Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1295: Two hundred and thirty-three. The disapp

   Those who achieve success often retire bravely.

   Their miracles created by coincidence, luck, and planning are unsustainable, and most of them are immersed in the past honors.

   The Last Exorcist is not such a person.

   The last person who never stopped and was remembered by people born in bizarre times like him was the great explorer Solasivia Simm. He didn't stop there when he discovered the farmland garden, and continued to explore the unknown and boundless ocean.

  For human beings, Lu Li represents a kind of spirit, a kind of symbol.

   They need Lu Li, but they don’t need Lu Li. Because the Land of Light tells everyone: You too can be Lu Li.

   "Our story will come to an end. But in the future, when the weirdness fades away and the world is purified, your name will be celebrated and remembered by everyone."

  Leave all the gains in hell. The cat group, the light core, Lu Li, who has only a thousand human nature, drifted along the muddy **** to the foot of the mountain, recalling the words of the mother of the swamp when they left.

   As a princess from hundreds of years ago, the Swamp Mother excels at this kind of revelation.

  Lu Li no longer follows Anna's footsteps, but embarks on a journey based on what she once felt and re-understands the world.

   Passing through Shouwang Town, the only way to leave Sugard Mountain, Lu Li saw a lava pond next to the town. The bright orange magma exuded a warm halo like egg yolk in the dark morning.

   The rain in the rainy season is like a tidal wave that never stops. If it weren't for the two Twisted Cultists guarding the lava pond, it would have been poured into gel or rock by the cold rain.

  Lu Li didn't understand the purpose of the magma pool, and neither did the Twisted Cultists. Valendo was still in **** at the moment, and Lu Li gave up asking him why he did it, thinking it had something to do with his magma lake plan.

   After leaving Watch Town, Lu Li took a detour and came to a lunatic asylum on the outskirts.

  The northwest corner of the lunatic asylum collapsed, and the faded walls revealed rough gravel, but the wall paint and graffiti were still preserved in the room behind the broken window frame.

  The hall was littered with **** and some unidentifiable shards of bones and bones, apparently there had been new residents in this lunatic asylum for more than 20 years.


  The squeaks of peeling walls and **** stomping on echoed in the empty hall.

  Lu Li looked away from the familiar and unfamiliar graffiti on the wall, and fell to a deformed monster with obvious features of fog and rusted iron inlaid in its abominable body.

   It follows here because of the land-li breath.

   Lu Li looked at the prominent scarlet eyeball, and the latter roared and froze in the dream that suddenly unfolded.

   An illusory white palm emerged quietly, poked into the back of the weird neck, grabbed the spine and broke it.

   Negligible humanity to even supplement the consumption of killing it.

   didn't visit the basement again, Lu Li left the body and walked out of the lunatic asylum, and continued down the mountain.

   The darkness surging like a living creature at the foot of the mountain, and an indescribable distant strange sound echoed in the darkness. The Land of Lights was out of place with them, like dim chandeliers lit on a moonless night.

  The long-lost and weird era of darkness quietly swallowed up Lu Li, who stepped out of the land of light.

   Hissing whispers in the dark echoed in his ears, hurried screams from far to near, a pair of footprints appeared on the muddy and dark ground, following Lu Li, who was covered in fluorescent light.

  Before they approached, the shimmering outlines disappeared like moonlight. …

   There is no hope in the dead and gray world, but no matter how bad it is, it is better than the abyss-like reality.

  Although almost everyone was saved by Annie, the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine copies of humanity still made Lu Li’s torches like the night stand out. However, the inner world sheltered Lu Li and kept them out.

   Phantom weirdness is not unique, but it is limited in number, and as the weirdest human beings know best, they are not as indescribable as others.

   In addition to the evil spirit chess apostle and eyeballs, Lu Li also carried a notebook and a pencil. At the request of the Swamp Mother, he would record what he saw along the way, accumulating information for the future expansion of the Land of Light.

  The wandering of ghosts is much faster than walking and riding a carriage, plus walking in a world without too much weirdness, Lu Li arrived at Shymfast in the afternoon.

   The curse that pervades Shymfast makes it an eerie and scary place. Noon in the dark age is like the night after sunset, with a faint light scattered.

  Although he was sheltered by the apostles, Lu Li did not enter Shymfast and drifted southward along the pitch-black city walls of Belfast.

   Along the way, Luli encountered a moss-like streak, and the edge of the nearly dry land was muddy with some dirty crystal grains.

   That is the trace left by the mother of the swamp when they moved Anna's tomb some time ago.

   Moving along the mottled and damaged eastern city wall of Shymfast, with the shady city wall disappearing behind him, Lu Li returned to the world of silence where there was no wind, and headed to the south coast where the refuge was located.


   A faint sound suddenly came from the front of the colorless inner world drawn by a sketch pen, like a beast licking water.

   But there are no beasts in the world, and no water.

  Lu Li left the inner world and returned to reality, and then heard the sound of the tides brought by the sea breeze and the waves crashing against the coast.

  It is amazing that there is no naked and ugly ocean in the world, the sea still exists.

  The land is close to the south coast, return to the inner world before you notice the strangeness nearby, and proceed along the south coast.

  The sound of the ocean waves is the only sound in the gray and defeated world, so that the subsequent journey is no longer boring. Before evening came, Lu Li arrived at the ruins above the shelter.

The advantage of the    ghost is revealed at this moment - he does not have to move hundreds of cubic meters of earth and stone outside the shelter.

  Although the dreamer can let him pass safely.

  Lu Li held the believer and entered the inner world, confirming that he could take it through the rock formations and then submerge into the earth. Soon after, the illusory figure appeared at the entrance of the passage tens of meters deep underground.

   Refuge is at the end.

   An oil lamp appeared in Lu Li's palm, and the darkness slowly retreated under the light. At this time, Lu Li found something engraved on the base of the apostle.

   Holding it close to the oil lamp, two lines of inscriptions vaguely emerged:

  【You bathe them in the light of the Lord】

  【They are hidden】

   This format reminds Lu Li of a similar motto at the base of a lighthouse:

  【The brilliance of humanity gathers in the wick】

  【It should be where it is】

   It's just that the lighthouse is buried in the chest with the broken, and annihilated with the body.

   Does the Doomsday Book have such an inscription?

  Lu Li didn't have any influence, I don't know if it was or I never noticed it.

   Following the passage to the stone wall at the end, Lu Li temporarily ignored the strange and coincidental inscription, erased the rock from the dream, and entered the shelter.

  The dark cave was silent.

"Is anyone here?"

The sound of    echoed in the empty cave.

  Lu Liluo entered the group of stone houses next to the entrance, and noticed that the stone houses and streets were covered with thick dust falling off the rock walls.

   Refuge residents left this place a long time ago.