Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1304: Two hundred and forty-two. Investigation

  Lu Li got some answers, but more truths are confusing.

   bypassing the low tombstone, through the icy cemetery, and into the quiet church.

  Lu Li saw the robes of nuns and priests discarded on the benches of the auditorium. Obviously, the "resurrected" townspeople did not include this church.

   Leaving the lonely church, Lu Li noticed that Snot's footsteps were getting more and more staggered and slow. At first he thought Snot was suffering from a weird curse in the town, but she was just tired.

   The hundreds of miles from the coastal town to the Twin Towns did not rest. After arriving at Kazwowo Town, he followed Lu Li to Kazgir Town. Snot didn't say it just because she was patient.

  The town is obviously not a suitable place to rest, but the existence of the miserable people should be able to shelter the snot. Lu Li looked for a vacant house on the edge of the town near the coast, so that the snot can rest here temporarily.

  Microscopic hurricane-like air currents wreak havoc in the house, whipping up dust into the chimneys and converging with the sea breeze blowing from the roof. The old furniture was lifted up by invisible forces and piled on the stairs leading to the second floor, only one bed was spared. Like a ghost, the sheet fabric floats up, blocking the window. The disassembled wooden chairs are lit in the fireplace, emitting fire and warmth.

   A humble shelter has been laid out.

  Snot was about to climb onto the bed to rest, but Lu Li stopped her temporarily and summoned the merchant to bring a set of quilts.

   If the dreamer can bring convenience, the merchant is another.

   Soon, the soft, fluffy, sun-scented quilt was spread out onto the bed. Snot climbed up and touched it, wrapping itself like a cocoon woven by larvae.

  Snot liked this.

   "Have you been to the hometown of uninvited guests?"

   The merchant who had not left asked for the mother of the swamp, and after receiving confirmation, he continued to ask: "How is the situation?"

   "Still investigating."

   An unknown haze loomed over the town.

The origin of the    clothes, the whereabouts of the mother and daughter are still unknown.

  The Swamp Mother then told Lu Li that the Andrea received Irene, but something was wrong with her.

   "The ghost baron said that she had an invisible friend who would talk to her and communicate with her. The Twisted Cultists could not feel the existence of strange powers, and Tesla guessed that there might be a problem with her spirit."

   Considering that Irene was soaked in the blood pool formed by the residents of the shelter for several months, eating their flesh and blood to survive, and spending a long time with the obsidian tablet, it is normal to have mental problems.

   But Lu Li has another guess: because Snot has a similar behavior - it stems from her cursed title [Good Friend]

   Geographically, the southern coast of the Allen Peninsula and the coast of the coastal town are inland seas. Perhaps some unspeakable existence passed there and brought the cursed title by coincidence?

  Lu Li told the conjecture to the mother of the swamp, and then communicated it to Irene on the Andrea through the merchant, and it was confirmed.

  Irene, who didn't know what the cursed title was, did appear as a [good friend] when she was dying.

   But just in case, beware of the curse of the obsidian tablet being brought to the land of light, Irene will not go to the Onyx Lake camp, she will be temporarily isolated for a while on the back of the mountain.

  The businessman Anthony left, Lu Li looked at the head emerging from the fluffy quilt, his eyes sparkling at his snot in the firelight. …

   "Do you remember the past?"

  Lu Li picked up the firewood and remembered something when his illusory palm passed through the firewood.

  Snot ran off the bed, picked up the firewood and put it into the fireplace, which was burning vigorously, but Lu Li couldn't feel the temperature.

  The light of the flame came from behind the snot, and the edge of the thin arm with little flesh faintly showed wriggling tentacles.

   "Are Kenny, Hussen, and Qianpa your family?"

   Lu Li asked about the names Snot started to say.

  Snot nodded and shook his head again.

   "They took me in and took me there to live."

  Snotty is not from the seaside town. When Lu Li asked where she was from, Snotling could not answer.

"I do not remember……"

  Snot looks only seven or eight years old. Considering the effects of long-term malnutrition and pollution, it is difficult for her to remember what happened two or three years ago.

   But obviously, it's no coincidence that snot is the daughter of the uninvited guest.

   "Are you going to eat me like they did?"

  Lu Li recovered from his thoughts and looked to take off his ragged coat, revealing his chest as if covered with a layer of film on the skeleton.

   "You can eat your arm first." She said, pursing her sore-covered lips, "My flesh won't rot away alive."

"I will not eat."

   In order to convince Snot, Lu Li asked the merchant to bring food and clothes. Just the food and sackcloth from the land of light made Snot hesitate.

   "Are these for me?"




  Snot eating is very similar to dog meat. It is more like a gluttony of "worrying that the food will be eaten quickly when you wake up".

  Lu Li provided a whole adult portion of food, and ate all the snot at the cost of a bulging stomach. If you bring the oil lamp closer, you can vaguely see the creeping tentacles under the skin.

"I like here……"

  Snot was attracted by the apparent town of Kazgir.

   It’s not so much that Snot likes it here, it’s more that she likes to sleep in warm fluffy bedding, lean against a bright and warm fireplace, and enjoy delicious and clean food, which happens to get everything in Kazgir town.

   "Can I go to the beach?"

   asked Snot, she always went to the beach when she was in the seaside town.

   “The beaches here are not that safe.”

  Lu Li handed the fitted children's clothes from the Land of Light to Snot:

"I go with you."



  The tidal waves on the beach washed away the irritability. Surprisingly, Lu Li and the others were not the only guests on the beach - a men's clothing and children's clothing walked by the shoal holding hands.

  Snot looked at the father and daughter enviously, looked up at Lu Li's jaw, and suddenly stretched out his hand, which overlapped with Lu Li's hanging illusory palm.

   Only the bloated monster standing not far away destroyed the tranquility.

  Lu Li pondered the clues obtained by Twin Towns, combined and pieced them together to form a vague context.

   Weird times have come, and some kind of accident has appeared in the hometown of the uninvited guests who have not returned from the voyage. People die one after another, people put on clothes to resist the blooming season, and become clothes one after another - these tentative inferences can be overturned at any time by the emergence of new clues.

   For example, is there some kind of wear and tear in the transformation of human clothes, or some people are destined to be unable to transform and can only become food on the plate? The note was abandoned in the mountain of clothes, does it mean that the owner of the note did not become a "townsman"?

  The experience of Kazgir Town made Lu Li think of the days when he was an investigator a long time ago. Find clues, piece together the truth, and escape danger.

   But now, he doesn't need to be so rude.

   "Let's go back."


   Back on the street, Lu Li walked into a shop with clothes and cloth strips hanging like meat. When the gray shirt that was wiping the table by the counter wanted to say something, the dream that suddenly unfolded caught it.

   "I ask, you answer."