Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1129: Sixty-seven. The way home

   Chapter 1129 Sixty-seven. The way home

  Two shadows sailed in the dark and dull ocean like the ground.

   The deactivated Hemgrew was pushed by the waves and followed Andrea's wake without a sound.

   They are far from land.

   The twisted figure did not take all the believers, nor could they take them.

  Although believers can swim in the sea to follow two large ships, no one knows when and what will emerge from the dark deep sea to devour them.

The inconspicuousness of the    Twisted Order is like the scale gap between them and the vast ocean.

The two ships carrying nearly a thousand Twisted Cultists and more than 300 survivors and scholars were obviously severely overloaded, but their speed became faster than ever - the Twisted Cult that manipulated the sea helped them reduce weight and create waves to increase their speed , Hemgrew doesn't even have a boiler, only twisted cultists like the crew control the sailing,

   This means that they will arrive in the Land of Light in no more than a week.

  Andrea, the captain's room glowed faintly.

  Although the captain’s cabin on the upper deck would expose them, a higher position means a wider view and earlier detection of a crisis.

   Lu Li, the two Ability Gods, Ophelia are here, discussing the ritual of becoming a **** of the twisted figure.

   "... Before Filorina becomes a true Ability God, all believers need to inscribe their beliefs to gather strength to raise the fire of God."

   "I have already done so." The twisted figure replied.

   "Pan believers and shallow believers can't be counted among them..." The Swamp Mother whispered: "A hundred shallow believers can't equal a mad believer. You have enough believers, but they are not pious enough..."

   "They are also inhabitants of the Land of Light." The twisted figure did not want to tamper with their thinking.

   This choice is tainted with Lu Li’s style.

   "This is not a conflict... Mad believers will not erase their original consciousness... You need prayers, prayers with power, and I will help you."

The   Mother of the Swamp is far from the Old One, whose origins can only be traced back hundreds of years ago, and has divided itself—but it is deeper than the gods of the Badlands and the evil gods who have come with strange times.

   is like a young man entering the wilderness and a hunter who hunts for a living.

   Maybe the young man has enough gear, enough food and water to traverse the wilderness, and enough guns and supplies to kill every game he sees, but hunters can do better for less.

  The followers of the Swamp Mother depend on him, believe in him, and be loyal to him, which allows his followers to bring more faith than the distorted figure followers.

   One is a crop planted in the field, and one is just planted in a pot.

  The faith of believers is constantly given to the gods, which is the source of their power.

   In any case, it should not be overlooked that the Mother of the Swamp is an Ability God, an Ability God that has existed for hundreds of years.

   "I need your help..." The twisted figure asked the Swamp Mother sincerely for advice.

   "Go back to the land of light and I will help you, Filorina."

   Their topic then fell on Lu Li: "If you want to be strong, becoming a **** is your best choice."

  Lu Li was silent, and then Ye, the mother of the swamp, asked: "You should choose the same path as us, why have you been running away?

   "Eternal Dreamers don't have to say anything." The shaking fluorite lamps did not disturb Lu Li's calm.

  The Mother of the Swamp is therefore silent.

  Many prophecies of the Lord of Dreams have been verified, and farther than the ancients have experienced, the eternal dream-like existence of him also makes them trust and respect.

   The twisted figure looked out the window at the sea, followed by Ophelia and the believers on the deck.

   Luli and the Swamp Mother were the slowest to respond - they were not discovered until the whistle echoed far and wide.

   "It's Heim...the sounding?" Ophelia looked into the distance, but couldn't see anything but darkness.


  The Hemgrew was behind Andrea, and the whistle was coming from the front.

   And the Twisted Cult crew on that ship didn't need a "whistle" to communicate.

   The constant whistle was approaching them, or they were approaching the whistle.

  The twisted figure came to the deck to deal with the strange situation with the believers, Lu Li took the fluorescent lamp from the table and hid it under the table, and Ophelia, the mother of the swamp, who stayed in the captain's room, observed the gradually approaching shadow through the open window.

The    whistle disappeared at this point, and it fell into a disturbing gloom.

   Lu Li vaguely saw the same huge silhouette as Andrea passing by the side of the ship, but Andrea did not warn, the twisted figure and her followers did not do anything.

   When he thought he was just misreading or had low sanity syndrome,

The faint halo of the    oil lamp suddenly appeared in the dark depths, and the mast observation tower next to it faintly appeared, and the shadow hidden in the shadow waving the two-color double flag.

The    staggered silently, Lu Li's eyes followed the two-color flag waving on the opposite ship, gradually moving away, and then the oil light halo disappeared as if it appeared quietly.

   After a while, the twisted figure came back and told Lu Li that they were a ship.

   Today, when the surface is occupied, there is still a human ship sailing on the sea?

  Lu Li walked out of the captain's room and stood on the upper deck where the cold sea breeze was blowing and looked behind him, but the ship had long since disappeared into the dark depths with its wake.

   "I can let the believers board the ship to investigate." The distorted figure said.

  Lu Li shook his head and refused: "Can you mark it."

  The obscure aura disappeared in a flash, and the twisted figure replied, "It's done."

  Lu Li nodded lightly and continued to stare at the depths of the ocean, until his face felt a knife-like pain under the sea breeze before he returned to the captain's room, and pulled out the notebook and the pen filled with ink from the desk drawer.

   Captain Ophelia and the others felt a little strange, and Lu Li scribbled a dozen flags on the notebook. The two flags are grouped together, with arrows representing up and down waves. Then open the eyeball wooden box and summon the merchant Anthony.

   "Give it to Matteus and let him find someone who understands semaphore to translate."

   "Do you suspect that waving the pieces is trying to tell us something..."

   "This is the semaphore, the way ships communicate." Lu Li replied to Ophelia.

  The Mateus news came back quickly, but unfortunately it was bad news. The navy flag bearer he hired couldn't translate the flag language of Lu Li's painting.

   "Can translate roughly."


  Mateus conveyed the words of the flag bearer: "The semaphore is a kind of coherent and complex body language. Although there are fairly simple semaphores, each wave corresponds to a meaning, but Lu Li is obviously not like this."

  If you want to translate, you must let the flag bearer see the flag language with his own eyes.

   "What else did you find?"

   Mateus also cared about the ship that sailed in the dark and deep sea and sent a semaphore to Lu Li.

  The distance can only describe limited information: such as the height of the mast lookout, the approximate length of the ship.

   "There is another way, let the flag bearer go to the land of light, and repeat the flag words you see to him."

  We have to wait for Andrea's next voyage, but fortunately Lu Li is not in a hurry.

  The unknown ship was the only weirdness they encountered on their way back, and the rest of the dangers were avoided in advance.

   Six days later, the wet decks of both boats were exposed to the sun in the bay.

   (end of this chapter)