Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1229: One hundred and sixty-seven. Bizarre syn

   Chapter 1229 One hundred and sixty-seven. Bizarre syndrome (seven)

  How I wish I was awakened by the song of birds in the morning, the fragrance of the garden outside the door, and the sun shining on the bed. Instead of the sea breeze wrapped in cold rain, the smoke smell of burnt charcoal, and the icy floor that takes away body heat.

   But anyway, it's always a good thing to wake up before the fireplace is left with embers and the monsters have eaten nothing but bones.

   I propped up a body that didn’t seem to belong to me, feeling every piece of flesh and blood was in pain. But the spirit is unexpectedly sober, except that he still can't remember the past, everything that happened these days is vivid in his mind.

Those charred monstrosities that move through the walls and ooze blood like ash are probably the monstrosities watching me outside the longhouse, they follow me down the coastal streets, and they emerge after nightfall—the human-shaped scars I see in the halls are just their scouts .

   This stone tavern really saved me. If the charred phantoms break through the walls, I can't just collapse from exhaustion, much less miraculously knock them back.

   Will they visit again tonight? I don't know, but apparently it's no longer safe here. It's just that I don't want to leave my cozy attic in despair, especially after I've beaten them.

   It should be early in the morning, and I still have a day to hesitate. The priority is to get food, and this does not conflict with finding new shelter.

There was nothing left of the scorched black ghost. I heated the tin can and wheat grains by the burning fireplace. I simply tidied up the attic, picked up the tin can, and ate the rest of Chen Mai with warm hot water. .

  Before I set off, I picked out two pieces of coal that had been burned at a corner from the fireplace filled with wet coals and put them into the oil lamp. I took the kitchen knife, which was the biggest hero of the night, and climbed out of the attic.

  I didn't move the table and chairs that blocked the entrance, but opened a window and climbed over the window sill to the street.

   The cool rain fell, and I remembered that I forgot to bring something to cover the rain. But it didn't matter, because I immediately walked into a tavern without a signboard adjacent to the sanctuary.

   This humble tavern has only one floor, but not really. The wide door and passage leading to the basement shows that the underground is the main body of the tavern, but when I stood at the entrance of the basement and raised the oil lamp, I only saw the deep pool of water rippling from the trembling under the two steps.

  I don't want to step into this cold, deep pool of water that looks like a lurking monster, and I can't find what I want in it.

   After a brief inspection, I walked out of this "shabby" tavern and continued to explore adjacent taverns.

  This street is almost filled with pubs. "Black Beauty," the crumbling and mutilated sign blocking the entrance, and I slipped into the tavern through the broken window, hoping to gain something here. Holding the "coal lamp" in my left hand and the kitchen knife in my right hand, I skimmed across the hall of abandoned tables and chairs, briefly checking the counter. There was nothing left of the wine cabinet as expected, but when I opened the drawer I saw a shilling stuck inside.

   After confirming that it could not be completely torn off, I turned my attention and checked the back kitchen, guest room, and cellar in turn.

   The surprise is the basement wine cellar. The cold water that was about calf-deep made my feet almost cramp, but when I came to shake the wine barrel with the dark water like ink, I could hear the wine swaying in it, and I could almost imagine delicious red wine or something in it. Tongue melted.

  Unfortunately, even alcoholics need food to satisfy their hunger.

   But after hesitating, I left this cold wine cellar and went back to the ground. I don't really hate alcohol, and I even like it a little bit, but in a world full of dangers, getting drunk can get nothing but false satisfaction.

   What really surprised me was a grocery store - although I still hadn't found food from the store, I found a small sealed half barrel of kerosene in the store's basement.

   This means that I finally got rid of the shabby and dull "coal lamp" and really have a continuous and bright fuel.

  The sealed barrel of kerosene is hidden in the deepest basement, and the handle is tied with twine, which is why I can still see him.

   I put the "coal lamp" next to me, and I held the twine in one hand to straighten it, and the other hand cut it with a kitchen knife. Soaking in the standing water made the twine obscure and difficult to cut. I could only cut the twine little by little, and then moved the "coal lamp" so that I could see the incision more clearly.

Suddenly, and completely unexpected, I saw a jet-black monster claw emerging from the edge of the "coal lamp". I was startled and found that it was on the same plane as the ground. Then, I froze subconsciously, because the jet-black monster The claw was extending towards the "coal lamp", and while I was still freezing, the tip of the strange claw touched the "coal lamp".


The burning coals that couldn’t be put out by water suddenly disappeared like flames. The darkness and fear that descended in an instant drowned me. I forgot to still hold the kerosene barrel. The last strand of twine.

   Fear made me hold the kerosene barrel like a drowning person holding anything within reach, running hysterically towards the dim light above the steps.

  In the basement where I was breathing heavily and screaming alone, the dark and sticky black shadow rushed with me to the ground that seemed to be infinitely far away.

Stepping on the air made my head bleed, but I didn't dare to stop. Finally, before the ultimate terror came, I stumbled out of the basement, like a fish slapped on the beach by the waves, lying on his back and opening his mouth .

   At the entrance to the basement in front of me, the reluctant and abominable shadow retreated into pitch darkness.

  I don't need a mirror to know how embarrassed I am at the moment - the heat gushing from my nose drips down my clothes, my knees and calf bones are hurting badly, and my bruised arm is dusty and bleeding.

   I slumped to the ground, the back of my head against the cold floor.

   I got hurt and lost my kitchen knife. I'm afraid today will be another starving day.

   I patted the kerosene barrel that I held on my chest.

   But it's not all in vain.

  I didn't dare to rest for too long because I was worried about the monster claws in the basement chasing out. Climbing up on my battered, exhausted body, I limped towards the shelter.

When I returned to the fireplace, which symbolized safety, I first put the kerosene bucket aside, treated the wound, and pryed open the kerosene bucket with a spatula. The smell of kerosene that left a shadow wafted out. I poured some on the floor, and took out the The burning stick was close, and the flame suddenly rose. This barrel of kerosene was of excellent quality. It could be ignited directly without dampness or water ingress.

   I rubbed the soles of my shoes to extinguish the flames and threw the wooden sticks back to the fireplace. After drinking hot water to warm my body and mind, I was unwilling to be forced to rest before noon.

Looking out the window at the drizzly hazy bay, I don't want to spend a few hours in hunger and remorse...I don't dare to go near the port of Rodster, but I might be able to pick up some dead fish washed up by the waves on the beach , and make them into all sorts of savory fish soups that come to mind - I was supposed to be pretty good at fish before.

   I persuaded myself, gritted my teeth and covered my knees wrapped in cloth, stood up, and left the attic again.

   (end of this chapter)