Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1047: One hundred and fourteen. The power of t

   Chapter 1047 One hundred and fourteen. The power of the crown of knowledge

  The luxuriant weeds crowded the gaps in the stone slabs where the wounded were resting, like a square abandoned for a hundred years and reoccupied by the wild.

  Despite the fact that the wilderness just grows and grows as disgustingly horrific as the plants.

  When the injured players were no longer seriously injured, Lu Li gathered up the brilliance of the projection, and the original coldness of the place once again enveloped the people who were still unfinished.

   Ignore the complexity and gratitude of the players. Lu Li and Claire returned to the tent.

   "Thanks to your tips, the second level didn't waste much of my time."

  Claire, who was just entering the second level, got a note from businessman Anthony, "Congratulations on coming to the second level", and then gathered the teammates of the Giant Tree Academy to cooperate with each other and left from the sky.

   She didn't even die twice: the terrifying body control made her accustomed to having her senses turned upside down,

   This is the correct way to pass through the second level - death deepens the connection with the filthy sewers, silence and killing and the dead will eventually get lost in false illusions.

  Lu Li led Claire to the Greystone as Ole Lorenzo led him. On the way, Claire tells about the current state of the strange jungle.

  The sparse forest hut keeps the competition in the third level always fierce. The wooden house was occupied by the factions that arrived first, recruiting companions to eliminate other factions, but they had to move on.

   So the wooden house closer to the exit has the advantage, because the players behind always have to move forward. They just need to stay in the hut in the woods and eliminate the players who are forced to approach.

The    fighting gradually became more intense, and what was even worse was that in the front section of the Terror Forest, a dozen people from the Khorne violent pantheon and the bloodline family alliance scrambled to disturb the shadows, and they were destroyed together with the cabin in the woods.

  Lu Li remembered the precautions on the wooden sign of the hut in the woods. Four of the five rules asked to keep quiet. A hut is just a shelter, it doesn't mean it's completely safe.

   This incident seems to prove that the Tournament can restore everything - no faction will agree with this pointless, stupid internal conflict.

  The destruction of the hut on the way to the road was a wake-up call for the players, who slowed down the concentration of the fight while avoiding the hut. And then came the fourth level is the key information, to avoid half of the players buried in the strange jungle to become nourishment.

  Claire was walking through the forest of horrors at this moment, and the cheek wound was born from it.

   "Speaking your name will record you."

  Lu left the exit and reminded Claire that she was standing in front of the gray stone tablet.


  Claire read the name, and the performance of the first three levels appeared.

   Level 1: Perfect. Second pass: perfect. The third level: perfect.

  Claire's name appears at the front of hundreds of names. Although the first three stages were perfect performances, it was not enough for her to surpass the players who came to the surface earlier to make contributions.

   "No. 17? It seems that this is the key."

  Claire shook her head, tied her ponytail and swayed, feeling dissatisfied with her performance, and then found Lu Li at the end of the gray stone tablet.

   "Are you waiting for me? Then hurry up."

   If it was Lu Li before, he might refuse the cursed title. But after the memory gradually recovered and witnessed the original color of the world...

  Lu Li's eyes fell on those light-colored eyes.

"how do you want to do it?"


   Bloody Farm.

  In the primordial darkness covering the surface, people called it Scarlet Farmland before people hid in the ground.

  Although it is also cryptic, the latter is more familiar to people: Scarlet Farmland is a farmland where alchemy technology fuses plants and weirdness, allowing it to grow under the plague of plants and produce wheat that humans eat.

   And the former is classified as weird.

   A monstrous tribe migrating from the eastern Badlands has taken over Bloody Manor. Leaders call themselves ranchers, and their servants, lower parasites, are assigned to the **** farms to tend the fields.

   The lower parasites irrigate the earth with flesh and blood, the blood-colored wheat is deformed to the height of a person, the straw climbs the blood vessels as if it becomes a living thing, and when mature, it bears deformed ears of wheat in the shape of a child's palm.

   Fortunately, it is March, and the height of the blood-colored wheat is only on the legs, which will not hinder the vision and much action.

  The southern camp has now advanced to the Bloody Manor, and when Lu Li and Claire are about to set off, there is good news for macro and bad news for them.

  The players captured the Bloody Manor, and their servants were killed. Only the farmer fled into Midnight City and screamed that the Viscount would not let them go.

   "Viscount" is obviously a higher-ranking existence than the farmer.

   The next advancement may slow down.

  Claire intends to get close to the front line to observe the situation, and by the way, clean up the fish that slipped through the net.

  Blood-red wheat fields have replaced the darkness, and the rancid and dirty soil has long been soaked in dark red, which cannot be removed.

  The silhouette of a barn and a scarecrow stands far away in the wheat field. It is the same origin as what Lu Li once saw in the "Scarecrow Village". After his death, his real head was shriveled like a balloon, and only the skin was sticking together.

   They are the caretakers of the farm, and the closer they are to the barn, the denser they are. Even after three days of cleaning, and a large number of scarecrows and lower parasites were uprooted, there were still some scarecrows standing alone around the wheat fields.

   They are either ignored for being too far away, or...they are tainted as scarecrow players.

   Approach the scarecrow in the conspiracy cobweb pantheon. The expressionless head stared into the distance, quietly watching this **** farmland.

  When there is a sound of prying wheat around, the head will follow and turn, looking down at the intruder.

   But if you stare at the head for too long, you may be able to feel the pervasive sadness in the eyes looking down.

  The players avoided this scarecrow not far from the camp because the rabbit died and the fox was sad, and Claire didn't mind this.

"Straw is their weapon. It shoots straw like a porcupine shoots its thorns. If it gets into the skin, it becomes infected... The protective potion is perfect to block these weak and dense attacks. Poor guy, he must be poor. Nothing left."

  Claire tilted her head and asked Lu Li, "Are you here or me?"

   "I want to try the [Crown of Knowledge]." Lu Li took out the protective medicine and put it on.

   The memory of half of the "Eureka's Merit" was erased by the invisible palm, and only the title of the book remained in the back of my mind. The power that can be shaped at will emerges like an equivalent exchange.

   "How do I release?"

   "The body is our greatest weapon." A Claire-style answer sounded, clenching his fists and making the bandages "cluck".

  Lu Li did as he did, condensing the plastic power of knowledge transformation into his right hand, and then approached the scarecrow before the power was exhausted.

   The scarecrow trembled, the hair-like straw was blocked by the protective medicine, and the power condensed by "Eureka's Merit" hit the scarecrow's body with his fist.


  The scarecrow shuddered, and a lot of straw seemed to fall off from under the teaching uniform.

  Lu Li felt the afterglow calmly. The damage is close to that of the left hand. But the left-hand strength is always there, and will become more harmful as human nature improves.

   Although the power of the crown of knowledge varies from knowledge to knowledge.

   "Maybe that's not what it means."

   Claire said at this time.

   (end of this chapter)