Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1365: 7. New plans and new names

   Chapter 1365 Seven. New plan and new name

The appearance of the    "door" dispels the joy brought by the resurrection and casts a shadow on the next action.

   Almost everyone who knows about "The Last Exorcist" knows a curse that haunts Lu Li, and the tea party members know even more: an unknowable curse that accompanies him from the old days to the present, from death to new life. Ability God is unbearable, and the ancients have no way of knowing.

  Fortunately, Lu Li didn't stay too long in Black Box Town, and was not cursed to find him during the resurrection ceremony.

   Leaving the lair and getting into the worm train, Lu Li was temporarily away from the influence of the "door".

   But shadows still hang over him.

   "Has the curse approached faster?" Claire asked.

   Knowing that it was still walking speed, Claire calculated the distance from here to Midnight City: "The curse will take dozens of days to catch up with you?"


  Theoretically, as long as Lu Li does not stay in one place for several months, the "door" will not have a chance to approach.

   But neither Lu Li nor the tea party thought that the curse would be so simple—a curse that no one except Lu Li, any weirdness, Ability God, Eternal Dreamer, or even the ancients could know.

   The way to kill in the final stage is to follow slowly and leisurely.

"Is it possible that the Eternal Dreamer knows something, but he didn't tell you?" Claire guessed wildly, and said to himself, "Then he must have a reason not to say it. I can ask when I go back, um... I definitely won't tell you. "

   As the worms passed the sites, the shadows from the "doors" faded away.

   In any case, Lu Li's new life did not change the "door".

  Claire's wind blocked the contact with the sticky inner wall, and the black robe on her body was still dry until she reached the ghost town station.

The    Ghost Town Station obviously also has merchant huts, and the turnover and safety are guaranteed - but Ghost Town is on it, and Lu Li doesn't have to take the slightest risk to trade in the old sewers.

   On the way to the abyss of Ghost Town, Claire asked all the way and continued to ask, "What is the power of the Spiritual Demon?"

"You do not know?"

   "She's been messing with that city, and we haven't seen her a few times except Roland."

   "Ideal. As long as it thinks it exists it will come true."

   "Can it make the world a better place?"


   "What is idealism called."

   Let the tentacles in the depths of the abyss take away the tickets, entangle Lu Li and Claire back to the surface, and arrive at the safe ghost town.

  The eldest sister is still a guest in the land of light. Before it left, it didn't know what to say to its subordinates. After recognizing Lu Li, the elves stared at him in awe and did not dare to approach.

  Lu Li came to the church with the believers to observe the condition of the "mother" - flesh and blood did not grow, but death no longer entangled the bones.

   "Mother" congratulated Lu Li on getting a new life, and at the same time missed her eldest sister and hoped that she would come back as soon as possible.

   Greetings were taken by the merchants to the land of light, Lu Li replenished his humanity, and at the same time discussed the next actions: to find more remnants of the late night city; to solve the swamp.

  The former has a higher priority. The swamp certainly destroyed Midnight City, but now it's the weirdness of Midnight City's terminal to worry about.

   Infiltrating Midnight City is not difficult, the problem lies in how to find and control the soul of Midnight City.

  Lu Li proposed to find a remnant, rely on the wise race Sinan to obtain memory, return the memory with the crown of knowledge, and then look for the next one until he occupies an area.

  Claire suddenly sniffed at Lu Li: "You are now a chicken leg again."

   Human nature overflows the soul.

   At this moment, Lu Li has just reached 600 copies of humanity.

  Lu was separated from his human nature, and when it dropped below 600 copies, Claire said that the breath was gone.

   "So the capacity limit for this new body is 600 copies? now have six cursed titles..." Claire thought about the connection.

   But 600 copies of humanity are enough to face most dilemmas.

   "Continue the previous conversation." Lu Li continued the previously unfinished conversation: "Why do you think the soul will not identify with us."

"A lamb came and told you that you were a member of the flock, would you believe it?" Claire floated close to the land, bathing in the humanity that sprouts from the cracks in the floor, "they lost their memory. , and lose that part of being a human being. My mother and I were among the few people who left a mark."

   "Then keep them under control."

   The second question, how to identify the soul of the late night city?

The   Eye of True Sight can help them find the soul of Night City, but it can't go the merchant route. By the time Andrea sends True Vision Eyeballs to Cape Storm and then from Cape Storm to Ghost Town, winter has come.

   They don't have much time to waste, not to mention encountering a "door" during Black Box Week. The long time is long enough for the "door" to shorten the distance from Lu Li and chase after the ghost town.

   "Then let's do it together. Let the Land of Light continue to send True Vision Eyeballs. Let's sneak into the Deep Night City to investigate first."

  Thinking sparks of inspiration, Lu Li has a certain idea: "We can pretend to be weird."

   Just like the last time he came.

   Weird will not know Lu Li's whereabouts, Lu Li's resurrection, or Lu Li's return.

   "A group of powerful, monstrous monstrosities came from the west of Midnight City. They occupied the Viscount's castle and became a roaming, terrifying, screaming new force..."

  Claire lowered his voice to create a cold and terrifying atmosphere, and suddenly raised his head and stared at Lu Li: "What do you think of this script."

   It was Lu Li who proposed, but Claire was very excited.


  Lu Li has been dealing with weirdos, but never got close to them—this is a good opportunity.

   Incorporate them, be them.

   Then transform them.

  If you want to make the plan, only the two of them are not enough, Lu Li needs more helpers to maintain his power.

   "You and I can handle most situations in battle, but we need companions and weird dealings. I have some suitable candidates... What do you think of those young people in Black Box?"

  The bloodline family has all kinds of wonderful abilities, such as Loglinton turning into stone and ignoring all the forces of pollution.

   "It's not easy for them to come over."

  Having them trek from Black Box to goblin is not only dangerous, but also time consuming.

  The Bloodline Family Alliance can't help, they can only let "Mother" and her church maybe help.

  Lu Li told the church his demands, and they would find teammates who were trustworthy and capable.

   and crucially:

   "You need a new name."

   Claire, who is keen to play weird identities, suggested.

   "Little Leimi?"

   Lu Li guessed Claire's thoughts.

  Claire shook her head seriously.

   "We need a great title that makes the grotesque tremble, the cowardly scream, and the devout worship..."

   "Do you have an idea?"

  Lu Li had no intention of thinking about a new name, but it turned out that he made a mistake.

   "Yes...I think of a suitable title" Claire exclaimed frantically and euphorically: "So...remember your new name—"

   "The King of Remi!"

   (end of this chapter)