Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 230: absolute mind control

Unlike The Flash Barry Allen.

The way Noah came in was much simpler.

He is here, with VIP-level treatment.

So Jarvis didn't block him in any way, and Tony Stark was notified as soon as possible.

Tony had a headset in his ear and knew it all.

After all, he was the one who found Noah.

Although he already believed Barry Allen's words somewhat.

But in the face of such a strange guy, without Noah present, he was really uneasy.

After all, with such a fast speed, if he starts his hand, he has no chance of winning.

Noah's appearance at this time undoubtedly relieved him.

Hearing Noah's voice, a flash of vigilance flashed in Barry Allen's eyes.

Especially after seeing Noah Allen, this vigilance did not drop in the slightest.

During this time, he also knew something about the world.

Although not much, it was enough for him to understand some of Noah Allen's deeds.

In his eyes, Noah Allen is definitely a dangerous person.

Although he has also saved the world many times, all kinds of evidence show that he is as dangerous as the human beings he has saved.

He also knew one such person, and that was Green Arrow Oliver Quinn.

But unlike Oliver Quinn, Noah Allen's purpose is less clear and his style is less consistent.

So he knew that Noah Allen was the most well-known superhero in the world, but when he planned to contact the world, he did not consider Noah Allen as an option at all.

But now, just after he and Tony Stark chatted for a while, Noah Allen appeared.

Apparently Tony Stark informed him of the situation here in some way.

Barry Allen didn't question anything, which is normal from Tony Stark's point of view.

So he took a deep breath and said:

"Mr. Noah Allen, I thought our meeting would be delayed for a while."

Tony winked at Noah before saying:

"This is The Flash, according to himself, from another world.

I had a chat with him and we both thought. If what he said is correct, the intersection of the two worlds should be the battle between us and Mephisto. "

Tony explained the situation to Noah very succinctly.

He believed that this information was enough for Noah to figure out what happened.

Noah nodded.

"I saw that I was not mistaken at the time. The red flash that appeared on the battlefield was you."

Noah's words made Barry Allen stunned for a moment.

He frowned, recalled the experience of the first time crossing, and then said:

"When I was on the battlefield, I didn't seem to see anyone."

The old mage has fainted, and the difference between the image of Noah Allen and the image of Noah Allen in front of him is too big, so naturally it is not included.

Noah chuckled and said firmly:

"But I saw you, and if I remember correctly, you walked by my side three times."

"Are you that weird piece of flesh?"

Barry Allen paused and said in surprise.

After noticing Noah nodding, he felt that the world was joking with him.

The mass of flesh and blood he saw back then had no human shape at all.

It didn't die like that. Does Noah Allen have an immortal body?

Even Tony looked at Noah in surprise.

He knew that Noah's resilience was strong.

But he is very sure that the Flash's IQ is not low, and it is impossible for flesh and blood to be mistaken with the human body.

So what did Noah look like at that time?

"What a monster."

He spit out a sentence, even if the strength is strong, the recovery ability is still so strong, it is simply not giving people a way to live.

The more he knows about Noah, the more he feels that things like anti-Noah armor are not reliable at all.

Now, he can't even defeat Noah head-on, let alone organize Noah's recovery ability.

This probably requires some biological research.

Feeling that there are more steps in the work of the anti-Noah armor, it is difficult for him to feel happy.

But the main trouble now is the intersection of the two worlds.

Although science is very advanced now, there is no shortage of the idea that when worlds intersect, both worlds will fall into destruction.

If this view becomes reality, then the earth is over!

The only good thing about it is that The Flash seems to be quite experienced with this sort of thing.

Barry Allen says:

"It's unbelievable, I've never heard of such resilience."

"If you know a man named Wade, maybe you can refresh your worldview."

Noah said indifferently.

Deadpool's recovery ability is no worse than his.

But the most terrifying thing is that Deadpool's resilience is unscientific.

It takes a lot of energy for Noah to recover himself.

The way Deadpool will recover his body is completely unknown.

Maybe soaking him in lava can wipe out all the recovery factors in him.

Barry Allen took down the name Wade.

Deadpool is not a mainstream superhero, and he has become Umbrella's security chief in this life, and rarely appears in the public eye, so Barry Allen has no information about Deadpool at all.

After greeting, Noah asked:

"Are you talking about the problem with the mind shield?"

Tony nodded and said the excitement in his eyes once again when he said the mind shield.

"Yes, you can never imagine that in their world, in order to deal with that gorilla Grude, a mind shield has been developed."

Barry Allen also said:

"The mind shield can block Grude's psychic power, but he is very difficult to deal with.

And now he also controls a helper.

We also need a detailed plan for dealing with Grude. "

Tony nodded.

He likes planning.

Just as several people were talking, Jarvis's alarm sounded.

"Sir, there are Hulk trails on Center Street in New York, and they have begun to damage the surrounding buildings."

Several people's faces changed slightly.

Center Street is the most prosperous place in New York, and the damage was not small when it was attacked there.

"I'll go right now!"

As soon as Barry Allen's voice fell, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

Tony looked at Jarvis without a response, and turned his head to see Noah.

"Did you see how he left?"

Noah narrowed his eyes.

The Flash is very fast, but Noah at this time can already see the trajectory of Barry Allen's actions to a certain extent.

"I think he went straight through the glass."

"Through it? Stark Industries' glass is bulletproof."

Then, he froze for a moment.

"Are you sure you went through?"

He came up with a theory, but he never thought about it.

"That's right, I went through it."

The two were still talking, and Barry Allen had reached Center Street.

With such a long distance, even if Noah wants to come over, it will take a few minutes.

But for The Flash, it's just an instant.

When he got there, Barry Allen saw the Hulk being destroyed and rushed towards Hulk without hesitation.

He knew some information about the Hulk.

Knowing that the Hulk is very powerful, but in his opinion, under his acceleration, the power he possesses is also extremely strong, and he may not be able to fly the Hulk.


The moment the two were in contact, Barry Allen flew out.

But Hulk discovered the guy who attacked him.


Hulk roared.

During the time he was controlled by Grude, he had completely released his nature.

And what is the nature of the Hulk?


With only five or six years of intelligence, he possesses power, so he also advocates power.

After finding that he was attacked, he chose to attack without hesitation.

So the next moment, Hulk jumped and jumped directly towards Barry Allen.

Just as he was about to smash down, Grude appeared in Barry Allen's sight.


Grude stopped the Hulk's attack.

Then, Grude looked at Barry Allen.

"The Flash, why are you here, this world should be without you."

Barry Allen gritted his teeth and stood up.

The hit just now was not light.

"Grudd, this is not the place you should take it with you, go back."

Groud gave Barry a disdainful look when he heard what Barry said.

It also has some mixed feelings about The Flash.

It was reluctant to kill Barry Allen if possible.

"The Flash, this is not your world. Leave here and go back to Central City. I will not return to that city. You can still be the guardian of Central City."

But its words did not shake Barry.

"No matter what city it is, I can't watch you do evil."

Grud laughed a few times.

"The Flash, I don't want to kill you.

I want you to understand that when I came to this world, I already had the strongest power.

No one can stop me from ruling the world! "

Aside, Hulk has cooperated with Grude and bared his teeth towards Barry Allen.

However, when Grude spoke, Barry Allen was already moving.

He's the Flash, the fastest man in the world.

Watching The Flash start running, Grude impatiently activates his psychic abilities.

He wants to control Barry Allen.

But obviously, in front of the shield in the heart, his ability has no doubt failed.

This makes it even more irritable.

"Hulk, kill him!"

The Flash's ignorance of the current affairs made him lose his last patience.

After finishing speaking, it climbed directly towards a building at the top of Center Street.

He has created the Mind Amplifier.

However, due to the conditions, this amplifier is still a bit rudimentary, so he needs to go to the highest point in order to maximize his mind control ability.

At that time, the whole of New York will be controlled by it.

Then he will control the world step by step.

Seeing Grude's movements and what was on his head, Barry Allen knew what he was thinking.

Although he was in a hurry, Hulk's power was no joke.

Just when Barry Allen wanted to pass the Hulk and catch up with Grude directly, the Hulk jumped and jumped directly to the wall of the building.

Then the two hands clapped a slap.

The huge force set off a gust of wind, swept directly towards Barry, and directly swept him away.

Seeing Barry lying on the ground, Hulk moved.

This time without Gruder's obstruction, he jumped towards Barry without hesitation.

Just when he was about to jump on Barry.


The Stone Man appeared and knocked Hulk flying.

"Boy, are you alright?"

Ben looked at Barry Allen, then frowned.

In the past few days, the news that the gorilla is controlling the Hulk to make troubles has already been rumored.

Naturally, the Fantastic Four couldn't be indifferent either.

Without Reed, he is now working outside as a superhero in addition to working at Umbrella.

In the doomsday monster attack caused by Mephisto before, he also appeared on the battlefield for the first time.

Today he was on patrol with Johnny and heard the news of the battle here.


Johnny was burning with flames and flew directly towards Grude.

"Be careful!"

Seeing Johnny's actions, Barry immediately reacted. If this fire man is also controlled, then they will be in big trouble.

But obviously, his reminder was too late.

Grud didn't do anything, just glanced back, Johnny's eyes were already dull.

After regaining his senses, he actually rushed towards Ben and the two of them.

At this time, Hulk has collided with Ben again.

The Hulk, who has liberated his nature, seems to be using his power with fear.

And it is extremely easy to be provoked. In this state, his power has increased rapidly.

Ben's limits were quickly exceeded.


Another collision, but this time, Ben was knocked away.


Barry Allen scolded.

Glancing at Johnny, who flew over, he ran without hesitation.

As long as Grude's problems are not resolved, he will never be able to win this battle.

Grud, who has a mind amplifier, is not so easy to solve.

Seeing that Grude was climbing higher and higher, Barry Allen glanced at Johnny behind him and charged directly towards Grude.

No matter what, he must stop Grude's next move!

However, although he was fast, Johnny was not slow either.

The most important thing is that Johnny is flying, but he is running on the ground. This reason alone is enough to level the speed gap between the two.

So, before Barry Allen could catch up with Grude, Johnny had already caught up, and there was a blowing him away.

Although he got up right away.

However, it's too late.

Grude stood on the top of the building, his eyes flashing with excitement.

This world is now his!

The next moment, Grude activated his mind control ability without hesitation.

Under the influence of his ability, countless people's expressions fell into sluggishness.

Even Tony Stark, who was coming, could not escape this control.

Only Noah looked at the pedestrians below with dull eyes, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"This gorilla is ambitious enough."

A cold color flashed in Noah's eyes.

This world is his territory!
