Host, do you think you should do something more meaningful in life? ]

Do you think you are too much, too much in love? !

After listening to the system’s famous saying, Luo Jiujiang did not jump up and beat the truth-telling system as in the worst plan of 5555. He fell into deep thought and asked the system a question after a while.

[Do you think... is it meaningful to save the world? ]

[Of course it counts. If it doesn't count, then there is probably nothing meaningful in the world.

[Oh. ] Luo Jiujiang declared a fact in a plain and unremarkable tone: [When I was twenty, I had already saved the world. ]


[I save the world without asking for anything in return. My only wish now is to fall in love, have a honeymoon, and then put together my Taoist buddies. Isn’t that demanding? ] Luo Jiujiang asked sincerely.


Not high, of course not high. Compared to those gods who demand all kinds of rare tributes, and a **** who doesn't like it will flood and not rain, Luo Jiujiang is really a simple and approachable good sword god.

There is nothing to say about the system.

The system changed the topic dryly: [Next, I will introduce you to the basic situation of the target Shao Lan...]


Shao Lan's fate is still very strange.

During college, he tried to start a business with a group of classmates and friends, and tried to establish an electrical appliance brand in the cracks of several major companies.

However, with the development of the Internet, the rise of logistics, and the gradual strengthening of the advantages of e-commerce, Shao Lan, who has not enough personal connections to weave a national network, has unfortunately failed miserably.

But he still saved a considerable amount of savings.

After graduating from university, Shao Lan began to gradually take over the catering industry of his parents, focusing on high-end catering, positioning his target customers as rich and famous.

He did quite well in his career until two years after he graduated.

However, the newly appointed top leader thoroughly investigated corruption and has since swept away the extravagance of eating in advance. Shao Lan's performance in the high-end catering industry has since fallen in a straight line visible to the naked eye. He is still half-dead and has fallen by N levels.

Of course, Shao Lan, who has been well nurtured in the business environment since his childhood, will naturally not only have one way to go. After realizing that the catering industry was getting worse and worse, he quickly set his sights on another market.

He had previously acquired a small game company. Taking advantage of the soaring east wind of mobile games, Shao Lan invested all his expenditure in this area and really made several beautiful projects.

...And then, the official end of the game to clear up the chaos in the market, focusing on cracking down on the card drawing of Krypton gold circle money, mobile game version number is limited, the originally prosperous market like flowers and brocades, like a flash in the pan.

Luo Jiujiang: [……]

After listening to the system according to the timeline narrated here, he couldn't help but spit out: [What kind of catastrophe is this, it simply swept across, where to go and where to harm...]

The electronic audio system with no fluctuations is still broadcasting: [Shao Lan currently invests in the entertainment industry and the live broadcast industry, and now he has occupied a part of the market in the live broadcast industry, which seems to be small. ]

[but. ] Speaking of which, even the sound of the system is inevitably a bit heavy.

It added: [Soon the control of the live broadcast industry will be strengthened, and the degree of review will be deepened. It is expected that in three or four years, this industry will have to...]

Luo Jiujiang: [……]

Luo Jiujiang sighed: [No, this person shouldn’t do business on his own. Isn’t it a good idea to choose someone who hates it? ]

After a while, he couldn't help but said: [If I leave him alone, will he end up with a more tragic end? ]

The system obviously ran for a while the space-time module's plate logic, and after a while, it answered Luo Jiujiang very confidently: [Yes. ]

[Although he has accumulated considerable assets before the market shrinks, he has been holding a backlog of urban development projects. Then the real estate bubble burst and he went bankrupt. ]

Luo Jiujiang: [……]

No, what kind of magical human being?

You don't need a knife to kill him, right?

How does it feel to just throw an open water pipe into his room.

In this case, even though Shao Lan might drink two drinks to quench his thirst at first, but the next day he would forget to turn off the water pipe and eventually drowned in his room...

Of course, the joke is just a joke.

Judging from the tragic death of the original owner, Luo Jiujiang will never let Shao Lan get a natural end.

Let Shao Lan have a better life for a few years, it is really cheap for him.

[Show me the details. ] Luo Jiujiang said.

The system presents a translucent light screen in front of Luo Jiujiang, on which various personal data and charts about Shao Lan are displayed in detail.

Luo Jiujiang watched intently for a while, then suddenly said, "Yes."

The author has something to say: *Quoted from "How Steel is Made"

In this article, all worlds are overhead worlds, and all settings are overhead settings. Please do not contact the reality of the divergence.