Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 30: Surprise

In just a few hours, Tony Stark felt that his worldview was impacted.

The weapon he thought was used to make the world peaceful actually appeared in the bases of these terrorists.

This also made him doubt for the first time whether he had done the right thing in the past few years.

Can the production of weapons really make the world more peaceful?

At the same time, thousands of fighting wolves have been released.

These are products that have just been prepared and are ready for delivery.

Because the research progress is faster than expected, so the delivery time has not yet arrived.

Pulled out this time, just to test the performance and let those buyers see how good they are.

Noah stayed here for half a month.

Tony Stark may be in too large a range, and even a tireless biological weapon like the Wolf Fighter cannot complete the search in a short period of time.

However, the speed of Doulang's search surprised many people.

Thousands of fighting wolves, the speed is much faster than the military helicopter's search speed, the most important thing is that the fighting wolf's search is far more effective than the helicopter.

Even because of the existence of Doulang, the military has found several rebel organizations.


"There is a situation!"

A staff member who observed the camera on Fighting Wolf said in surprise.

Noah and Colonel Rhodes immediately looked over.

I saw a group of rebels with live ammunition in a small ravine.

Although it is still uncertain, after seeing the scene below, Noah instinctively felt that he had found the right place.

After James Rhodes saw the situation on the camera, he also noticed that this group of people was unusual.

They even saw Stark Industries' missiles in the camera, which is not something that ordinary terrorists can get.

"Colonel Rhodes, get ready, we'll pick you up."

At this time, Tony Stark is doing his best to create a battle suit.

The main body of the battle suit has taken shape.

Ethan started with his hands, full of admiration.

"It's amazing. With these pieces of copper and iron, you can actually create such a big guy."

Tony Stark didn't speak, but his raised mouth proved that he was also very proud.

"It will be finished in two days at most.

It's time to go according to plan. "

While the two were discussing.

There was a sudden sound of gunfire outside, and it was also accompanied by shouts of killing.

"What happened!"

The two quickly looked towards the surveillance hole on the door.

I saw the rebel leader shouting loudly, calling for his subordinates to walk out.

Knowing that Tony Stark couldn't understand, Ethan took the initiative to explain:

"He was saying that a group of animals like dogs rushed over outside and asked everyone to support."


How can there be a dog in a place like this?

And looking at the meaning, those dogs have already made these rebels scrambling.

His eyes flickered a few times, and Tony Stark made a decisive decision:

"Ethan, come and help me put on my suit, this may be our best chance."

"But the battle suit is not finished yet." Ethan also noticed, but only the main part of the battle suit has been completed, and the most important faceplate has not been forged.

If it is a cold weapon battle, it is fine, but in the hail of bullets, it is too dangerous.

Tony Stark naturally understands this.

But he still said seriously:

"This is our best chance, and a civil unrest in the rebels greatly increases our chances of leaving.

At least we can't put our hope in praying for the victory of those enemies whom the rebels call 'dogs'.

Besides, those enemies are not necessarily good people. "

When talking about dog-like animals, Tony Stark looked a little weird.

Because he thought of a nasty person.

That guy made a dog-like toy.

Shouldn't it be... it's really him.

Tony Stark's expression changed slightly.

No, absolutely not!

He didn't want to be saved by that guy's toy.

"Ethan, hurry up."

The two quickly put on their equipment.

However, this rudimentary steel battle suit obviously does not have such excellent performance.

It's not easy to wear it, and the current battle suit has not been completed, and many places need to be adjusted before it can be worn well.

The two were busy for a while, and the gunshots outside seemed to be getting less and less.

Noting this situation, the two of them not only did not stop, but accelerated their speed.

Now that the plan has started, they have no choice.

No matter which side wins, they will definitely come in to check, and they can't keep hiding it.

"Hurry, hurry up Ethan."

"I'm trying!"

Ethan was also sweating profusely.

At this moment, there seemed to be some movement outside.

The expressions of the two of them changed slightly.

At the same time, I prayed that the other party would come in slowly.

But their prayers were not answered.

"Huh? Is it inside? Get it open."

Tony Stark's face changed greatly.

That's right, the guy he hated.

Damn, what happened next was definitely the scene he hated the most.

"Ethan, help me take it off."

At this time, he looked a little embarrassed. The armor was half worn, and he even had one arm on, and the other arm was hanging outside.

Although Ethan didn't understand, but looking at Tony Stark's face, he knew they should be safe.

And those people also spoke English.

At this moment, there was a loud explosion.

A small hole was blown open where the door was locked.

A young man in a suit walked in.

"Yo, Tony, long time no see!"

Noah grinned.

It's not easy to see Tony Stark so embarrassed. UU reading

Saying that, his hand lightly pressed on the phone.

Quietly, the commemorative photo has been completed.

Noah smiled.

Tony Stark's face was ashen.

That guy actually took such a messed up picture of him.

"Bastard, give me your phone!"

Tony Stark was furious and wanted to move forward.

But the battle suit, which had not yet released the restrictions, blocked him.

Noah put away the phone and said to Tony Stark:

"To interview you, how does it feel to be saved by someone you hate?"

Tony Stark didn't speak, but his face darkened.

Aside, Colonel Rhodes quickly said:

"Okay, you two, this is not a place to catch up, so let's leave quickly."

With the help of Ethan, Tony Stark finally took off his armor.

Looking at Noah's interested eyes, he said proudly:

"Boy, you didn't save me.

In fact, as long as my suit is complete, I can leave at any time. "

"Really, just with this pile of junk?"

Said so, but Noah was still very shocked.

Seeing in the movie is one thing, but in reality is another.

With the bad conditions here, Tony Stark can make Mark 1, and it can only be said that he lives up to his genius.

But of course he couldn't let Tony Stark see the shock in his eyes.

This is his rare opportunity to mock Tony Stark.

And the result was not bad.

At least Noah thinks so.