Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 112: 27. Nameless tentacles floating in the c

   Chapter 112 Twenty-seven. Nameless tentacles floating in the clouds

  There were only folded clothes and patched quilts in the closet, and the smell of moldy clothes wafted from the inside.

   is just an ordinary, nothing special closet, as if everything Lu Li saw yesterday was just a bizarre dream.

  If there was no attack from the **** tentacles, Lu Li would definitely think so.

   There is no doubt that the blood-colored tentacles were the culprit that caused the holes between the eyebrows of Claire's corpse. But now, the blood-colored tentacles have penetrated into Lu Li's eyebrows again, and now they are hiding somewhere in the skull, waiting for an opportunity to move.

   The moving hands of the clock made an indistinct movement sound, and every time it moved, it meant that Lu Li survived until the next second.

   Before you know it, the pointer chimes the hundredth, or a hundred or so, and sometimes the noise from the street overwhelms the sound of the pointer moving.

  Lu Li's mind did not become unable to think, nor did he have a bunch of messy memories, and no unfamiliar voices sounded. Everything was as usual, everything was as it was before, as if nothing had happened, as if... a brief silence before the storm.

   "Go find a mirror."

The sudden sound of    awakened the ghostly youth who was staring at this scene in a daze. He nodded suddenly, and left Claire's house as eagerly as he was afraid that Lu Li would regret it.

   Lu Li waited for it for two minutes, during which time there was still no abnormality in himself, and the ghost youth did not appear with a mirror.

   It looks like he won't be coming back.

   After being attacked for a few minutes, nothing happened, and Lu Li began to think about whether things would turn around.

   There is no doubt that the blood-colored tentacles originated from the thing Richard held.

"He bewitched us, seduced us with rebirth... He did it, we couldn't stand the temptation of rebirth. Ulysses took a piece of that thing, I gouged out that thing's eye... O'Connell Na tore off that thing's tentacles..."

  Hall's words before his death were recalled by Lu Li, the tentacles that O'Connor got seemed to be the tentacles that Lu Li encountered, which was proved by Claire, who was once used by Richard as the first test but failed.

   But shouldn't the Scarlet Tentacle be at O'Connor's place, why is it at Claire's house?

   And Lu Li looked at it, he should have lost his mind and gone crazy like those poor police officers. But at least I know that at present, Lu Li has not had any emotional and thinking changes. Does this mean that the tentacle has lost some weird characteristics after leaving its body, or something else?

   Thinking of this, Lu Li realized that his thinking was a little off topic, took back some of his thoughts, and began to think about this encounter.

   There must be some connection between the **** tentacles and the time floor in the cupboard. And Lu Li successfully passed the time floor and received some kind of strange "wish", does this mean that Lu Li passed a certain test...

   This became the reason why Lu Li didn't go crazy or die: because he passed a certain "judgment" of the **** tentacles.

  Claire may have met, but she may have stepped back in the time floor, or failed to withstand the test, or something else, in short she failed, so she went crazy.

   The ghost youth who came back interrupted Lu Li's thoughts. He returned to the bedroom holding a mercury mirror without borders.

  Lu Li didn't say anything, he reached out and took the mirror from the ghostly youth with a flattering smile and looked at his forehead.

   His forehead was as smooth as ever, without even leaving a red mark.

   This made Lu Li want to ask the ghost youth if the **** tentacles just now existed.

   But when he tilted his head slightly, he saw in the mirror outside the window reflected behind him, a faint thread of silk was fluttering.

  Lu Li looked away, turned around, and his eyes fell on the clouds outside the window.

   Those black eyes gradually shrank and solidified.

   An indescribably strange scene is emerging in the sky.

   A hazy haze filled the sky over Belfast City, and in the haze, blood-colored threads were looming.

   They are illusory and real, incomparably long, connecting heaven and earth. The upper end is hidden in the clouds and fog, and I don't know where it leads. The lower end zigzags down toward the horizon.

  These blood-colored silk threads scattered into the city and seemed to be fluttering in the wind, some extended downwards and then fixed, and some were slowly wandering.

"what is that?"

   It seems that only Lu Li can see this scene, and the ghostly youth who is curiously looking outside because of Lu Li's actions turns a blind eye to the illusory bloodshots wandering in the clouds.

   Is it some kind of new disaster, or the effect of the **** tentacles?

   Lu Li's guess was more inclined to the latter. After all, it got into his eyebrows a few minutes ago, and he didn't hear the panicked voices from the residents outside the street.

   But what do these threads represent?

   stared silently for a few seconds, Lu Li walked to the window, picked up the towel on the window sill and wiped it.

  The damp and moldy towel wiped off, and more dust and mold were hung on the glass, making the window even more blurred. Lu Li simply put down the towel and pushed the window open.

   Coolness poured into the dull bedroom, and everything outside became clear. Lu Li ignored the passers-by who cast their gazes on the street, raised his head slightly, and his eyes fell into the depths of the clouds.

   There were blood-colored threads in the clouds, and their upper ends were thick and looked like illusory flesh and blood with a cylindrical structure.

   The line of flesh and blood became thinner and thinner as it went down, until the end became almost invisible when it was hundreds of meters above the ground.

   is like... tentacles.

   or tentacles.

   These tentacles, swaying with the wind and measuring several kilometers in length, exude an unsettlingly abomination. Every time I looked at it, it was as if something was whispering in my ear.

   Scene after scene couldn't be restrained from appearing in Lu Li's mind. Ruins, underwater abyss, murmurs.

   In a trance, Lu Li seemed to smell the aura of silt from the deep sea.

   "You...will you let me go?"

   A hoarse question beside him suddenly awakened Lu Li from that twisted and dark world.

  It is not malicious, just a ghost that appears because of various accidents.

   "You can go, remember not to do bad things."

   "I didn't do anything bad!" The ghost youth who trembled again promised loudly, and added in a low voice if the prank was not counted.

   The ghost youth slowly turned and left, as if he was worried that he would make a move when his back turned to Lu Li.

  Lu Li quietly looked at his translucent back, raised his palm little by little, and touched his waist.


   The sound of swallowing saliva faintly sounded.

   Behind the slowly leaving back, Lu Li's raised palm landed on the holster... Buckle the holster.

  Lu Li never killed innocent people for his own selfish interests.

   Although this is his job.

   Finally took a deep look at the clouds outside the window, Lu Li put the mirror back on the cabinet, picked up the oil lamp, and walked away from Claire's house.

  Although some unspeakable troubles have been encountered, at least the situation has made new progress.

   (end of this chapter)