Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1012: 79. Escape from the pagan camp

   Chapter 1012 Seventy-nine. Escape from the pagan camp

   The carriages leaving the inner city drove further out along the boulevard.

   "We still have a chance, Your Excellency Lu Li... My wife... Mim used his real identity, the Giant Tree Academy will soon find out that we are missing, and then look for..."

  Professor Hagrid whispered.

   Just not now.

  The carriage that kidnapped Lu Li and Professor Hagrid drove unhindered across the long street and left the outer city. Step into the cave that leads to the surface and old sewers, called the Way of Sighs

  The oil lamp hanging in the car shelter emits a dim yellow halo, and the coldness pours into the car, dispersing the turbid air.

   Also seeping into the carriage is the primordial darkness, like mosquitoes beside the summer spotlights, lingering and beating.

   After nearly two months, Lu Li set foot on the surface again.

   When Lu Li was thinking about whether Professor Hagrid's wife and children would take them out of Midnight City, the carriage slowed down and made a big effort on a muddy dirt road that wasn't paved with flagstones.

   They are not far from the destination of this trip.

   After ten minutes, the carriage stopped.

   The doors of the carriages opened from the outside, revealing this pagan camp on the outskirts of Midnight City.

   Lu Li, who was held down by Sishorn, looked up and looked around. The dim visibility at noon allowed him to glimpse the silhouette of the giant tree in the distance, as well as the alchemy tower with a gleaming spire.

   Looking back to the surroundings, the pagans in black cloaks are like thick fog, gathering around the fires that dispel the original darkness in all parts of the square.

  Lu Li and Professor Hagrid passed through the simple square and escorted them to the depths of the camp where the sparse wooden house stood.

  A church stands in the dark, and the bronze bell of the tower is replaced by a giant eyeball.

   They were detained separately. Professor Hagrid took him into the roadside house, while Lu Li passed the church and took him to the deepest part of the camp, a house dormant in the dark.


  The door was closed, leaving Lu Li and an oil lamp tied to the wooden post.

  The sound of footsteps gradually moved away, Lu Li shook his wrist, the binding was so tight that it was almost impossible to break free.

   Before leaving clear scratches, Lu Li stopped, relaxed his body, and let himself fall asleep——

  The nebula that does not need to change makes people crazy, Lu Li wanders in the chaotic dream, looking for the surrounding light balls.

   No one was sleeping in the camp, and Lu Li, who was worried that his traces were found, would no longer set foot in the camp square, recalled the details of the surroundings, and drifted outwards.

   It's just that this pagan camp seems to have already emptied the surrounding area, or it is not a rest time, and there is nothing in the chaotic dream.

   Having found nothing, Lu Li returned to the original road, but when he was operating in the depths of the field, he found a dim light.

   Someone just fell into a dream.

  Waiting for the newly born hazy shimmer to condense into a light group, the dream state tends to stabilize, and Lu Li merges into it.

   The clamor sounded beside him, and Lu Li's consciousness descended into the bustling and lively streets.

  This is the core of the dream, and the surrounding scenery is blurry and chaotic because of the simple dream, and it cannot be further explored.

   Lu Li, who was drifting towards the dream consciousness, saw all kinds of weirdness along the way: passers-by shopping on the street neatly tore shillings to pay for the goods. In the fighting circle, the winner whose left arm was chopped off by the enemy raised the **** axe - and then chopped off his other arm. The streets are symmetrical like mirror images, the number of men and women is equal, the number of elderly and children is equal...

  Lu Li found the master who constructed the dream—a pagan with a blurred face. He sat behind the cafe window, picked up the coffee mug, drank half and kept half.

  Using the sleepwalking skills mastered by Emerald Dream, Lu Li hypnotized the pagan consciousness into the deep, and the body only retained instinct and obeyed the subconscious——

   But in an instant, the dream collapsed, and Lu Li's consciousness was pushed out.

Is    found to be strange, or are pagans not suitable for sleepwalking?

   While staying in the Chaos Dreamland, Lu Li found that 尤氲 appeared again.

   The heretic fell asleep again.

   As the fruit gradually matures, the light group is formed. It's just hard to know if this is a sweet ripe fruit, or a filthy rotten conspiracy.

  Lu Li approached the light group and merged into the unknown dream.

  The holy church, which is magnificent and floating in the void like a scale, appears, and the prayers of the pagans echo in the empty auditorium.

   "Maintaining the balance and master of all things, your humble believer senses your tentacles, and I beseech you to lower your remonstrance—"

  He thought that his main consciousness had descended because of Lu Li's guidance.

   "Find Lu Li who took him to the depths and rescue him..."

  Lu Li touched the dream and sent down the "God Revelation" that made the pagans ecstatic.

  The dream scene changed suddenly, returning to the dark and simple house.

   This is still a dream, Lu Li saw the fanatical believers rush out of the house and run to the depths.

  In the dream, everything went smoothly, and there were no pagans to stop it, but when the believers came to the long street where the eyes patrolled, the red light swept across, and the running outline melted and collapsed like a candle——

  The dream was shattered by death, and Lu Li woke up yoyo.

   seems to have no possibility of self-rescue, and can only wait for the late night city to discover Professor Hagrid's missing or suspicious plant, so report it.

   Lu Li's thoughts were turning, and the sound of rustling footsteps suddenly sounded outside the house. Then, the door was pushed open, revealing the outline of an oil lamp.

   "My Lord ordered me to save you."

   The believer who was sneaked into the dream by Lu Li not long ago appeared outside the door, his face no longer blurred, with a dreamlike devotion, and a dagger.

The   dagger separated the twine, no longer bound Luli, and slipped with the stretched body.

   "How should I leave?"

   "Those who avoided the camp..." The sleepwalking obedience was broken, and the sober pagan bared his fangs: "No! You are a sacrifice to my lord!"

   But he was too late.


  Lu Li tied the knocked out infidel to a wooden post, put on his black robe, extinguished the oil lamp and left the house.

  The surging darkness and gloom attached, Lu Li sneaked quietly, keeping in mind the dangerous eyeball of the church tower. When it swept across with a blood-red light, Lu Li had already been hiding in the corner shadows or unlocked houses, hiding himself.

  No pagans came here, Lu Li smoothly sneaked to the square near the square, in front of a windowless hut with the door closed.

   He remembered that Professor Hagrid was locked up here.

   He listened quietly for a moment under the eaves, and confirmed that the house only had Professor Hagrid's faint breathing, and that no guards were lingering. After waiting for his eyes to swipe again, Lu Li opened the door and got into the house along the gap.

  On the edge of the dim halo of the oil lamp, Professor Hagrid was tied to a wooden post, the same as Lu Li not long ago.

   "Your Excellency Lu Li...!"

   Hearing the movement, Professor Hagrid raised his head and whispered in disbelief.

  The dagger separated the twine, and Professor Hagrid staggered and fell. An ischemic numb limb takes time to recover.

   "Your Excellency Lu Li, escape first to find rescue..." Professor Hagrid said.

   "The camp is surrounded by pagans, and there is no way to leave." Lu Li shook his head gently.

   Losing the Doomsday Apocalypse, the strength and stamina could not support Lu Li to escape from the camp.

   "Can you still summon Merchant Anthony?" Professor Hagrid asked again.

   "Only if you have eyeballs."

   "...then use my eyes-"

  Professor Hagrid was about to decide when Lu Li interrupted him: "Eyes are weird plant fruits, our eyes are useless."

   They had little time left, and no one knew how long the pagan camp would find them out of trouble.

   (end of this chapter)