Bigshot Cultivator Bewildering People Every Day

v1 Chapter 82: abo canary shredded bird cage

Out of pity for the same disease who also can't smell the pheromone, Han Qianling also deliberately released his pheromone.

At that moment, his breath was like a mountain, pressing against the spy from head to toe.

Although the spy was caught from the hiding place by Han Qianling's backhand, he originally stood still.

However, when the strong, aggressive alpha pheromone rushed toward his face like sea water, he subconsciously succumbed to his strong instincts in less than a second.

The spy knelt firmly at Han Qianling's feet.

Spy: "..."

He, he distinguished this time.

This is not Xiao Jiu, the first-generation trapper, he is Han Qianling, the leader of the Resistance Army!

He persuaded people to break up just to persuade them to come to their nest! ! !

Suddenly, the spy didn't know what to make on his face, looking at the sky speechlessly, and choked faintly.

Luo Jiujiang's divine sense swept the situation here, walked slowly from a distance, and removed the illusion technique on the two faces by the way.

He stood in front of the spy who was already demented and couldn't help but sighed.

"How did you think of persuading me to be a hero mother?"

Luo Jiujiang asked the spies: "I didn't choose my gender when I reincarnated. Did you choose your mind when I reincarnated?"

Spy: "..."

The spies suffered a second consecutive crit!

Enough, you two **** couples don't talk about it!

Therefore, the date between Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling came to a very complete ending.

They returned to the central building with a refreshing mood, a full belly of Luo Jiujiang specialty barbecue, and a spy who was detained on the spot with an unpredictable mind.

Han Qianling handed the spy to his subordinates and motioned them to search the base while interrogating.

Such spies must be released in batches, and each spy should have a fixed task.

Otherwise, I can't explain why this person is so daring, seeing Luo Jiujiang and Han Qianling dared to follow directly.

The spies were handed over to the investigating team with a look of death.

On the way to the torture room, the spies secretly said in his heart: No matter what methods these people use against themselves, he will never confess!

It is not without reason that he can be sent to investigate the relevant intelligence of Han Qianling and Luo Jiujiang. Among the same group of spies, he is the one with the strictest mouth and the highest endurance.

Whether it's a leather whip soldering iron or an electric shock with gasoline, you must never pry open his mouth.

The person in charge of the investigation took over the spy, and after a body search, he pushed him into a clean white room.

The spy silently looked at the surrounding situation, and saw that the room was simply furnished, with chairs and tables nailed to the ground, overhead lights hitting the four walls, and the white walls were covered with faint shadows.

Not only is there no torture instrument or shelf in the corner, there is not even a cabinet in this room.

The spies suddenly felt: Should it be psychological tactics, water and food, or bright light?

No, neither.

The team leader in charge of the interrogation even poured a glass of water for the spies from a soft paper cup.

"Drink saliva first." The team leader said to him calmly, "I will toss you more later."

The spy sneered: "Have you added a hallucinogen?"

Could he be so fooled in pediatrics?

The team leader shrugged, took the glass of water from him, raised his head and drank it all by himself, then said, "Actually, no."

The spy looked at each other silently, thinking: psychological tactics are definitely psychological tactics!

No matter what, these people will never ask the truth from their mouths!

The group leader beckoned and motioned that the new people he had brought were closer. Then the next moment, he turned his head and looked directly into the spy's eyes.

At the moment when his eyes were facing the group leader, the spy felt his head heavily heavy, and then the next moment, the whole person seemed to fall into a long and ethereal dream.

The team leader asked in a formal manner: "Name? Age? Gender? When did you enter the base and what was the main purpose?"

With such a lack of technical content, just like the stupid words of a household registration officer registering a household registration, the spies actually answered one by one!

A small part of his still sober consciousness felt something was wrong, but it didn't prevent his mouth from opening up and down, and the information flowed out like flowing water.

The recorder next to the team leader flew his pen, and the team leader himself only needs to look directly into his eyes and raise one question after another.

"How many people did you send to sneak in this time?"

"What is the purpose of each person?"

"Do you know where your companion is now?"

"What further plans does the Federation have for the rebel base?"

After digging out all the information that the spies knew, and almost emptied the person into a thin skin, the team leader snapped his fingers unhurriedly.

With a crisp "pop", the spies felt that his soul was slowly returning to its place.

Three seconds later, the dizzying and terrible feeling finally left him, but another kind of inescapable terror had risen in the spy's heart!

He stared at the group leader blankly, remembering what he had said in a dream, and couldn't help his teeth shaking.

The group leader has ignored him. He began to give lectures to the newcomers he brought.

"Attention, everybody, there are two techniques in my interrogation just now. The first one is unexpected. We can see that although this subject is defensive, he has absolutely no knowledge of illusion, so we can take advantage of it.

The second one is that we must not break fast. We have to invade his spiritual world as soon as we make eye contact with him. If the activation is slow, long-term staring at each other will make people wary or suspicious..."

The team leader used the spies as materials on the spot, and gave a lot of explanations to the newcomers he brought.

After he closed his mouth unconsciously, he waved his hand in the direction of the spy: "Don't waste the test subjects, everyone line up, and then come one by one-remember what I just said, pay attention to two skills, three elements , Four characteristics."

Spy: "..."

He watched as five, six, seven or eight newcomers took a good look at the team in front of him, flexing their hands one by one, a shivering light in his eyes.


On this unlucky afternoon, Mr. Spy did not suffer any physical harm.

But he felt that his spirit was about to die.

In addition, there is another part...

If God gave him another chance, he would definitely say: "I'm so thirsty! Too much talking! My mouth is too dry! I drank that glass of water if I knew it!"

That night, as he lived up to the information provided by Mr. Spies, all the spies who sneaked into the base of the Resistance Army were arrested and brought to justice.

They were thrown into a cell in a group, sitting gloomyly against the wall, like a row of mushrooms or a bunch of gourd babies.

In the office not far away, the prison guard was holding an ancient-earth-era mp3 in his hand, shaking his body emotionally following the singing.

"Thank God, thank you, thank destiny for letting us meet~"

Spies: "..."

Thank you uncle! We don't want to meet each other!


The other half, Luo Jiujiang and System 5555 are conducting a routine daily questioning.

[Are you blocked by the world today? ]

System: [...No. ]

After a while, 5555 couldn't help asking Luo Jiujiang: [Why does the host care about this issue? ]

You know, this is not the first time Luo Jiujiang has asked the system this question.

At the very beginning, the system only thought that Luo Jiujiang had committed an evil taste, so it took it to himself. However, he later discovered that Luo Jiujiang had a rather high concern about this issue, and it seemed that this matter had a major destiny.

[Because the core strengths are not equal. ] Luo Jiujiang calmly said to the system, [This world is very weak. ]

System 5555 Wonder Road: [What is the host saying? ]

Luo Jiujiang was a little surprised: [As a system that connects all worlds, you should know these things by nature, just like monsters have the instinct to inherit memory. I can even use your breath to cover up the fluctuations of my entry into the world, but you don't know what you should know? ]

The always smooth mechanical sound of the system is a bit sluggish: [We are all just the creation of the main god...]

Luo Jiujiang frowned, and he was a little confused.

But now, he still pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart and explained to the system in detail.

[In the first two worlds with Qianling, which is what you call the ‘technological world’, I did not pass on the formula of Xiuxian. ]

The system suddenly realized that in the first two worlds, Luo Jiujiang didn't even teach Han Qianling to cultivate immortals.

You know, as a piece of soul shards, Han Qianling's immortal cultivation will at least reduce her pain a lot.

Although after encountering Luo Jiujiang, Luo Jiujiang will naturally get rid of all his illnesses, but he is prepared...

Of course, Luo Jiujiang wouldn't be reluctant to teach Han Qianling because of Tibetan privates. The system felt that for the host’s lover, he could not live the host, and it would be a magic trick to cultivate immortality with the mine!

[The two worlds cannot carry the power of Xiuxian. ]

Luo Jiujiang organized a language and explained it in a more detailed, popular and systematic way: [In short, Xiuxian is absorbing the power of the world and using it to improve one's own abilities. At the same time, it also generates energy in itself. Everything will be Returning after death-like borrowing from a bank, a bit like a plant absorbs oxygen at night and releases oxygen during the day. In the end, there must be more to pay back with interest than borrowed.

Therefore, to be able to cultivate immortals, one of two requirements must be met.

First, the energy contained in the world is broad enough, and the aura is sufficient. In such a world, whether to cultivate immortals, develop technology, or magic like some works? It's all possible, allowed paths-because the world doesn't care about these, it doesn't care about the long time of'repaying the loan'. ]

[Second, just like this world, the spiritual energy has reached the point where people can cultivate immortals, but the world itself cares about these energies. In such a world, human beings need a pass, the blessing of the world, at the very beginning of their journey to cultivating immortals. ]

[Only with the blessing of the world, the first group of people embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, and then the fate of the ethnic group will be officially changed without application and permission. ]

The system subconsciously asked: [This world has given favor to the rebel base? ]

The world is very broad-minded, even if you were struggling with Luo Jiujiang during that period of time, you still have to...

[No. Luo Jiujiang said calmly, [I gave it for it, in the name of my sword **** coming to the world. ]

System: [...] Just this kind of person, why doesn't the world block him immediately!

Luo Jiujiang coughed lightly: [At that time, we did not give in to each other in the ownership of the Thousand Ridge Fragments, so I followed the trend and divided them...]


The system asked Luo Jiujiang: [So what is the host strange about? ]

[The level of this world is too weak, the power is not coordinated. ] Luo Jiujiang said frankly.

At the moment of hearing this sentence, the system almost felt that it had heard the sound of vomiting blood from this world.

[So there is only one inference...In this world, the world has already promised relatives. ]

The system was taken aback: [What? ]

Luo Jiujiang's eyes widened, as if he wanted to see the back of the planet in an instant: [I guess... it's the Zerg. ]