Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 150: kidnap the world

The impact of two top powerhouses.

Definitely a disaster no one wants to face.

Even if both of them intentionally controlled the scale of the battle.

But the scene was still in an instant.

With such a powerful impact, these pampered politicians have no chance of resistance at all.

In just a few seconds, many people screamed and were injured.

Noah controls the scale.

It's because he didn't want to put himself on the side of anti-humanity.

And Carol Danvers controls the scale because she's a superhero.

The mentality of the two is completely different, so the performance is also very different.

In Noah's heart, even if a few members die, it is within his acceptable range.

And Carol Danvers didn't think so.

So she was naturally at a disadvantage.

Noah roared wildly, and his muscles instantly swelled up.

But he didn't wait for him to activate demon mode.

Carol Danvers has taken the opportunity to punch him directly in the stomach.

Noah will naturally not be solved by a punch, but the terrifying power of this punch still knocks him away.

He broke through the walls of the White House all the way, and finally flew to the White House Square, which barely stopped the decline.

Carol Danvers is in a rut.

She knew very well that Noah Allen would not be solved so easily.

So after that, after catching up, Noah was hammered.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Noah reacted and found an opportunity to force the distance.

Demon mode, burst!

Black Demon Dragon Form, Activate!

In the blink of an eye, Noah has become an out-and-out monster.

Noah's full state is on!

With a roar, Noah looked at Carol Danvers and rushed over.

"Come again!"

Just a fist.

If you want to hurt him, it's still a long way off!

The black light on Noah's body circulated, and the powerful energy of the virus was continuously squeezed out by him.

He not only has the characteristics of the black light virus.

At the same time, it also absorbed the advantages of countless powerful genes.

And every high-intensity battle is an evolutionary shortcut for him.

Such is the impact of a nuclear bomb.

The same is true for the battle with the ancient one!

Now he is no different from the previous battle with Gu Yi.

He is now strong, no doubt about it!


Air flow.

Behind Noah, a visible air wall was almost formed.

He felt his strength, and he was still getting stronger!

A terrifying iron fist is erupting.

Claw form, long blade form, giant hammer form, and even whip form.

Each form has a different effect.

And Noah, has the limit of using skills.

He has absorbed the memories of many actual martial arts masters.

So for him, fighting skills are not what limits him.

It's just that he never had to.

And now, Carol Danvers, who is powerful and has a rough fighting style, is his best sparring partner!

In an instant, the entire square was torn to shreds by the battle between the two.

A large number of elite soldiers arrived around.

However, no one dared to approach.

Some people tried it, but in front of this kind of battle, they were directly smashed through the body by the gravel thrown up by the two.

Dozens and hundreds of super soldiers and powerful biological weapons such as tyrants have also arrived.

But he could only watch silently from outside the square.

This battle is a battle between the strongest and the strongest.

Maybe no one knew how strong they were before.

But after today, no one will doubt their power!

The name of the **** of Noah.

Absolutely worthy of the name!

And Noah's counterattack also made Carol Danvers feel the pain after a long absence.

Carol Danvers, who originally thought that Noah Allen was not worthy of her full strength, also erupted with more terrifying power at this moment.

Burst of energy surrounds Carol Danvers.

Although there was no active explosion, this energy had made her body levitate in the air.

The surrounding air was distorted.

next moment.


The two who had just separated, bumped into each other again.

And this time, Noah was shot flying in an instant!

Carol Danvers stands in the void.

No pursuit was made.

Because, even Noah at this time is enough to make people on the whole earth fear.

But in her eyes, they are only weak!

The strong, when facing the weak, only need to look down.

She thought so and did it.

Noah, who was kicked out, grinned in pain.

Truly the DC Superman in Marvel.

Really strong and unreasonable.

He has exploded to this level, but in front of Carol Danvers, he is still so powerless.

Is Carol Danvers Really Serious?

Looking at the calm eyes of the woman standing in the air, Noah had a hard time believing that this was the performance of doing his best.

Carol Danvers raised his eyebrows and looked at Noah who fell to the ground without any fluctuations in his eyes.

"Noah Allen, get out of here.

Take the bill honestly, and I can negotiate with the President for your immunity for your contribution to the planet. "

Her words, not only Noah was upset.

At the same time, it also made the faces of the president and others in the rear look ugly.

Negotiate exemption?

Is this something you can decide.

Although it is indeed impossible for them to pursue it, Carol Danvers said these words, what is the difference between what Noah Allen did.

The same defiant, the same did not take them seriously.

But apparently, Carol Danvers didn't realize it.

In other words, she doesn't care what other people think.

Decades of savior career have made her character accustomed to being respected and aloof.

What other people think?

That was never in her mind!

Noah heard the words and looked at her with a bit of ridicule.

"Do you consider yourself a hero?"

Noah sneered.

Then, rushed over again.

The battle is not over yet.

How could he just stop.

Carol Danvers also rushed up again without hesitation.

The collision continues.

And the strength of the two is becoming more and more obvious.

Carol Danvers is getting stronger and stronger, but Noah's state is obviously declining rapidly.

Noah Allen is going to lose!

Carol Danvers thought so.

The people around were also guessing the same.

But only Noah, there was just disdain in his eyes.

and deep sarcasm.

Before he fought Gu Yi, he knew that he was doomed to fail.

But before meeting Carol Danvers, he knew that he was destined to be the winner today!



I never thought I was a good person! "

Noah growled, his right arm suddenly bulging.

In just an instant, an extremely terrifying force was transmitted from the right arm.


Carol Danvers stumbled.

She couldn't make it to the end.

This punch made her embarrassed!


That's all.

Carol Danvers looked indifferent.

Looking down, there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

At the same time, the explosion of power is getting stronger and stronger.

She is constantly lifting her own restrictions!

Obviously, she is not in the strongest state now.

Just in the blink of an eye.

Carol Danvers regained the upper hand.

"Noah Allen, I already said that.

This is not where you should be! "

While speaking, Carol Danvers' terrifying fist kept tilting towards Noah.

But ten seconds.

Noah has been completely suppressed.

Carol Danvers grabbed Noah's neck and stood proudly in the air.

"I am a hero!"

The battle is over at this moment.

In the distance, the president and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"It looks like Noah Allen lost."

The president said with a bit of comfort on his face. When Noah Allen appeared just now, he was startled.

On the side, someone else said with a smile:

"Your Excellency, about the specific policy of the Final Agreement Act, maybe we should change it.

The original requirements, I personally think, are still too lenient. "

Nick Fury in the crowd also regained confidence in the one-eyed.

Everything is under his control.

And right now.

Noah Allen, who had lost in everyone's eyes, looked at Carol Danvers without fear.

There was even a sneer on his face.

It never occurred to him that he would win by fighting head-on.

Because he's not a real superhero.

That's just his outsider setting.

He has always been very clear about his position!

He's just an extremely selfish normal person.

His love, apart from his own family, can no longer leave a gap.


He doesn't need to win.

All he needs to do is make sure Carol Danvers loses!

And as a supervillain, he has a number of ways to ensure that.

"Carol Danvers, you did win.

I am not your opponent now. "

When Carol Danvers heard Noah's words, something was wrong.

Noah's speech did not sound like a loser.

Noah's mouth twitched.

Then he looked around, as if talking to himself, and as if to say to Carol Danvers:

"Heroes are for the purpose of saving people."

Carol Danvers narrowed her eyes and listened to Noah's speech.

Then, Noah laughed and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"But unfortunately, I was never a hero.

As you may know, I am the owner of a bio-military enterprise.

But you must not know how many biological weapons I have! "

Noah stared coldly at Captain Marvel, whose eyes became solemn.

"You don't even know how much preparation I have done to meet you.

At this moment, every corner of the world has been covered by my biological weapons.

I can't kill the whole world, but I can promise.

As long as I lose, within three minutes.

The world's population will be cut in half! "

Carol Danvers was instantly ashen, and the hand holding Noah's neck unwittingly loosened.

Noah and Carol Danvers looked at each other.

"You, do you want to try it!"

Yes, he really can't beat Captain Marvel.

But Captain Marvel isn't the ancient one either.

The ancient one can not care about the rise and fall of human beings.

But not Captain Marvel!

She's a superhero, so she's doomed.


He, Noah Allen, kidnapped the world!

Noah punches Carol Danvers in the face.

"Tell me how I lost!"

His only goal is to win.

Victory without force?

That's something superheroes only think about.

But he, Noah Allen, is a super villain!

Carol Danvers was shocked and silent.

She didn't believe that Noah Allen dared to do this.

But she didn't dare to gamble, and she couldn't gamble.

After she returned to Earth, Nick Fury gave her the Noah Allen profile.

Including some of these unsubstantiated speculations were also put in the file by Nick Fury.

So, she knew that Noah Allen may have killed a lot of people in order to accumulate funds.

I know more that Noah Allen may have created a Resident Evil crisis himself.

Until now, these were just guesses.

but now.

She knew this was the truth.

But the more so, the less she dared to act.

Because she can't afford to gamble at all.

Carol Danvers has scruples.

But Noah shook his fist mercilessly.

The power of terror poured out mercilessly on Carol Danvers.

But within a few seconds, hundreds of punches fell like raindrops.


Carol Danvers flew upside down instantly, and Noah followed directly and continued to explode.

in the eyes of others.

But it was just that the two were fighting constantly, and Captain Marvel was accidentally counterattacked when he was about to win.

I didn't know that Noah kidnapped the whole world such a terrifying The character design is a good thing, and Noah didn't plan to give up.

As for making Carol Danvers hostile to him, that's nothing.

I'm just threatening.

Did I do it? do you have proof?

No evidence, be careful I sue you for defamation!

No public will believe Carol Danvers' accusations.

Because in the eyes of this world.

He Noah Allen is a real superhero!

Captain Marvel Carol Danvers?

Who is that?
