Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1247: One hundred and eighty-five. Fire ants b

   Chapter 1247

   Lu Li let the scorpion demon wait here, the dreamer emerged from behind, the halo invaded the surrounding space, lifted him up against the lava, and flew close to the depths of the swamp.

  The viscous magma flows like a waterfall from the top of the canyon and gathers into a small lava pool at the bottom.

Lu Li's target was the mound that emerged from the center of the magma pool. A low ant nest stood on it. Fire ants with dark red and black-spotted shells the size of lambs were busy beside the ant nest, and several paths filled in to connect the soil. Mounds and swamps outside lava pools.

   Fire ants depend on magma to survive, but unlike fire demons, which can exist in magma, magma can still cause them to injure, burn, and die.

   At this time, a fire ant roaming the swamp found Luli the intruder. Its pincer-like mouthparts opened, and hot magma spewed from the stomach sac along the lumen to Luli—and then penetrated the bizarre landscape and the central silhouette.

The lava dripping next to the mouthparts gradually cooled, the fire ant wiggled its tentacles in confusion, unable to understand that the food was still there, and then sprayed the magma continuously after the food approached, until the abdomen became dry, and it waved its mouthparts to bite and landed in front of it. intruder.

  A guillotine appeared for no reason, shackled the fire ants, and the falling sharp machete cut off its slender waist.

   When the dying fire ant let out a whimper, Lu Li covered its head with his left hand to help it free.

  Humanity poured into the body, about ten times that of the fire demon, and one-fifth of the claw demon and the bat demon.

  If there are more than 50 fire ants in the ant nest, Lu Li will be able to harvest 1 point of humanity here.

  The back of the guillotine dissipated, and Lu Li walked on the magma, approaching the mound in the center of the magma pool.

  Luli itself is like an attractive pheromone. Before standing on the mound, the fire ants around the ant nest noticed his approach, gathered on the edge of the mound, and spewed magma towards Luli.

   They don't realize that this may cause their prey to fall into the lava, leaving them with nothing.

  The magma passed through Luli like a phantom and fell into the magma in the distance. As Lu Li landed, fire ants swarmed. Facing the fire ants that squeezed into the dreamer, Lu Li cut them down with ease and precision, harvesting humanity when he was on the verge of death.

   Cleaned up thirty or so fire ants from the mound, and no more fire ants came out of the ant nest.

  This fire ant colony has no queens, otherwise this neighbor wouldn't be in a swamp.

   There should be some fire ants wandering outside. Lu Li temporarily took these corpses and sent them to the scorpion demon. He simply walked around the swamp and brought back three fire ant corpses.

   There may still be fish that slip through the net, but they will no longer bring any hidden dangers to Beautiful Lake Town and passing travelers.

  The magma swamp didn't allow Lu Li to gain 1 share of humanity, but with the three intermediate demons he hunted before, Lu Li now has 4 shares of humanity.

   "How are you going to bring it back..."

  The scorpion demon looked at the corpses of fire ants piled up on a hill.

  Lu Li had been prepared for a long time - the iron chain around the neck of the serpent demon had a role to play.

   A few minutes later, the scorpion demon landed away, dragging the iron chains that connected more than 30 fire ant corpses in series to return to Beautiful Lake Town.

   It is obviously more time-saving to go to deal with the next **** creature, but Lu Li can't leave the booty representing the soul in the wilderness - the wicked will not let go of this gift of nature.

  When the obsidian building in the beautiful lake town appeared in the distant sandstorm, the scorpion demon asked strangely: "Why do you smell stronger?"

   "Souls from hunting fire ants."

   "I've seen pure souls in the hands of powerful demons. They are fed more souls than advanced demons, but they don't taste as heavy as yours."

   Because what Lu Li added was not the soul, but the human nature.

   "The Devil's Curse."

   The logic is reasonable, and the scorpion demon is no longer entangled in the taste. But it reminded Lu Li that growing in human nature means becoming more colorful - at first it was just a piece of black bread, then jerky, vegetable soup with a good taste, soft bread with aroma, roast chicken stuffed with condiments, a table of sumptuous dishes , a long table of food at a grand party.

  Lu Li knew that the accumulation of human nature would produce some miraculous changes, and he was also able to realize what he meant to them at that time.

   "How do I get the barrel for extracting the soul." He asked casually.

   "Meat grinder? The mayor only has this."

  The meat grinder in the tavern was obtained from the mayor.

   "The ratio of pubs is too high."

"Every town is like this. Beautiful Lake Town is not bad. I've been to a chaotic town, and there will be three-tenths or even half of it." The scorpion demon who answered suddenly asked, "How about giving me a fire ant? "

   "Yes, in exchange for souls."

   So the scorpion demon stopped talking about it.

  It took twice as long as the departure time to return to the beautiful lake town with the scorpion and the loot. After a short wait, the Blue Blood Sheriff arrived.

   "It's faster than I thought, human, there are still six places left."

   The blue-blooded sheriff has long since had no men, so he could only carry the fire ant corpses that were thrown on the street by himself.

The mayor of   Brubi promised a reward equivalent to the soul, and the corpse and booty also belonged to Lu Li himself, or could be sold to the town.

   "How do you sell a meat grinder?" Lu Li asked it.

   "Relationship and soul." The Blue Blood Sheriff replied.

   "I think the relationship should be enough after cleaning up the hidden dangers."

   "1000 souls, but if you want to become a town resident later." The blue blood sheriff paused for a while, as if recalling this retelling: "You can have the same rights as me."

   "Do you have a solution to the devil's mark or fight against the devil." Lu Li asked rhetorically.

  The answer is none, Beautiful Lake Town just wants to win over and use the devil before he arrives.

   The blue-blooded sheriff carried the corpse silently, and Lu Li and the scorpion demon went to the next location. And the idea of ​​not letting humanity grow too fast has been dispelled - Lu Li does not intend to suppress the growth of humanity.

  If Beautiful Lake Town cannot cover up their own desires because of its strong human nature, it is because of them.

  Lu Li came to **** to become stronger in twenty-four days, not to make more friends.

  The second commission is located in the west of the magma swamp, where hundreds of wicked demons wander like a tide, and a group of bewitching demons control them. It is worth mentioning that bewitching demons are the most timid race among demons. They are no more timid than inferior demons. They never wield their swords against the strong or the evenly matched, but only against the weaker.

   Therefore, possessing the ability to bewitch and tamper with will, bewitching demons stronger than many intermediate demons usually only choose inferior demons to be their servants.

   The wicked tribe ruled by the bewitched demons dare not approach the town of Beautiful Lake, and even dare not attack the fire ants in the magma swamp. They only dare to hunt endless wicked demons and lonely travelers in the wilderness under the leadership of bewitching demons.

  So solving the second hidden danger is not complicated: ignore the bad demons and find the bewitching demons hidden in them.

  The gust of wind is no longer raging because it is far away from the Rift Valley, and the wicked demons roaming in the wilderness like a flock can be seen in the distance when the visibility is restored.

   (end of this chapter)