Biohazard Empire II

Chapter 424: High Alliance and Mega Constructs

A huge planetary mothership, after thousands or even tens of thousands of years of accumulation, its resources are extremely terrifying.

What's more, these planetary motherships themselves are built after the model of Starship Earth, so many of their parts are even directly interchangeable with Starship Earth.

This kind of battle still has huge benefits for the current Starship Earth, and it is even more valuable than the dozens of planets that captured the void civilization before.

In the next ten days, the Earth Bereaved came out and attacked the 15 planetary motherships of the Earth Bereaved.

Everywhere you go, you must first evaluate it, especially to collect information on the domain master-class fighters guarding these motherships. If it is finally judged that it can be persuaded to surrender, the Starship Earth will be used as a deterrent and then persuaded to surrender.

If it is judged that the other party will not buy Li Yuchen or the Li family’s account at all, but will definitely resist, then he will immediately appear in a thunderous force, activate Starship Earth, and directly hit the opponent’s mother with a collision angle. Ship, and then start fighting.

At this time, Richemont had the dragon scales that existed as cross-dimensional creatures, and after his understanding of the three-dimensional law reached its peak, it could be said that he was an invincible existence under the landlord!

Those domain master-level warriors had almost no enemies of his one. They were directly rolled by dragon scales, or cut into thousands of pieces, and were absorbed by Richemont. And after these battles, he quickly reached the peak power of the domain master, but he couldn't make any further progress. Because what is needed next is an understanding of the laws of space!

Along the way, as many as eight planetary motherships were destroyed, and they were basically used as parts factories by Buzhoushan. They were quickly dismantled and then left. They even used these mothership wrecks to reassemble several generations of spacecraft in their spare time. , Let some free slaves live.

There are as many as seven planetary motherships that have returned!

Among the guards of the seven planetary motherships, most were domain master-class fighters who were loyal to the Li family or advocated the spirit of freedom, so when Li Yuchen appeared, there was almost no resistance. And most of the star masters, star divisions, and ordinary warriors among these planetary star motherships also accepted this result. Individuals who resisted fiercely were directly subdued by their former comrades.

At the same time, Richemont also obtained hundreds of billions of sub-body fighters after several battles. The overall combat effectiveness can be described as a leap.

Fifteen planetary motherships, dozens of domain master-class fighters, hundreds of billions of middle-level and ordinary fighters, just like that!

The occurrence of these things has completely annoyed the upper echelons of the Earth Bereaved, and it can be said to be an anger!

After the initial outrage, the remains of the Earth Clan, which is still the most powerful force in the galaxy, reacted quickly, contacted the Greek Empire, the Oran Republic and other void civilizations, and issued a joint statement on the Galaxy Broadcasting Network. Biological civilization is a message of joy or worry or anger or fear!

Secret level: 0

Current sender: The Supreme Council of the Central Government of the Great Galaxy Republic, send immediately

Language Path: Galactic Red Star

From: All home stars, transit stars, colonial stars, space fortresses, and combined fleets of the Great Galactic Republic

Theme: The Galaxy Advanced Alliance was formally established


Civilization circles of all levels in the galaxy (Leap-level civilization is the priority)

Date: 101st, 103458 Era of the Great Unification of the Galaxy

Message text:

The Supreme Council of the Great Galactic Republic solemnly announced that the Super-Limited Civilization Great Galactic Republic, the Void Civilization Greek Empire, the Void Civilization Oran Republic, and the affiliated civilization circle will form the Galactic Alliance of Higher Civilizations to jointly maintain the peace of the galaxy and make the galaxy become A paradise where all living things live together. For the future of the entire galaxy, the Alliance of Advanced Civilizations will work together to eradicate the galaxy's cancer, the so-called "Starship Earth" mob group headed by Richemont. In order to focus on the overall situation and for the peace of the galaxy, all actions that block or perfuse the actions of the Alliance of Higher Civilizations will be regarded as provocations to the Alliance of Higher Civilizations and will be severely hit. If the situation is extremely bad, it will be completely erased. Traces of the existence of this civilized race.

In order to make the stars of the galaxy brighter, the Alliance of Advanced Civilizations of the Galaxy is solemnly established here.

Although the entire message is extremely brief, the content of the disclosure immediately blows up the already undercurrent galaxy!

The so-called Alliance of Higher Civilizations, to put it nicely, is to "maintain the peace of the galaxy and for the future of the galaxy", to put it bluntly, it is a military rogue group! Any civilization that does not obey this group will be eliminated directly without leaving any traces!

Although this kind of naked threat scares some weak civilizations, it also makes most civilized races advocating freedom feel extreme anger, and they would rather be broken rather than complete.

You should know that although Li Lang unified the entire galaxy before, he did not force the establishment of a country, but established a loose alliance on the basis of respecting various biological civilizations. That era can be said to be the golden age of the entire galaxy. Supported by Li Lang's personal strength and charm, peace and development have become a grand scene that has lasted for hundreds of years.

It was only after Li Lang left that this alliance gradually disintegrated, and the earth survivors did not want and had no ability to control the entire galaxy, so they shrank their sphere of influence. This is the case, the star field under the direct occupation and indirect control of the earth survivors has reached about 10% of the entire galaxy.

Now that one hundred thousand years have passed, the survivors of the earth want to unite two void civilizations for dictatorship, how can it be popular!

It’s just that the strength of this super-limit level civilization and the two void level civilizations is really too strong. Among their subsidiary civilizations, the civilizations that have reached the leap level do not know that there are thousands or hundreds of them. Therefore, those originally neutral or A free civilization does not dare to react excessively at this time.

They were all waiting, even the newly established Alliance of Higher Civilizations were waiting for the reaction of Richemont and the "thug gang" headed by him.

It’s just that no one knows. At this time, Richemont had already settled the slaves and the planet-star mothership just collected in a safe place, but he took the starship Earth to somewhere on the edge of the galaxy.

Standing on the surface of the starship Earth, looking at the nothingness in front of him, Richemont looked solemn and said: "I didn't expect such a huge thing to be the creation of intelligent life. Is this the power of silicon-based organisms..."

Bu Zhou Shan smiled and said: "You can see it already? But you can already perceive the disturbance of space, no matter how you use invisible technology, it is estimated that you will not escape your kid's eyes."

Then the engine of Starship Earth spewed out three halos, and began to flicker constantly. It turned out to be the launching device of the optical signal with the engine energy tail flame!

After a few minutes, the flickering stopped. Immediately, in front of the starship Earth, a man-made object that could not be seen at all appeared. The surface of this object was a smooth outer wall. It seemed that I didn’t know what material it was. It's like being compatible with the surrounding void.

Whether you look up or down, or to the left and right, the giant structure in front of you has no boundaries at all, just like a wall at the end of the universe.

"Welcome to the super-giant structure, the paradise of silicon-based life, the main body of the Norton Silicon-based Federation." A holographic image of Bu Zhoushan appeared on the side, but this time it was a middle-aged waiter who bowed and saluted, with a child on his face. She laughed like a joke, "Its diameter is 0.4 light years."