Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1131: 69. "Guide to the Land of Light"

   Chapter 1131 Sixty-nine. "Guide to the Land of Light"

   A place of light, a beautiful place, a paradise on earth.

   The best things you can imagine, the most beautiful scenery, the cleanest food, the friendliest people (and weirdest).

  Coming here is the most correct decision I have ever made. Compared with these beautiful things, the hardships and pains I have encountered along the way are not as good as if they were. My only regret is that you're not here, but maybe it's too late? I know you don't like taking risks and running around, a stable life is yours, no matter how bad it is. But it will not live up to your expectations. Maybe introducing you to the beauty of the bright place will make your dusty heart start to move?

   First is sunlight. Of course I know that you have heard about the beauty of the sun countless times, but when you really bask in the sun, you will find that all descriptions are pale and weak, and the barren imagination and sentence can not describe its beauty, you can only be washed The heart and the spontaneous thought: We are the life living in the sun, and we should live in the sun.

   Whenever it is dead of night, I will recall the wonderful touch of the sun shining on my body when I walked from the cabin to the deck... I will never forget it. Even now, when I stand in the warm sunshine, I will subconsciously panic and feel that everything that happens now is a beautiful dream. Maybe I'm huddled by a dead cold campfire waiting to die, maybe I'm sitting in some monster's belly waiting to digest... oh this feeling again, I wish this paper could store the sunlight that shines on it, Maybe you could try smelling it? Sunshine really smells!

   Then there is our home, Onyx Lake Camp. Contrary to what you might think, we don't live in Old Belfast, at least not now. Do you know Agate Lake? It is the top of Mount Sugard. We live around and overlook the entire Land of Light. In the old days, only the rich and powerful were fit to live here, but now every citizen of the Land of Light can.

We would wake up at eight every morning and go to the square to have dinner and get to work, before building houses for new residents, building immortal walls, building wooden bridges, now helping the "Science House" make some strange things, sometimes Wood and sometimes metal, you know me, nothing, so I help move things in the morning, and then have lunch at noon—yes, breakfast isn't our only meal of the day, not even the only one. Two, we eat three meals a day, the last one before going to bed when we don't have to do anything. Is it incredible? Even more incredible is yet to come: we will go to the classroom to study in the afternoon.

  Maybe the Wiener Refuge Area is already the Wiener Dungeon. Maybe the Wiener Dungeon newspapers have published a lot about the school in the Land of Light, but they didn't tell you the details. There are no tuition fees and no conditions. Everyone can learn, or everyone must learn. Science; alchemy; occultism; we freely choose the subjects we are good at and the profession we want to be. Artisans, scholars, alchemists...we call them pharmacists, even exorcists, and I bet you can name the ten lucky ones who became exorcists. It's a pity that the mystery books will come to life and bite me after I read them for a while, otherwise maybe you can be proud of me too!

   You must have no idea what career I chose... Pharmacist, yes, your good friend, Alant, who knows nothing, he became an alchemist!

   This miracle can only happen when there is light in this thing full of hopes and dreams. These words were written by myself after I learned them.

Don't worry about our safety, the lord's allies protect us, those living trees called the banyan guards are stationed by the wall of sighs; the four-armed but crawling hexapod is a good helper; Yingchuo People disappear when no one is looking at it and appear in another place, all the inhabitants have been frightened by them, and it only gets better when they are no longer near residential areas. Twisted Cultists, you've seen it, haven't you? They were sticky and wet, and the sound of the tide could be heard when they were closer. The exorcist brought back many followers, more than the camp residents, and even allowed them to temporarily soak in the Onyx Lake.

   Do you think we would worry about too many Twisted Cultists harming the Land of Light? On the contrary, each of us slept soundly at night, and of course we all knew it was because the exorcist had returned.

   You are already starting to dream, right? Then I'm going to tell you some truth that might disappoint you.

  The Land of Light is not entirely ours...remember when I said we lived on top of Sugard Mountain? That's why - we only have this land in our hands, old Belfast, the bay, the outskirts of the woods are all overrun by those weirdos.

If you take Andrea to the bay, the first thing you will see is a conch shell-like pattern entrenched in the southwest of old Belfast, swallowing up a corner of the city - it is growing, every day is bigger than the day before, and The longer you stare, the more like a whirlpool... This is not a metaphor, we were all reminded not to stare at the whirlpool for too long.

Those hovering in the air are not legendary seagulls or any birds, they are bigger and taller than you think, fortunately they are not interested in Andrea who is much bigger than herself and has a body of steel, usually we can Arrived smoothly. You must be familiar with their lair: the Elm Forest, where the exorcists used to sanctuary. It's a pity that they didn't become allies because of their former neighbor relationship. I kind of want to sit on their backs and feel flying.

   You should have docked by this time, if you look up and look at Old Belfast, you will see several areas that are different from ruins, coke, and buildings.

  A block very close to the vortex land is falling with ashes like snow, where we call the ember area, the ashes have not stopped falling from the old days to the present, but it is said that the thickness has not changed at all.

  Look to the right, you will see a strange sight like a few dried fish inserted into the pie, we call there the shipwreck area, those "dried fish" are large and small boats.

  If you are curious and bold enough, you will find more details, such as the blocks covered with gray and white spider silk, the extremely crowded buildings, the church that screams from time to time, like the streets that are shrouded in shadows and plunged into darkness.

   Many of them are unheard of and unseen by us.

   These dangers beyond recognition are of course lost for all of us, because the Land of Light is not the eternal, weird and strife-free land we imagined.

   But that’s why it fascinates us.

  Because we can build the land of light with our own hands, make it better and turn it into a real pure land.

   Maybe one day in the future, we will be able to walk in the streets with time and history engraved on the walls, children playing on the coast and sandy beaches, and old people fishing at the pier in Rodster Harbor, I believe this.

  Because, all good things must be created by our own hands.

   (end of this chapter)