Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1144: 82. Failed Rescue

   Chapter 1144 Eighty-two. Failed rescue

   "The vortex sweeps away everything it touches."

   Elena had whispered in her mind in the dream.

   Lu Li raised his hand to touch his neck, Potter moved faster than him, pulled off the pendant and handed it to Elena.

"hurry up."

  Lu Li did not hesitate, picked up the pendant and grabbed the tentacles raised by Elena, and walked towards the fog wall.

   He walked into the thick fog smoothly, but the gray fog blocked the aliens while holding Elena's right hand, as if the wide wooden stick he was holding was caught by the fence.

   Elena muttered in a low voice at this moment, and Lu Li guessed it was the sentence "The vortex will sweep away everything it touches".

  Lu Li exited the fog, returned the pendant to Potter, opened his stomach and mouth, took out his eyeballs and summoned the merchant Anthony before the Toothless Mouth closed.

   After waiting for a moment, the merchant Anthony emerged from the depths of the thick fog.

   "Let the Swamp Mother tell the Twisted Shadow that we found Elena, but she couldn't leave the Whirlpool, and the mist stopped her."

  The merchant Anthony retreated into the gray fog, and soon it returned with the decision of the Twisted Shadow: He would attack the area where Lu Li was, and create a gap to let them escape.

  The ten exorcists left the vortex as beacons, while Lu Li and Elena stayed at the edge of the fog, waiting for rescue.

  The merchant soon returned with an hourglass for timekeeping.

   "Switch to a timer that won't be affected by the Maelstrom."

  Lu Li asked the businessman Anthony to bring back the hourglass with the spiral sprinkled sand and replace it with an alarm clock - its hour and minute hands pointed to 11:50 and turned clockwise.

  The alarm clock may also be affected by the vortex, but it is more accurate than the hourglass.

   Elena commented on the alarm clock, and she was nervous and muttered a whisper that only she could understand. Although she wondered what the alarm clock looked like in her sight, she could indeed recognize its function. Because as the last minute came, she became quiet.


  The second hand leaps forward from the end of the rain, getting slower and clearer, echoing in my mind.

   At this time, Lu Li looked into the depths of the thick fog with a sense of awareness.


   ding bell bell bell-

   The piercing alarm clock with a sudden tidal sound woke Lu Li and Elena.

  Lu Li turned off the alarm, the surrounding noise was no longer, but the gradually clear bottom of the tide did not disappear.

  Lu Li stretched out his hand and took Elena's "hand", listening to the gradually approaching and clearer tides—and the tremors.

The    tremor originated from Elena beside him. When Lu Li looked at her, she raised her other "hand" to the sky.

  The thick clouds that cover the vortex land somehow gather storm-like eddies. The tremors came from all around, and the rising dust turned into eddy currents, redrawing the land——

  The Whirlpool was dealing with an invasion, and an ominous foreboding like an impending catastrophe urged Lu Li to leave this place.

   You can see the whirlpool people coming from the whirlpool town from the depths of the dust, you can hear the tides getting louder and louder in the whimpering wind, and you can smell the dampness of the coast in the wind and sand that blows your eyes.

  When Lu Li realized that the terrifying power of the vortex land would come before the rescue, he opened the wooden box and called the businessman Anthony: "Let the distorted shadow stop, the vortex land is waking up... It will detect us."

  The businessman Anthony disappeared into the depths of the fog. Lu Li and Elena approached a tree and grabbed the curved trunk to resist the wind.

  As the sound of the tides became clearer, the depths of the earth began to tremble, and an ancient existence that spread fear is gradually awakening.

Lu Li's heart was unknown, and a hazy hallucination appeared in front of him: in the unclean depths of the dark, spiral-shaped giant toadstools stood up, and the volute-like hollow shells filled the caves, all forming twisted lines that almost made people faint— —

   At this moment, the tide that echoed in my ears suddenly dimmed, as if the waves that almost reached the edge of the fog had faded away.

The    illusion disappeared with the tremors of the ground, the vortex storm clouds returned to calm, and the hurricane that ravaged the earth turned into a gentle breeze.

   Only the whirlpool people from whirlpool town stretched like ants.

   Lu Li and Elena, who survived the disaster, were about to leave this area to avoid them, when suddenly messy footsteps came from the depths of the thick fog.

   Potter and the others who returned to the outside world went back and forth.

   "We are exorcists."

   The youngest Lear answered Lu Li's gaze firmly.

   Potter didn't say that, but meant the same thing: "Rest assured, we'll leave immediately if we can't help and in danger."

  Lu Li nodded and took them into the virgin forest formed by the vortex, and left the area along the fog wall. The colleague asked, "What will the Twisted Shadow do next?"

   "Well he asked us to ask you..."

  Shadow of Distortion trusts Lu Li's judgment even more.

   "I'm still thinking."

   When Lu Li left the area and thought, Elena's tentacles touched his arm, pointing to their right and muttering.

   Layers of curly trees block the view, the only thing that can be identified is the direction of the whirlpool town.

  Lu Li motioned for the other exorcists to keep quiet, and listened carefully to the direction Elena pointed.

   Gradually, a chaotic rustling sound came faintly.

  The whirlpool people came.

  Lu Li was about to speed up and leave here, but Elena grabbed him and pointed forward again—signifying that it was there too.

   "You wait for us here, we will hide in the fog for a while."

  Lu Li and the others retreated into the thick fog, and said to Elena, the language is different, but she should be able to guess what was said from the action.

   Alone Elena stood there, watching them approach the thick fog.

   But something unexpected happened - Wenger was blocked by the fog.

  The fog wall blocked them.

   "What happened...why..."

  Wenger's shoulders were pushed against a wall of fog that seemed to be substantial, which remained motionless, as if integrated with the space.

   Potter patted the fog wall and looked at his companions in panic.

  No one was polluted and swirled, but why did the dense fog block them...

   "The Whirlpool Land should be aware of the presence of intruders."

  The calm voice made them calm down, Lu Li looked around, the rustling sound no longer needed to be quiet to hear: "Take the invisibility potion."

  Lu Li took out the medicine bottle with the label printed on it, took off the cork and drank the bitter medicine, his figure disappeared like the mist reflecting the outline on the window.

  The ten exorcists drank the invisibility potion as they approached Lu Li and disappeared.

   "Oops...our footprints."

  Langer's exclamation suddenly sounded before the fog.

  The long, cluttered footprints clearly indicated where they were.

   Elena let out a grunt at this moment, and leaned towards the shadowy silhouette in the depths of the forest.

   Looking at Elena's back, everyone suddenly felt uneasy and fearful.

  Irina, who is the same as the vortex people, the same kind of vortex people, who does not recognize Lu Li... Has she fallen long ago and became a member of the vortex land...?

   Lu Li didn't know what his companions were thinking, he was thinking about another thing: how to get Elena out of here.

  Waiting for the Twisted Shadows and Embers to weaken and defeat the Maelstrom?


   Lu Li's quiet black eyes fell towards the towering spiral tower in the center of the whirlpool town.

   (end of this chapter)