Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1211: One hundred and forty-nine. Ant Theory

   Chapter 1211 One hundred and forty-nine. Ant Theory

   Ant colonies live in enclosed glass boxes called ant boxes. Here they recuperate, breed civilizations, and conquer every inch of land that can be explored. They mistakenly believe that they are the kings of the world and that their feet are their territory.

   But their short-sighted tentacles prevent the ant colony from seeing the world outside the ant box, and the countless glass boxes that are densely packed and packed.

   also couldn't see the weirdness that was coveting to climb in from other glass boxes.

   Later they saw it, and found that when the self-righteous giant pincers and sharp teeth bit the invader, they were not like the weak prey, screaming and twisting and bursting with sweet and delicious juice. They simply can't tear through those tough shells.

  The ant colony realizes that their existence is threatened, so they try to arm their pincers and teeth, but in the face of the word "sudden", the evolution is slow as a shivering old man trying to traverse the wilderness.

Maybe a bad guest from a glass box climbed in, maybe the adjacent glass box shattered and the tribe living there invaded, maybe a mischievous child threw the predator into the ants because they wanted to watch the fight, maybe it just fell by accident Beings that come in and leave quickly, maybe the owners of the glass cases give up taking care of them—maybe they all exist together.

   These will undoubtedly bring disaster to the fragile and weak indigenous peoples.

  The glass box follows the rule of the weak, and the weak ant colony is only the lowest ecological niche in this ecosystem.

   But there are still humans who are willing to touch and observe them.

   Like children.

Children with pets will put precious pets in the ant box, let them eat a meal, or watch them kill and conquer in the ant colony; naughty children play tricks on these young creatures, and he finds it interesting For weak ants, it usually means annihilation; kind children will sprinkle breadcrumbs into the ant box and feed the foraging ant colony; curious children watch the development of the ant colony and occasionally reach out to provide miraculous help, but Occasionally, they help the ants to turn their backs on the ants; uninterested children pass by randomly, or reach out to kill a certain ant colony; smart children observe the patterns of ants and try to communicate with them, but even the sound of talking can shatter them. their heads, or spin them mad; the wicked child will dig out the dirt, pour in the sewage, light the firewood, and kill all the ants it sees.

   In addition to the children full of desire, there is another group of people.

   They are not occupied by disorderly goodness or malice like children, they are relatively rational, follow rules and respect life.

  The wise race Sinan is such a group.

They are usually like biologists, calmly and silently observing the ant box called human, occasionally observing interesting things and recording them, and occasionally they will help when they encounter interesting things, and they are not stingy. the knowledge they have.

   After all, on the last page of the Necronomicon, the unknown author specially marked that the book was revised by the wise race Sinan.

Lu Li watched Margaret perform the ritual in Claire's tower bedroom, painted a circle about the size of a bed on the floor with erasable chalk, then left, taking most of the summoning rituals with her after dozens of minutes. Offerings are required.

  Margaret's arrangement was smooth and natural, and Lu Li, who had completed her studies in the Midnight City Illusion, couldn't help at all.

  The cat's paw pointed to the list of offerings, and as Margaret arranged everything, it descended and stopped at the last offering.

  【A Cup of Wisdom】It says.

   "What is this?" Lu Li asked her.

   "A certain puzzle, a certain mechanism, a certain locked door, only wisdom is the key." Margaret said.

   Then, the obscure, imperceptible fluctuations boiled on the floor in the ceremony like a wine bottle, the sacrifices and the magic circle gradually faded, and the above-mentioned ant theory emerged in Lu Li and Margaret's mind.

   There is also the wise race Sinan, who is floating, wearing a white cloak, and his brain is wrapped in an oval translucent shell.

  Lu Li found a light red gully in its pituitary gland—the one who was summoned was an elder.

   Margarita pulled up the curtains, retreated to Lu Li, and handed over control to him.

   After Lu Li thought about the question he wanted to ask, he communicated with the existence he summoned for the first time—a very Lu Li-style question.

   "It is said that Sinan, the wise race, knows the answer to all questions."

   An ethereal voice resounded in the minds of Lu Li and Margaret: "I thought you were mentally prepared to summon me."

   "I thought you knew what we were going to ask." Margaret said suddenly.

   Her rebuttal is not very rational, but the wise race Sinan is quite peaceful, and even trying to kill them will not provoke the other party, but will refuse to answer your call from now on - much like a businessman in this regard.

"I know the longing in your heart..." Sinan, a wise floating race, turned slightly, it had no face, but it gave Lu Li the feeling that it was "watching" himself: "Yes, including this interesting piece you are thinking of at this time. Weapons, my answer is still, yes. Want to hurt them? The answer comes at a price."

   Of course, Lu Li will not waste the price on meaningless answers. He took the opportunity to ask some questions that can be answered for free: "How do you know what I think?"

   "Wisdom." Sinan, a wise race, said: "It's like you see a red-tailed fish upstream, and you see it downstream, the fish can't understand how you know it's from upstream."

  Lu Li didn't ask any further, and went straight to the topic: "Can you restore the farmer's memory?"

   "No." Sinan, a wise race, unexpectedly rejected Lu Li: "But I can give you the memory of the farmer."

   "Which kind?"

   "Let you have the memory of it."

   sounds useless, and he may drive himself crazy because of two memories, but Lu Li has a dreamer and a crown of knowledge.

   It wasn't because of this that made Lu Li silent, but because he suddenly realized that everything was a coincidence, as if it had already been arranged.

  Lu Li came here, the true vision eyeball helps to find the soul, the crown of knowledge can release knowledge, and the last memory is also solved by the wise race Sinan...

   "Do you know the answer?" Lu Li asked seemingly for no reason.

   "The wise race Sinan is omniscient, but it takes a price." Its voice was still ethereal.

   "Shilling or weird currency?"

   "Young and wise human beings, you should know the truth of equal exchange. Maybe your precious things are insignificant in my eyes, but it conforms to the rules."

  Lu Li was forced to give up seeking the truth and pay the price for the memory of the undead: the humanity that spent all day improving yesterday fell back to less than 1 share.

   "Be prepared, don't let memory overwhelm your mind."

   The wise race Sinan kindly reminded, the summoning circle that disappeared from the floor flickered dimly for a moment.

   Lu Li fell into a faint without warning.

   (end of this chapter)