Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1386: 28. Checks and Balances

  Chapter 1386 Twenty-eight. Checks and Balances


   Claire with folded wings seems to be hugging her shoulders, "You just want to be close to stir the water."

  As a team, Lu Li came to the castle again after accepting the garrison of Blood Eye's Lair.

  Lu Li affirmed Claire's guess: "The ghouls and rotten monsters may doubt the cause of the war, and keeping the intensity of the war can make them have no time to think."

   Waiting for death and hatred to form a meat grinder, even if the existence behind the king of ghouls and the rotten weirdness detects the conspiracy, it will be difficult to end the war.

  Best outcome would be a truce with the Ghoul King and Rotten Eerie Manipulator minions running low, and if one of them isn't sane—this war will end with the fall of a god.

   "Do they really not know?"

  At this time, Ophelia said without reason.

   "What do you want to say?" Lu Li looked at those scorched eyes.

   "A ghoul warlock who has no faith, no witchcraft... and the old sewers are here, the swamp is here, the soul of Midnight City, the earth dwellers were here..."

  These stacked elements are like cobwebs, forming a shadow waiting for Lu Li to step into

  But just when Ophelia's worries infected Claire, news came from Ghost Town: Chris's alchemy potion had arrived.

   As a result, Lu Li was temporarily silent, staying in the Blood Eye lair.

  The war between the blood plague tribe and the rotten weirdness has not stopped because of Lu Li's silence, and even intensified, and it is not far from spreading to the blood eye lair.

  The lair itself was stationed by dozens of ghoul warriors, and there were no warlocks, so Lu Li naturally became their leader.

  If Lu Li wanted to, he could lead hundreds of ghoul fighters and nearly a thousand ghoul civilians in the lair to the battlefield at any time.

   On the third day, Claire finally brought back the alchemy potion.

  She and Ophelia approach the Bloodeye Lair, meeting at an abandoned shop on the edge of the lair

   Ten blight potions and ten plague potions each.

   and a few extra reminders.

  The former imitates the wither aura of the ghoul, and the latter imitates the plague.

  Chris’s first special reminder: You can take it when you are mimicking a ghoul, and it lasts for one hour. Do not release the mimicry before the time limit expires.

   There is always a price to pay for the two alchemy potions to be prepared in just a few days—the alchemy potion itself.

  Wither Potion will cause all things with a radius of ten meters around the user to wither together, including the user. The plague potion will cause the user to emit plague and also be infected with plague.

   This is Lu Li's exclusive potion. Except for Lu Li, who is fused with the heart of Astors, who can mimic the alienation potion, no one can ignore the side effects.

  So the second special reminder is: only Lu Li can take it.

   "I would like to call this thing poison rather than potion... so can it be called alchemy potion if people who are not afraid of poison drink poison?"

  Lu Li looked at Claire who was saying bad things, "Have you ever heard of a tape recorder?"

"what is that?"

   "A product of the old days, the sound can be recorded."

   "It's almost like a recording stone? Then?"


  Lu Li gave up talking, and turned his gaze to the alchemy potion swaying with purple and dark green juice.

  Claire looked at him suspiciously, and suddenly screamed and stretched out her wings to cover the bird's beak: "You don't want to say 'what if you record it on a tape recorder and play it to your mother'!"



  Lu Li looked at Ophelia: "How many weird farms are there now?"

   "You're transferring—"

  The dream spread and then retracted in an instant, and Claire disappeared.

   "When did she start to become like this?" Lu Li asked Ophelia after getting quiet.

   "After you are resurrected." Ophelia glanced out the window, "What should I do next?"

   "Sustaining the war."

   Or balance war.

  Lu Li was going to continue agitating, weakening the power of ghouls and rotten monsters.

   Now the rotten monstrosity is eating the plague horde. Until the ghouls from far away arrive, he'll help them for a while—until the balance of victory tilts, and he'll switch sides against the ghouls of Rotten Weird.

   "The king of Remi who fell into a long sleep is about to wake up, awakening the terrifying nightmare in Weird's heart..."

  The low forecast is accompanied by the slow rise of the bird's beak behind the window.

   "So how much weirder is the farm now?"

   "Dozens or hundreds...I haven't had time to count. There are weird people fleeing to the farm every day, and the devil's contract is no longer enough."

   "Let the idealist prepare another batch of devil's contracts, it's best if it can come over."

   Soon, the topic returned to the war started by Lu Li, ghouls, and blood spirits.

   "But there is indeed something wrong with the blood spirit you described..." Claire thought hard.

   "Your guess?" Ophelia asked her.

   "Intuition." Claire said without shame, "Those smart guys can always trick you to death silently, just like little Remy."

   Although the process is wrong, the conclusion may be right.

  Intelligence is prominent in the blood spirit of ghouls, causing them to be afraid. But if it's Midnight Soul...

   "It doesn't matter."

  Claire glanced at the potion bottle, "Even if that ghoul king is here, Lu Li is still a ghoul."

  In any case, blood spirits need to beware.

  The farm is handed over to Elena and Ophelia to manage. Claire stayed, and Lu Li could use her flying ability.

   No longer worried about his identity, Lu Li gradually became more aggressive.

Leading fifty ghoul warriors rushed to the edge of the battlefield, like a boss waving sharp claws, with a halo of withering, rushing to cut off the head of the rotten monster; It was left to him and a trio of ghoul warriors to retake the useless lair infected by rot.

  The name of "Bloodman" was gradually known by ghouls, but now his name is not "Cowardly Bloodman", but "Mad Warlock Bloodman".

  Even ghoul warriors are in awe of the warlock who is ahead of them and kills the craziest. Even the blood plague tribe sent ghouls to support Lu Li because of the heavy casualties in the blood eye lair.

   The price is that the blood eye lair, which was originally on the edge of the battlefield, gradually shifted to the middle.

   "Fight heretics to the last ghoul."

   This cry spread throughout the blood plague tribe.

   On the seventh day of the war, Lu Li returned to Blood Eye's lair after fighting all day.

   Going into the Warlock's hut, Lu Li saw Ophelia burning a wriggling piece of rotten flesh into ashes.

   "Your food has been mutating for too long," she said.

   "Why are you here?" Lu Li asked.

   "Claire said a big guy came outside..."

   "Where is she?"

   "Go to the front line to inquire about news."

  The voice fell, and Claire got into the hut chirping: "They faded!"

  Claire told Lu Li that not long ago, a strange force joined the battlefield and attacked the rotten monster from behind.

   The rotten monster retreated temporarily, and the blood plague tribe got a respite.

   As for Lu Li Laisuo, now, he is an ally of Rotten and Weird.

  (end of this chapter)