Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 134: Forty-nine.

   Chapter 134 Forty-nine. Swamp Wooden House

  Anna's naive idea didn't last long.

  In the dark swamp where it is difficult to distinguish the swamp from the land, a figure holding a walking stick moved along the swampy ground where debris was generally distributed, leaving a line of shoe prints.

  A translucent girl floated behind Lu Li, she turned her back to Lu Li and turned towards the road they came from.

  Dozens of meters away, after several crisscrossing twists, five six-legged savages kept their distance and followed them rustlingly.

   In the first ten minutes, the number of savages began to increase until it became the previous scene.

   They are as nimble as monkeys in the woods, with six limbs and crawling fast, falling behind Lu Li, as if waiting for the right moment.

   She no longer thinks that these savages are here to repay their kindness.

   stepped over a 30 to 40 centimeter long ravine under his feet, and Lu Li stepped on a large piece of relatively intact ground.

  The surroundings were a little darker than before, and it seemed that it was about to get dark.

   But it was not yet nine in the morning.

  Lu Li raised his head slightly, and his eyes passed through the dry branches that covered the sky. The dark sky was not only crowded by the twisted dead trees around him, but the branches above his head had become denser, and the dark rain cloud from the east was about to reach the sky over the swamp.

  The wind picked up, and the upper branches swayed with the wind, but only a weak airflow could be felt on the ground.

   Looking back, Lu Li used his cane to test the road ahead, and walked unswervingly to the front where the bloodshot tentacles fell.

   Gradually, some breezes began to emerge on the ground, blowing the ends of Lu Li's hair, and a larger wind blew the branches, and the whistling sound echoed over the swamp jungle.

  Anna couldn't help but raised her head, pressing it down extremely low, the terrifying dark cloud that could not see the edge was very close to this swamp. Densely emerging Razers surging through the clouds, but no thunder.

  Compared with it, the other half of the sky is cloudy like a sunny day.

  Lu Li quickened his pace, some shallow water silt no longer bypassed, but walked straight through under the guard of Anna, leaving a line of deep shoe prints, which were filled with sewage in an instant.

  The leather boots under the feet have a certain waterproof function, but they cannot be used as rain boots completely. This kind of reckless treading on the water and rushing on the road, the mud is blocked outside the shoes, but the water stains have already penetrated into the shoes, bringing a biting coolness.


  The rising wind blew the dusty and rotten leaves, echoing the whistling sound above.

   A place where Lu Li passed by reflected the sky, and the relatively clear water was turbulent, mixed with a ripple of raindrops.

   The first drop of rain fell.

  Lu Li suddenly stopped, took the backpack that was sloping back, took out the black oilcloth poncho and put it on him.

   The six-legged savage, who was always in pursuit, slowed down and did not leave because of the coming bad weather. Ana faced them, guarding Lu Li, who was wearing a poncho.

  The dark purple cloud has covered most of the sky, and only a small piece of the sky is left to survive. The Shadowswamp grew dark and gloomy, and the shadows of the trees in the distance were hidden in the shadows.

  Lu Li lit the oil lamp with a match at the same time, and the warm, faint yellow light lit up, illuminating a small area around him.

  Oil lamps are inevitable, even if the light might attract something unfriendly.

   "Are we going to keep going!"

   Feeling the halo covering the surroundings, Anna tilted her head and shouted.

  The howling wind is everywhere, and it is pointless to keep quiet at this time, or you have to speak loudly to communicate.

   "It's too late to go back now." Lu Li's voice was as usual, if it wasn't for Anna's sensitive senses in ghost form, she wouldn't be able to hear what Lu Li said.

   "We can go to that abandoned village!" Anna shouted, staring at Lu Li's dark eyes under the hood.

  Lulli looked to the left, they were already farther into the swamp than the abandoned village, but not too far, if they turned to get there now, they might be able to get close to the abandoned village before the storm came.

   Lu Li quietly analyzed for a few seconds, then took another step forward, but he was still facing forward.

   "No way."

   He answered succinctly.

   There may be a good place to shelter from the rain, but who knows if there is something else hiding in the wooden house...

"All right……"

  Ana also realized that this idea was no better than hurrying in the exposure, turned her head to look at the six-legged savages who were following up again, and followed behind Lu Li who was speeding up.

  Anna can only hope that the rain just looks loud - otherwise they will face more than just nowhere to hide.

   Also rising water levels, presence in swamps, and darkness.

  No one thought that the rainstorm would come so suddenly and unexpectedly.

  Land-off point fuel lights are the bright option. As the last ray of light disappeared from the horizon, a dark swamp was buried under the oppressive clouds. The lightning that appeared in the clouds brought a moment of light, revealing the outline of the entire swamp, and then dormant in the darkness again.

   "The hexapods are still following us... let's just kill them!"

  Anna said impatiently, and after the fear faded away, she no longer had any fear of these six-legged savages.

"That's too late."

   Lu Li, whose pace turned to a trot, said while observing the surroundings.

   The rain was still just sporadic raindrops. Raindrops as big as beans smashed into the water and splashed water, but they were still very sparse.

   But not in a while.

  If the oil lamps and kerosene seep into the rainwater, everything is over.

  Lu Li was looking for a dead tree strong enough and a tree hole to hide in.

  Anna noticed that after the oil lamp was turned on, some strange firefly-like light spots gathered around the oil lamp.

   But these light spots, attracted by the light of the oil lamp, seem to just float up and down around the oil lamp, and ignore them.

  Suddenly, the rain stopped falling, the wind stopped, and the swamp, which had been noisy a few seconds ago, suddenly became dull and deadly.

   The light spots floating around the oil lamp seemed to sense the tranquility before the storm, and gradually drifted away and disappeared outside the woods.

  Lu Li also realized something. He stopped paying attention to the terrain and ran fast.

  Anna's mind was tightly attached to Lu Li's body, and as soon as he stepped on the blisters and muddy swamp under the fallen leaves, he immediately dragged him out.

   I don't know how many times it has been done. When the raindrops began to fall, Anna suddenly pointed forward and exclaimed.

   "There is light ahead!"

  The twisted and dead trees were separated on both sides, and in the middle of a felled clearing, a log cabin with a bright window stood alone among the swamp clearings.

   An inhabited wooden house appeared in the swamp. Both Lu Li and Anna noticed the difference, but they both kept silent.

   There is no other option at this point.

  Raindrops crashed down, obscuring the view, only the noise of raindrops falling to my ears. Lu Li quickened his speed and rushed out of the woods and a wooden stake, and ran towards the cabin.

  Anna looked back at this moment. In the flash of lightning, the six-legged monsters stopped in front of the woods, as if there was an invisible wall preventing them from approaching, and they wandered restlessly around the periphery.

  Ana consciously hid the ghost and followed Lu Li to the wooden house.

  Lu Li raised his palm and knocked on the wooden door with his knuckles.

   knock knock --

   (end of this chapter)