Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1077: 15. Invitation to the Land of Light

   Chapter 1077 Fifteen. Invitation from the Land of Light

  Lu Li returned to Joseph Manor, and the sound of the wind echoing in the deserted promenade was like the grief of the dead.

  The liveliness of the agate lake seems to be difficult to infect the lonely manor.

   Soon after, Lu Li walked out of the manor, got into the wooden boat on the shore, rowed the boat and made ripples to the island in the middle of the lake. Only here can you enjoy peace and noise at the same time.

   After a little silence, Lu Li planned to put his new residence here.

   "Do you want to build under a tree..."

   Listen to the twisted figure that Lu Li intends to say.

   "By the tree, Annie is not tall enough right now."

  Annie's canopy base is less than two meters, which would be too low for a roof. But after Lu Li's voice fell, Annie swayed the branches, the roots under the soil wriggled, the trunk of the tree swelled and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the canopy clumps stretched out as the leaves swayed—

   After dozens of seconds, Annie miraculously grew from a young tree to the size of a young tree, and the lush tree crown bloomed like a bouquet of flowers.

"it's OK now……"

   The distorted figure seemed to speak for Annie.

  How to build it is a problem. Residents dare not approach the island in the center of the lake for fear of desecrating it. The Twisted Vine Cultists can do it, but Lu Li didn’t use them. He chose to ask an old carpenter to build a wooden house by himself.

  Lu Li needs time to change his mind, accept the fact that the late night city has disappeared, and abandon the leisure time of the Giant Tree Academy. Because at that time, both the land of light and the sanctuary of Wiener had something to rely on - a more powerful late night city.

  The construction of shacks was temporarily idle, and the residents turned to provide building materials for the lord's wooden house. The finely polished wooden boards were transported to the island in the center of the lake, and Lu Li built them into the shape of a wooden house.

   Taking off his black trench coat, Lu Li, who was only wearing a shirt and black tie, laid a plank under the Annie tree, during which the merchant Anthony returned with a reply from the Mother of the Swamp.

  The Swamp Mother couldn't accept Lu Li's invitation for the time being, because the Shadow Swamp was still struggling for survival and had no time to help Old Belfast, which was three hundred miles away.

   Lu Li prepared a new letter, which said that the land of light has sunshine - the mother of the swamp doesn't know this yet. However, after writing, he did not let the businessman Anthony send it, but let him go to the Wiener Refuge to acquire several oil paintings depicting the Land of Light.

   Portraits are more convincing than words, because it is unknown whether the Swamp Mother remembers the sun.

   After a few dozen minutes, the businessman Anthony returned with a dozen oil paintings, but none of them were seriously lacking in authenticity, because those painters had never been to the bright future.

In most of the oil paintings, the land of light is depicted as a paradise, with forests, fresh grass, rivers, and beautiful buildings. The closest thing to reality is an oil painting based on the old Wiener Antifreeze Harbor, where people built buildings in the old days. styled streets, but the painter apparently ignored the fact that the Land of Lights only had more than 300 inhabitants.

   "Is there a painter in the camp."

   Lu Liwen's twisted figure who stayed on the island in the heart of the lake and did not leave. His followers were then instructed to go to the inhabitants to inquire and find a resident named Ender, who was a former bard.

   He studied painting for several years. Lu Li asked him to rest first, and then painted the real bright place when the morning came. But Ender said he didn't need to wait until then, everything about the Land of Light was already etched in his mind.

  The businessman Anthony brought out his drawing board, brushes and paints. Lu Li on the island in the center of the lake looked at Ender, who was carrying an oil lamp, and stopped in the open space of the square.

  Lu Li continued to build the wooden house, laying the floor on the soil that the twisted figure helped to compact.

   "Why do you do this with your own hands..."

   asked the distorted figure who stared at him for a long time. At this time, he was in a state of being somewhat like the mother of the swamp who had once embarked on the path of regaining his humanity.

   "I need to organize my thoughts." Lu Li replied.

  The knowledge gifted by the Giant Tree Academy is in his mind, and the knowledge of occultism and alchemy is still fresh in his memory - as long as you bring alchemy materials, Lu Li can directly mix non-sequential medicines.

Most of the recipes of   sequence potions exist in Lu Li's mind, and those forgotten can also be received from the old sewers——

   Thinking of this, Lu Li suddenly stopped.

"What’s wrong with you……"

   "Late Night City is not completely destroyed..."

  The late night city has disappeared, but the sewers are still there, the town of gods is still there, and the restricted area is still there.

   These places also have the remnants of the late night city, and those are the real treasures they left behind.

  Lu Li once again summoned Anthony, the merchant, and asked him to contact the local businessman to ask for the survivor's information.

   This is good news for the fifth batch of residents to lose their lives.

   But don't rely too much on them, the fate of the late night city is a lesson for the past.

   Lu Li still doesn't know what engulfed the city of late night in one night - maybe just like watching the supreme existence of the ancient **** Prada in the depths of the starry sky, the city of late night has also encountered a strangeness that they can't resist.

   These questions can only be answered when the merchant Anthony finds the survivors

   The mystery side is retrieved, and the science side should not be given up. Lu Li asked Ander to paint a picture for Matthaus.

  Onyx Lake camp lacks population. Although the number of people makes the strange not too coveted here, it is also limiting the development of the camp - more than 300 people can't retake old Belfast, not all ghouls or plague ghosts.

  Lu Li is going to ask Mateus for a group of new residents, new residents composed of technical talents, and armed with Andrea's artillery, the Wiener refuge area should be deserted.

   However, he agreed to Lu Li's request without giving Matteus the oil painting. Scientists and many people who mastered the technology were not useful in the Wiener Refuge. The artillery is owned but not in the Refuge, and those things are stored on abandoned warships in harbors or bays.

  Because of the sudden arrival of the dark age, they on the bay did not have time to return to the land...

"Afternoon", Ender completed his first oil painting. According to Lu Li's requirements, the final result was realistic: the holes broken by the gloomy gray clouds shed light, and the paint transitioned from golden yellow to light yellow, and then to deep yellow, falling into the bottom. Obscure, gray old Belfast.

   The black dots hovered in the light, but instead of seagulls flying in the sky, it was a strangeness that originated from the silent hills deep in the elm forest. Then in the corresponding old Belfast is the lit Onyx Lake camp, and in the center of the lake, the only greenery in the whole painting, Anne.

   Her previous changes were seen by all residents.

  Ender began to paint the second oil painting. After the first oil painting was dry, Lu Li asked the merchant Anthony to send the letter and oil painting to the Shadow Swamp.

  The Swamp Mother's reply came sooner than expected. Just after Lu Li picked up the hammer and hammered out a plank.

  【Dear Lu Li:】

  【I will leave soon, and take my family on the road to the land of light】

  [——Mother of the Swamp, St. Mark's Most Beautiful Flower, Roland Toyaragon]

   (end of this chapter)