Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1398: Forty. Landing

   Chapter 1398 Forty. Landing

   "Weird doesn't give us that time."

   "Twenty minutes at least...The boiler room is closed, it needs time to re-burn the coal."

   "We have ten minutes at most."

   Ten minutes is almost delusional.

   This Immortal Giant from the Lennon Islands has nothing against the monstrous.

   "Insufficient combustion will cause problems for the ship... I understand, within ten minutes." The first officer corrected. Already realized that there is no point in keeping the Immortal Giant, this fog will kill everyone on board.

   "Can't the Exorcist solve the ghost on the ship?" Kate asks at this point, who doesn't know both the weird and the Exorcist well enough.

   "Small boats can't withstand storms." Lu Li replied.

  The first mate who instructed the boiler room to start up through the microphone asked Lu Li: "Exorcist, the captain should be in the first class right now, can you bring him back?"

   "It's no longer used."

  At this time, Lu Li who was standing in front of the window said

  The first mate followed Lu Li's line of sight and looked out—a bloated, festering figure in the captain's uniform staggered and crawled on the deck.

   Whether it is the captain or it took off this suit... it means that the captain's end is not good.

  The crew next to him supported Flavichman, and asked the first mate in a low voice: "We knocked out Mr. Chairman..."

   "Miss Kate is here, Mr. Flavichman will not blame me."

  Lu Li looked at Kate: "Your identity is very special?"

   "He is my father." Kate's tone was like a passerby who had been knocked out.

   "You have a good relationship."

   "Because my father doesn't usually act like this, he's very sensible. When he's sober, he'll only be grateful that we stopped him."

   "Probably not."

  Lu Li suddenly grabbed Kate to avoid Flavichman's surprise attack. Before Lu Li could do anything, Flavichman fell down, grinned open his mouth with rotten mucous membranes, and crawled towards Lu Li, hissing like a dream: "Stay...stay—"

   "What's wrong with the chairman!"


  Lu Li saw something wriggling out of Flavichman's messy hair. There was no way he could be saved.

  Before the plague or curse spread, Lu Li arrested him.

  The strength of the infected Flavichman was pitifully weak, and he was not separated from the human body. Lu Li easily took him out of the bridge and threw him to the pale face in the corner.

   "Aren't you afraid?" Kate who came out followed curiously about her calmness.

   "Aren't you sad?" Lu Li asked back.

   "A tool that was born to be a tool for marriage has no emotion." Kate showed a similar but opposite indifference.

   “Fear comes from the unknown.”

   Lu Li watched Flavichman staggering up, ignoring the strength of his pale face, drooling, and suddenly tilted his head slightly.

  He heard the siren's song over the ship's side.

  Lu Li grabbed Flavichman's shoulder and threw it over the guardrail in front of his daughter.


  The sound of heavy objects falling came from below.

  Lu Li came to the lower deck from the steps, continued to grab the roaring Flavichman and dragged him to the side of the ship.

   "Aren't you afraid of singing?"

  Lu Li noticed that Kate was leaning against the guardrail of the upper deck, staring at him, ignoring the song of the siren.

   "It was trying very hard to find the beauty in my memory, but it didn't." Kate's answer sounded.

  Lu Li pushed Flavichman on the side of the boat, raised his head and asked, "Do you have anything else to say to him?"

   "He is not my father anymore, but as you wish." Kate leaned on the guardrail, surrounded by death and chaos, "but as you wish. Farewell...Father."

  Lu Li let go of his hand, allowing Flavichman to fall overboard.

  The sound of falling water is drowned out by siren song and chaos on deck.

   Lu Li raised his head, while Kate was still leaning against the guardrail, with a hint of relief and sadness on his face.

   When she noticed that Lu Li didn't approach the stairs, she broke away from her only emotion: "Where are you going?"

   "Boiler room."

  Kate was stunned: "What about here?"

   "The boiler room is more important than the captain's cabin."

  Lu Li could come to the bridge to take the helm at any time, and even jam the rudder to make the big ship sail in the correct direction, but the boiler room failed to start, and the big ship would sail forever in the weird fog.

"me and you together!"

  Kate "thumped" down the stairs.

  Lu Li ignored Kate's following, and quickly walked across the deck shrouded in death and chaos.

  The screams across the night sky and mist moved from far to near. Before Kate could see what it was, a mist of flesh and blood passed in front of her, and her cheeks were stained with blood.

  Kate opened her eyes wide, and quickly followed the silhouette with firm steps in front of her, holding up the corners of her skirt.

  Lu Li rushed into the cabin, unexpectedly there were still many panicked passengers and crew gathered here.

   "Hide and don't come out before dawn."

  Lu Li reminded these people to squeeze through the crowd and go to the elevator around the corner. Before leaving the corridor, he heard terrified screams and screams behind him.

   Ignoring the tragedy unfolding, Lu Li turned into the corridor and saw the elevator—fortunately, it was waiting on this floor.


  Lu Li opened the fence door, and bolted the fence door after Kate came in.

   The elevator vibrated and began to descend. At this time, a silhouette suddenly jumped in front of the elevator.

   "Help me, help me—"

  The cry for help was accompanied by a long and narrow shadow that appeared at the corner of the corridor.

  While Kate was still hesitating, Lu Li had already unlocked the gate, dragged the chubby man into the elevator, and closed the gate before leaving completely.


  There was a disturbing sound of violent shaking of the iron fence above the elevator.

   "Thank you...thank guys saved me..."

   "Be quiet, shouting will attract weirdness."

  The fat man covered his mouth.

   Ten seconds later, the elevator stopped.

But before reaching the bottom floor, Lu Li, Kate, the following men and some survivors who fled here gathered together, descended from the safe passage to the boiler room on the bottom floor, and these workers who were hastily awakened didn't even know what happened above. Known: "This is not where you should be - Boss?"

   "You go to work." The foreman in a dirty coat drove away his subordinates, and asked cautiously, "Miss Kate, what's going on up here?"

   "Weird dinner time." Kate replied.

  At this moment, Lu Li picked up the microphone and contacted Chuanqiao.

   Good news they are alive, bad news is they have no direction.

   "Where are we going?"

   A loud voice came: "We are following the seasonal ocean current. The ocean current will take us to the cultivated land garden."


  Lu Li reminded, but suddenly there were only diffuse whispers in the microphone.

  Whispering voices came out of the microphone, Lu Li cut off the phone line, asked the workers to lock the cabin door, turn off the boiler, and find a place to fix himself.

   Lu Li tied himself to the cooling pipe with a rope, and Kate followed suit.

   Cries and prayers echoed in the cloudy boiler room. They didn't want to go out, because the occasional screams and scratches from across the Iron Curtain told them that the horror was still going on.

  Lu Li took advantage of this gap to rest. Kate couldn't fall asleep, and finally fell asleep...a ​​sudden shaking woke her up.

  Looking dazedly around, she saw sloping floors and unsecured or loosely secured survivors lying on the ground.

   They landed—or ran aground.

  (end of this chapter)