Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1243: One hundred and eighty-one. So far

   Chapter 1243 One Hundred Eighty One. That's it

  Lu Li therefore remembered that the wicked demons encountered along the way avoided waste, and they were all resolved by the redemptive power of the left hand when they were dying. Only a few wicked demons collided and died, but they could not let the bonfire burn for even one more second.

   "You are not allowed to kill again in Beautiful Lake Town!"

   The blue-blooded sheriff grabbed the fresh corpse that already belonged to him, and warned Lu Li solemnly and lowly that he could not refuse.

   Apparently, it seems impossible to lure the demons out of the tavern to hunt outside.

   Lu Li really didn't want to force a lawful, restrained, communicative intelligent life too much.

   Even a demon.

  Communication remains his top priority if he can.

   When the blue-blooded sheriff was dragging the corpse of the claw demon and was about to leave, Lu Li called it again, and asked the blue-blooded sheriff to tear the corpse out of the wound, and smeared it with sticky blood in his vigilance and anger.

  The shirts, ties and trench coats were preserved as the imprint of Lu Li before he died, and they are also part of his soul, so there is no need to worry that the blood will not be able to be wiped off.

   "No more in town..."

"I know."

   When the blue-blooded sheriff went to collect another body next door, Lu Li returned to the tavern, and broke into the tavern with a pretentious stumble and sandstorm.

   "I'm going to hire a demon to **** me to a nearby town!"

   The pale, blood-stained silhouette shouted, if the face was not nearly frozen like a sculpture, it would be more credible, but it was enough to lure demons who hadn't seen new souls in decades.

   The black clay in the seat is shaped like a humanoid silhouette, like a sticky silt approaching Lu Li.

   "Anything else?" Lu Li continued to look around the guests in the tavern.

  Some demons were about to move, and the black mud demons suddenly appeared as the head of a banshee and screamed at them, restraining their greed.

   It seems that the harvest of Beautiful Lake Town ends here.

   Mixed coveted and malicious eyes, Lu Li left the tavern with the black mud demon, and walked out of the town along the sandstorm.

  The fiery wind that passed through the canyon made the windbreaker wrap tightly, and his center of gravity leaned back, walking in short steps like stepping down a step, so as not to be blown away by the fiery wind from the depths of the canyon.

The   Black Mud Demon seemed to maintain the ooze form harmlessly and keep away from the land, but it didn't last long.

   Every time, Lu Li would turn back and try to talk to it.

  Unfortunately, the Black Mud Demon couldn't respond, or didn't want to talk to the food, so Lu Li didn't get any additional gains.

   Finally, Lu Li left the range of the beautiful lake town, and the town on the rock wall of the canyon only had a faint black outline.

   The black mud demon that followed Lu Li quietly returned to its humanoid silhouette, and the swelled sea urchin-like spiky claws stretched out to Lu Li's back - the dreamland of the grotesque and dazzling reality was also reaching out to it.

   There were no surprises in the result, the black mud demon was squeezed and kneaded by the power of the dream, and collapsed into a black ball with a smooth surface.

   To avoid the power of redemption, he directly used the dreamer to solve the black mud demon, and some kind of vital essence was integrated into Lu Li's body - but his humanity did not increase.

   Lu Li has a clear understanding. The soul is not human...humanity is a higher fuel than the soul.

   As coal is to firewood, and kerosene is to candles.

   Harvested souls are not as specific as human nature, but usually half go to the hunter and half go to hell.

   This means cutting off contact with the human world, and the situation in **** where no new souls have come for more than 20 years is worse than expected.

  Perhaps the desolation of the beautiful lake town is universal in hell.

  Lu Li caught the black mud demon that fell after the dreamer faded away, and was pulled by the weight and nearly fell over.

   The weight of the black mud demon corpse, which collapsed into a baby's head, did not disappear. It weighed about 30 pounds. If Lu Li was not a soul, he might even have dislocated his arm.

  Lu Li looked back at Beautiful Lake Town, a vague silhouette stood on the edge of the town, he walked towards the blue blood sheriff and threw the heavy black mud magic ball at his feet.

   "I didn't fight privately in the town."

  Lu Li showed his innocence and did not break the rules.

"But you violated the interests of Beautiful Lake Town—" But for law enforcement, the existence on the edge of order and chaos will never welcome: "The 67 residents and guests of Beautiful Lake Town are only 64 people left because of you. , you are not welcome here..."

   "The rules of Beautiful Lake Town should not be able to fight back when they are not attacked."

  Lu Li is like a lawyer in the old days who is under the control of the law. In the eyes of the blue blood sheriff, he is another existence.

   "You are as cunning as the devil..." The blue blood sheriff no longer regards it as an ordinary existence: "Human, how are you willing to leave."

   "I need some maps and intel."

   After a short pause, the blue-blooded sheriff lowered his head and stared at the black ball under his feet: "The corpse belongs to me."

"make a deal."



  The door of the tavern was overwhelmed and slammed open again.

  The tavern guests avoided the blue-blooded sheriff, and their eyes fell on Lu Li who followed behind. The soul was safe and sound, and the blood stains disappeared.

   "This is all I have left!" The waiter screamed at the blue-blooded sheriff.

   "Give him the map."

  The waiter quickly glanced at Lu Li and got under the counter leading to an unknown hole.

"The idiots with their heads filled with muscles." The blue-blooded sheriff, who seemed to be the least qualified to say such a thing, dressed in a ferocious **** carapace, turned and laughed at all the demons in the tavern: "You actually want to hunt down the souls marked by the devil, you guessed it. Why didn't the devil go directly to the world to collect his soul?"

   Sheriff Blue Blood is not just sarcasm, he really wants the guests to answer to vent the depression brought by Lu Li: "Huh? Why don't you say it."

   "Because the devil can't go to the world." A devil said wisely.

   "You mean the devil just throws the mark on someone he doesn't know?" Maybe it's not an accurate description to fill the muscles with heads, but they are really stupid compared to the blue blood sheriff.

   So he is also a middle-level demon, but the blue-blooded sheriff is the law enforcer of Beautiful Lake Town.

  Lu Li and other blue-blooded sheriffs finished venting their emotions: "I came from the lava lake, what is occupying there."

   "Inferior Demon, we are used to calling it Fire Demon."

   "Also a bad devil?"

   Worse is a general term, usually used to describe **** creatures such as ash and the lowest. There is no soul, no value, and the flesh is sour and smelly.

   Most of them are the products of the depraved souls burned out, driven by the only remaining instinct, killing them has no death retrospect, and there is no release - after all, the wicked are just ashes with no fuel left.

   Even if there is a lucky one who has only one soul, its silent body will no longer give birth to reason, and it will only temporarily escape from the inferior demons and become one of the countless inferior demons or middle demons, until it burns out again.

  All creatures in **** are fires. They burn in a furnace called hell, looting fuel from others to survive and become powerful. And the wicked demons are embers with nothing left, without a trace of temperature. Even if it burns again someday in the future, it will only be a new fire on top of the embers.

   (end of this chapter)