Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1391: 33. Rescue

  Chapter 1391 Thirty-Three. Rescue


  , rotten sewers, and weird dense forests exist as three restricted areas identified by Midnight City.

  They are like tamed beasts for people to visit. But that doesn't mean they're weak. Never showing a threat just because they're in...cages.

   Now, the beast of the swamp has escaped from the cage and devoured the master, and is preparing to escape from the confinement of this house.

  This street and this area are no longer safe, and the beasts that are about to escape threaten the safety of every resident.

   Lu Li's detailed retreat route after recovering his body, according to the usual practice, still does not include himself.

"how about you?"

   "I'm going to find a way to stop the swamp."

   "We can leave together..." As a witness to the fall of the night city, Claire was caught by the shadow of the swamp again, "It's nothing to get out of the swamp... The weirdness of the barren land will stop it, and you don't need to do it."

   "We will flee, and so will they." Lu Li shook his head.

   There may be a possibility that the sprawling swamp is blocked by an indescribable existence, but there is also the possibility that the swamp slowly and firmly erodes the world.

   "I... don't want to see people close to me die in front of me anymore..."

  Claire's weeping made Ophelia and the others silent.

  Lu Li looked at her calmly, and his tone seemed to become lighter: "We shouldn't expect the invaders to help us guard the land, someone has to bear everything."

   Weirdness can leave this chaotic and devastated land at any time, but the human beings born from here cannot.

  The old sewers are alive with countless monsters who have lost their own civilization during the long wandering and migration, and they have long since lost their blood and the thickness of civilization flowing, becoming a member of the monster like a beast.

   "You will die... I have a hunch, you will really die..."

  Claire sobbed like a sad little girl.

  She treated Lu Li differently from everyone else.

  Whether Ophelia's frivolous love or the swamp mother's maternal care are between friends.

  When Claire died, it was engraved on her soul that Lu Li was her relative.

   And Claire has experienced the death of her mother and friends in the night city. At this moment, the comeback of the swamp and Lu Li's betrayal of responsibility are all bringing back nightmares that she doesn't want to recall.

   "I'll take everyone to Ghost Town." Ophelia stretched out her rough and warm scorched palm to lift Claire who was curled up in a ball, and assured Lu Li.

   "I'll ask my mother to help you."

   "Do nothing."

  "Mother" can't fight against the night city, and it can't fight against the swampland either.

   "You can't let us just watch and do nothing!" Claire seemed to be infected with the surrounding emotions, and Ophelia resisted Lu Li's arrangement for the first time, "We need heroes, but we don't need hot-headed heroes."

   "Alienation potions and cursed titles can help me hide and escape." Lu Li replied

   "We need to know what you want to do, maybe the Bright Lands has a better idea..."

   "It's too late, He is being eaten away."

   When the swamp continues to spread depends on when the ghoul king is eaten away.

   It can be expected that this will not be long.

   "A group of ghouls larger than the blood plague tribe appeared on the edge of the living sand table of the blood plague tribe. I am going to find them."

  If they hadn't stopped, they should have reached the outskirts of Midnight City by this time.

   "Even their king is captured... tell them what these ghouls can do?"

   "It doesn't matter what they do," Lu Li said.

   It is important that the weirdness in the city will know about the existence of the swamp.


  Lu Li wanted to look at the outskirts of Midnight City. Not the hut on the hill by the pit, not the church tower in the distance. The mysterious black pillars that stand strangely unknown are also not acceptable. You can only maintain the image of a ghoul warlock, bypass the terrifying existence in the east, and gradually stay away from the dangerous city.

  The boundless dark wilderness exposes the eyes, and endless fear and despair seize the soul. There is no doubt that this is an area that humans cannot set foot in, just as sheep will not step into a forest entrenched by beasts.

   It's not silence that hangs over this field, at least not in one corner.

  Lu Li saw the chaotic camp stretches—ghouls gathered densely like ants in the dark field, even if they didn't have nasal passages, they could smell the rancid plague they emitted.

   Wandering ghouls clean up the weirdness around the camp, and soon, a ghoul squad too close to Midnight City spots a limping ghoul warlock.

   "I come from the blood plague tribe... The tribe was destroyed by weirdness, and our king fell into their power!"

  Lu Li's shocking truth stirred up waves—but instead, the ghoul team regarded Lu Li as a defiler and attacked him. Lu Li, who avoided using cursed titles, had to swallow them with dreams.

   This doesn't work.

   The faith of a ghoul cannot be tarnished.

Before the distant camp realized that a team was missing, Lu Li called out the belief that haunted him, and according to Elena's teachings, he transformed it into the plague and rot of the same origin as ghouls—unless the king of ghouls is here, no one can See through Lu Li.

  Bringing his lingering beliefs, Lu Li crawled towards the nest of chaos that gradually formed, alienating from a ghoul warlock to a ghoul warlock mimic.

  As they approached, Lu Li was noticed by the chaotic camp, and received the opposite treatment from before: ghoul warriors and warlocks prostrated and knelt down, and even the ghoul leader bowed his head to show humility.

   "The oracle of the king... the blood plague tribe is afraid, all ghoul tribes support the blood plague tribe!"

   "As ordered by the king and the great magician."

  The leader raised his head, grabbed the skull of some kind of giant beast, roared and shook it.


  The dull and distant sound of the horn sounded from the chaotic camp, echoing and resounding over the plain.

  Amid the sound of the horn, Lu Li's congealed blood seemed to surge with heat.

  The chaotic camp boiled, and the pool of blood rushed out of the camp, like waves washing over the rocks, rushing towards Midnight City,

  Lu Li accepted the invitation of the leader of the ghouls to come to the center of the blood tide, thinking how long can these ghouls last to attack the Land of Light?

   The blood tide of all the ghouls gathered for hundreds of miles around rushed into the city, and the monsters retreated along the way. Those who had no time to escape were devoured like insects on the way of an ant swarm.

  A deep pit appeared ahead, and the leaders of the ghouls left the group of warlocks with low growls, and rushed towards the deep pit one after another with their halos and tribes, courage and faith. Then, a rotten pitch-black giant claw that looked like a pillar of the sky stretched out from the deep pit, ignoring the rot, ignoring the bite, ignoring the rot-like slapping towards the blood tide like an ant colony.


  Away from the church in the deep pit, Lu Li solemnly stared at the deep pit where the tranquility had been restored.

  This horde of ghouls isn't working as it should.

  Right now, all Lu Li can do is to announce the plot of the swamp to Midnight City.

  At this moment, a rough and dull roar seemed to come from a distant place, echoing in Lu Li's ears.

   "Unfaithful people...useless deeds...even their lord captured..."

  (end of this chapter)