Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 159: I put 1 galaxy of water, what about you,

Others have questions, but Noah doesn't.

Seeing Loki flying out, Noah did not hesitate at all and rushed towards Loki directly.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

He wanted to see if this Loki was the real Loki.

Although he has enough confidence in his own strength.

But Loki, as the strongest magician in Asgard, is not weak.

If he can force him to do more, he can still believe a little more.

Can it be solved in one click?

Is he too strong, or is Loki, the so-called strongest magician, too weak!

The powerful power around Noah's body set off a terrifying wave.

The cold light in his eyes continued.


The powerful arm blade slashed directly at Loki.

at this time.


A loud shout came.

Then a thunderbolt slammed towards Noah.

Fortunately, Noah reacted quickly and immediately dodged.

This is the only way to evade the attack.

Standing up, Noah did not look at Loki again, but stared at the person who came.

"Thor, Thor!"

Noah took a deep breath.

This was the first official meeting between him and Sol.

But obviously, this meeting was not pleasant.

Sol glanced at Noah, and then said directly domineeringly:

"Loki is from our Asgard. Even if he is tried, he should be judged by Asgard himself."

While speaking, Thor had already walked towards Loki.

He knew that Noah Allen was strong.

But as he said to Nick Fury before.

Noah Allen is just a mortal.

There is a world of difference between divine power and mortal power.

There is only one Hulk.

What's more, even Hulk has weaknesses.

Although he has never seen a nuclear bomb explode, he can judge the power of a nuclear bomb based on other human weapons.

Anti-nuclear bomb, that's nothing!

Divine power can easily suppress Noah Allen's so-called powerful power.

Sol's words did not arouse Noah's anger, but made Tony's expression change.

Loki has made so many things.

Many people even died because of Loki.

Sol just said, Loki belongs to Asgard and wants to bring people back?

What a joke!

This is Earth, not Asgard.

The king of Asgard, on Earth, can only be an ordinary person!

Without thinking, Tony stood up directly.

Although he didn't speak, his meaning was already quite obvious.

Sol's face sank.

Of course he knew that in this matter he actually had some wrongs.

But the pride of being a prince did not allow him to bow his head.

"Step aside!"

Sol yelled loudly.

Although Thor has been to Earth many times.

But how could his pride disappear so easily.

So now, not only is he a violent temper, but his status as a prince also makes his temper even hotter.

Tony Stark mocked directly:

"Why, is this how Asgard taught you the rules?"

Tony's words came out.

In an instant, Sol's aura skyrocketed.

Now Asgard, Loki betrays, Odin sleeps.

There is no doubt that this is the time when Asgard is at its weakest.

And Thor, as the prince of Asgard.

Even more sensitive.

call out!

No notice, no notice.

Sol dashed towards Tony sharply.

The soles of the feet slammed, and the ground exploded.

Tony Stark's words are a provocation to Asgard.

At this time, he must use his Thor's Hammer to defend the majesty of Asgard!

Tony saw this and was not to be outdone.

What about Thor.

He, Tony Stark, was ever afraid of the so-called god.

The first few times they met, it was very unpleasant.

Now, Tony is trying to play a game with him.

Look at how powerful this so-called Thor is!

As it happens, it can also be used as an important reference for the Science and Technology Ark Project to determine the degree of danger to alien life.

But he didn't wait for Tony to greet him.

A figure has passed over him.

Noah's face was cold.

Does this Sol really think he can do whatever he wants?

Ben and Hulk are still fighting.

There are more crises around.

Even the Loki lying not far away was just an illusion in his eyes.

Sol came out at this time, making it clear that he was going to cause trouble for him.

And he Noah Allen, the most annoying thing is undoubtedly trouble!

Since someone was looking for trouble, he let Sol know.

How troublesome is this!


Noah's punch collided with Thor's hammer.

After a brief stalemate, Noah flew out backwards.

Sol sneered.

"This is the powerhouse that your atrium cannot check and balance?"

Sol is disdainful.

If Tony Stark is at this level, he will not say anything, but Noah Allen, but these Atrium people are recognized as strong.

Even Nick Fury's evaluation of Noah Allen is an opponent that he may not be able to defeat.

At that time, he was still looking forward to a fight.

But now, all he has is disdain.

Very disdainful.

So weak, so weak that he couldn't even have any interest in it.

Thunder flashed all over Sol.

The earth is not without the strong.

Hulk is one.

Maybe the stone man who is fighting Hulk can be regarded as one.

But, Noah Allen?



Noah's expression was extremely angry.

I feel like I'm going to kill someone.

But in fact,

After being beaten out, Noah's face remained unchanged, but he was thinking about something.

In the collision just now, Saul didn't use all his strength, so why not.

The only difference is how much the two keep.

The next moment, Noah's muscles suddenly began to swell.

Muscle recharge, burst!

In an instant, Noah, who was originally slender, suddenly swelled into a strong man.

His muscular body was full of strength.

Seeing this, Sol's face became solemn.

He felt threatened.

Although I don't understand how strong Noah Allen is at the moment.

But there is no doubt that this is an opponent worthy of his serious consideration!

"Thunder Thor?"

Noah chuckled lightly.

"Come on, let's try again.

Exactly, let me take the place of King Odin and let you understand how dangerous this world is! "

Noah's words really angered Sol without a doubt.

Sol's blow just now was just an attack to maintain Asgard's dignity.

He was even worried about killing Tony Stark with a hammer, so he took back some of his power.

But now!

This is not only a mockery of him, but also a mockery of his father, the king of the entire Asgard, the **** Odin!

As long as it is a person from Asgard, it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent!



Thor swung his hammer into the sky.

A thunder flashed.

Sol's figure changed greatly.

A majestic battle armor was worn on him, and powerful divine power flowed in his body.

"Noah Allen, you will pay the corresponding price for everything you said at this time!"

But he didn't pay attention to Loki, who was unable to get up not far away.

Obviously he is also the son of Odin, but at this time, his face did not fluctuate at all.

It was as if all of what Noah said had nothing to do with him.

Thor didn't notice, but Noah did.

The ridicule deepened in Noah's eyes.

Is this the future king of Asgard?

Just to make people laugh.

The next moment, Sol moved.

Noah moved at the same time.

The two disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, they were already face to face.

Looking at each other, Noah threw a punch.

Thor's Thor's Hammer also smashed towards Noah at the same time.

One punch, one hammer, second contact.

But this time, Noah stood firmly in place.

The powerful impact began to dissipate toward the periphery.

Even Tony Stark had to activate the thrusters to stay in place.

That 'Rocky' was almost thrown away, but was suddenly stabilized by a force.

"Come again!"

Seeing that Noah took the hammer.

Sol got excited.

He just walked away.

Noah Allen, is an opponent worthy of taking him seriously!

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

The next moment, the two began to attack violently.

Powerful attack, terrifying speed.

The battle was even more intense than on the other side, the Hulk and the Thing who were already breathing heavily.

Sol got more and more excited.

He hadn't experienced this kind of battle for a long time.

After a brief stagger, Sol let out a loud cry of excitement.

"This is the battle I want, come again!"

Noah didn't speak either.

Just keep attacking, attacking, attacking.

The battle scene was extremely spectacular.

It didn't take long for the two of them to do their best.

The aftermath of the battle was even more exaggerated than the Hulk and their battles.

Gradually, the Hulk and the Stone Man in the distance stopped, panting and looking at their opponents.

They are tired.

The control of the Mind Gem is very domineering and can directly change people's thoughts.

But it only changes people's minds.

Their personalities won't change much until they're too detailed.

So at this time Ben, although Hulk and even Noah are regarded as hostile.

But he didn't want to fight this kind of battle that couldn't tell the difference in a short period of time.

As for Hulk, the main reason is Noah.

He should have been getting more and more angry during the battle, but after noticing the existence of Noah, his anger seemed to disappear in an instant, and he couldn't accumulate it at all.

During the battle, Noah had a bit of sarcasm on his face.

Then he said to Sol coldly:

"Is this the power of Thor?

I'm a little disappointed, it seems that I overestimate you. "

When Sol heard that, the thunder and lightning in his body became a little stronger, and the power of Thor's Hammer was also much stronger.

After Sol's power became more and more terrifying.

Noah's performance was no longer as easy as before, as if he was really under a lot of pressure.

But in fact, Noah was dignified on the surface, but he didn't take this battle with Sol seriously in his heart.

Evenly matched?

Looking at Sol's expression, Noah just wanted to ridicule.

I put a galaxy of water, how about you?

Thor is very strong, and in his peak state, even Noah now can only admit defeat.

But that was Thor after the awakening.


Just a little brat without a hammer.

Just when the two were fighting.

Fake Loki's No one can see the real Loki standing there.

Not only was he standing, but at this moment, he looked exactly like Susan.

Only, like Susan, 'she' was invisible.

The fierce battle between the two gave him hope.

If he can control both of them at the same time, his plan to dominate the earth will no longer be hindered.

There is only one question, and that is, Noah Allen, is he really trying his best?

Is the plan that he carefully prepared really exposed directly because of the battle between the two?

After a moment of hesitation, Loki made up his mind.

No matter how good a plan is, there are times when it fails.

And the opportunity is at hand!
