Bionic Era

Chapter 301: leave

"You said, what does a world without bionics look like?"

"I'm sorry, I can't deduce that kind of future."

at dusk.

The street lights are on.

Under the gloomy sky, the employer and his bionic was sitting in the car.

Not far from this car is a destruction factory.

All the bionic destruction factories have been opened and are operating 24 hours a day.

People have received text messages and emails from the parliament. The TV channels are broadcasting in a loop, and the mobile phone will push this news from time to time.

Everyone already understands that the bionics that are still normal must be destroyed.

Because no one knows when they will become abnormal.

The parliamentary news is mandatory and must be implemented. Bilan and Xinhong have provided the parliament with all bionic employer information.

In this critical period, no one accuses them of leaking information.

"According to my understanding, if there is such a future, the unemployment rate of mankind will be greatly reduced, people with sound hands and feet can go to find a physical job, and there will not be so many people who choose to jump off the building, the tramp on the street. It will reduce a lot..."

This bionic person narrated what she thought of the future.

The employer sat on the main driver, silent, listening to her narration.

He lowered the car window, took out a cigarette and lit it calmly, the faint smoke dissipated in the cold evening wind.

After the bionic man finished narrating, he opened the door and got out of the car.

She smiled and looked at her employer.

"The time is up, I should have passed."

Countless bionics are walking towards the destruction factories.

This is a human order, and they will not resist.

Even if there is no circuit breaker, many bionics still obey human beings, and they have not yet awakened.

The employer pinched out the cigarette in his hand and glanced at the factory not far away.

The noise of the factory is quite harsh.

"I heard them say... Some bionics can have real emotions, you... We have lived together for a long time..."

He has a complicated expression, as if he wants to say something.


He is also a person who is not good at expressing feelings.

The bionic man did not answer directly.

She smiled and closed the car door, and finally leaned against the car window and whispered, "I will miss you."

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the factory.

She is just one of thousands of bionics who are going to death.

Taking out the chip is very troublesome.

The assembly line of Bilan and Xinhong cannot allow the two companies to take out all the bionic chips in the shortest time, so they can only choose to destroy them.

This is the fastest method.

Employers can choose to keep a backup of the bionic data.

Used for a certain day in the future.

If the bionics regained the trust of mankind at that time, then the bionics who had been together day and night can be resurrected.


Lu Wen returned to Xia Chuluo's home.

Miss Xia's bionic is still sleeping on the bed, and her calm temper is far from her own.

There are many bionics with relatively high status and status, and now they have returned to their homes.

The parliament also has a headache how to deal with these bionics.

Lu Wen calmly leaned against the window.

He took out his cell phone.

There are many missed calls on the phone.

There are Liang Chen's, some colleagues from the Executive Board, and some celebrities I knew when recording the show.

Many people sent text messages when they saw that the phone couldn't get through.

"Brother Lu Wen, the council requires the destruction of all normal bionics. Are you on this list?"

"Brother Lu Wen, you will be fine..."


Liang Chen is the one who posted the most.

Lu Wen uniformly replied with "Everything is well".

His social account is also full of wishes, and even rushed into the hot search. As the bionic person who currently firmly occupies the top of the fan list, there is still some rank.

Everyone has a different attitude towards the destruction of bionics.

Some expressed their understanding and support, and were willing to take their own bionics to destroy them.

The other part expressed discomfort, saying that they had regarded the bionics as relatives or partners, and were either unwilling to implement this destruction order or they were still hesitating.

The anti-bionic forces uttered cheers.

For them, this is an unprecedented victory.


Around eight o'clock in the evening.

The body on the 9th returned to no man's land.

There are A00 and Yin June in Dr. Jiang's research institute, and now I can't find any clues, and staying there is just a waste of time.

Bionics outside the second city.

The new Bionics Alliance has learned of the news of the joint resolution of the nine cities.

Many people are quite angry.

"There are hundreds of millions of bionics, but now there are only a few thousand accidents, and all of them have to be destroyed. These humans are sick...every year, there are countless cases of humans killing humans, and I have never seen them say they want to. Destroy the entire human community."

The metaphor of this bionic leader is not appropriate.

He is indeed too angry, that's why he said such a thing.

"In the eyes of many human beings, we are similar to mobile phones. Dispensable. Destruction will not affect them too But we can never destroy all mobile phones just because of the explosion of thousands of mobile phones. Right?"

"It's not that it hasn't happened before... The company had a mobile phone explosion before, and it also recalled all mobile phones of this model and destroyed them."

There are quite a few companies producing mobile phones.

The only ones that can produce bionics are Bilan and Xinhong.

Except for these two, the products produced by other companies can only be regarded as traditional robots.

In the past, some small companies figured out the production design and manufacturing of bionics through disassembly and analysis, but due to cost constraints, there is no large-scale systematic production line, and the cost is almost five times or more than the two companies. Seize the market.

These small companies were invited to have tea by the legal department of the two companies...

So all the bionics on the market so far are red and blue.

"Nine, what do you think?" someone asked.

"Should we sneak into Mau city and rescue those compatriots who were sent to the factory for destruction?" another leader asked.

This proposal speaks the heart of many bionics present.

Those are compatriots, and if you can save them, you will save them.

But Lu Wen knows the inside story. Every bionic person, including those awakened in no man's land, has a control program left by A00 in his body.

Perhaps the leaders around him are already under control.

So he could only shake his head and sighed: "No."

"Why not?" Some people wondered, "With our current ability, Mowu City will definitely be jealous, and we sneaked in and left after saving our compatriots."

"There are hundreds of millions of compatriots in Mowu City. Can you save them?"

Lu Wen looked at all the leaders present.

"Can you make sure not to be discovered?"

"Can you guarantee that no compatriots will lose control halfway?"