Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1353: 291. Astos

   Lu Li is not alone this time.

  Claire, Margaret, and Barry's colleagues were forced to slow down and take Andrea to the Badlands together.

   "Is it bad to get a body, little Leimi?"

In the captain's room, Claire held his cheeks lazily and asked: "If it's just to verify whether this path is correct... You don't have to do it yourself, Ophelia is the right person to transform the undead, and Margaret is more suitable than you. ."

   "Why am I more suitable than him?" Margery raised her eyes.

   "Have you ever seen a king charging into battle?" Claire shook his head, "Then the king was killed by a nobody, and the kingdom collapsed instantly."

  Lu Li didn't take himself so seriously: "The Land of Light can already move forward alone."

   "But the loss of you will hit the humans hard... well, maybe it will inspire them, but isn't it better for you to live?"

   "It's a paradox."

   The black eyes looked at the gray sea through the window, "Weird doesn't die on its own, there's always someone taking risks."

   "That's what I said..." Claire changed his hands and changed his face, "Then why did you refuse to be resurrected?"

   "Ghosts are better for solving weirdness."

  Whether speed, hiding or strength, ghosts can easily crush humans.

   "What if it was a second life?" Claire had a new idea, "If you are killed, you will become a ghost again, and you will have a new body..."

   "But Lu Li may not turn into a ghost after being resurrected and dead."

   "Well, you're right, Barry."

  Let Lu Li have an extra life to establish the premise that Lu Li will become a ghost after his death.

   "Dean Chris will have a solution." Margaret said.

  It will take at least a week for Andrea to arrive at Cape Storm. For the pleasure of sailing lonely, Lu Li asked businessman Anthony to bring some books.

  Margaret and Claire studied alchemy, while Barry spent his days hanging out with the Twisted Cultists—he had always had a passion for heretics.

  On the eighth day of leaving the Land of Light, on a cool morning, the jagged stone pillars of the Cape of Storms appeared at the end of the line of sight.

   During high tide, Andrea sailed straight into Cape Storm Harbor and docked on the shore.

  People saw the figure stepping off the ship, and the pervading vitality.

  Black Box is about 300 miles east of Cape Storm. Declining the lord's invitation, Lu Li followed Claire, who turned into a hurricane and lifted up Margaret and Barry, to the meeting place.

   Near noon, they suddenly found a small town-sized fog quietly emerging behind them and spreading.

   "It came after us."

  Clair accelerated the wind, trying to block the fog and keep away from it. But it won't be long before it resurfaces.

   "It seems to know where we are..." Claire glanced at Margaret and Barry with a frown, "Someone is reminding it."

   "It wasn't me... I didn't do that." Barry waved his hand hastily and bowed his head guiltily: "But I'm not sure... I don't want to cause you trouble... I'll quit."

   "Maybe it has something to do with me."

  Lu Li is full of humanity. It doesn't sound like much, but it's enough to be coveted by the evil god.

  Let Claire continue to create sand and dust, Lu Li hid in the silent inner world, and followed the traces Claire made in reality. …

  The sand and dust obscured their outlines, and because the world in Lu Li's hiding place no longer released its breath, there was no strange approach to the moving sand and dust on the next journey.

   As evening approaches, the town of Black Box emerges on the horizon, before a strange fog and obscurity envelopes it.

  The city walls with mottled rust and orange-red color surround this prosperous town. These are red copper-Midnight City and Wiener Antifreeze Port have jointly developed an isolated and weird alchemy material to replace the deep sea stone.

  Clair dispersed the dust and said to Lu Li who appeared, "We're here."

   The figures in the faraway Black Box town should have seen them too. The tiny figure climbed the city wall, and soon the city gate opened, a red carpet like a tongue sticking out torn lips.

   "Huh...they haven't changed at all, pretending to be arrogant and mysterious."

  Lu Li didn't know much about the Bloodline Family Alliance, and the only connection he had with them was the Mirage of Midnight City.

   And the relationship between Lu Li and the bloodline family alliance in the illusion of late night city is not harmonious—

   "Dear guests, welcome to the Bloodline Family Alliance."

  As he landed on the paved red carpet, the pale-faced hook-nosed man said in a strange tone: "I'm Puri Roglinton, the head of the Roglinton family..."

   Behind him stood a series of old or cloaked figures, introducing the identity and title of each patriarch to Lu Li and the others in turn.

   It's just that they made a mistake, and honor is completely unworkable in front of Lu Li.

   The sudden raging wind interrupted Perry Loglinton's eloquent conversation,

   "It's our turn." Claire didn't give in to them, as if a deep breath was blowing:

"In front of you are: the one who tolls the death knell of the evil god, the owner and master of the cursed title, the lord of the land of light, the miracle that destroys the darkness, the liberator of the uninvited, the guide of the ancients, the legendary exorcist Demon, Lu Li."

   "You missed the 'The Legend of Redemption Midnight City'..." Barry reminded in a low voice.

Of course   Claire didn't add any more to spoil the atmosphere.

  Puri Roglinton smiled the same: "That's why we decided to contact you."

  Claire sneered and looked around: "To be arrogant is not the performance of a request."

   "This is not a request, we hope to have an equal dialogue with you."

   "Equality...what would you talk to your mother like that if she was here?"

   Giant Tree Academy is not qualified to be proud of the bloodline family alliance, but Chris can. Equality of power does not mean equality of individuals.

   "Because Ms. Kris is not here..." Puri Roglinton skipped this part of the topic, "We cannot be taken lightly. The Bloodline Family Alliance should be your ally, not a follower that you call at will."


  Lu Li came for this.

The reason for the    confrontation was just because Chris didn't come in person, and they felt slighted.

   These bloodline family patriarchs are much more humble than the nobles of the Demon Slayer Association, and they only demonstrate for better treatment.

   "But evidence is always needed to prove..."

  Puri Roglinton smiled and said, "We've got a show for you..."

  The ground suddenly trembled, and Claire and Barry got close to Lu Li for the first time.

  A mountain-like silhouette rose from behind Puri Roglinton, and the introductory voice continued: a new-born evil **** for us to drive. "

   "Astos, the **** of gray fog and scorching heat."

   The towering outline of a humanoid, his eyes and mouth were sewn together by black threads, he roared and stepped towards the crowd under his feet.

  The dream suddenly wrapped them and flashed hundreds of meters away, preventing the bloodline family alliance from being wiped out.

   "Your evil **** may be a little rebellious."

  Claire stared at the giant shadow that attacked them.