Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1403: Forty-five. Wanghai Cliff

  Chapter 1403 Forty-five. Wanghai Cliff

  Lu Li got out of the cave, and the night in the sky was about to cover this cultivated garden far away from civilization.

  Before returning to the carriage, Lu Li collected some wood and coal in the abandoned village, made torches with kerosene and rags, and piled them in the carriage.

  Before the strange fog spread over the land and before the disaster struck, Lu Li drove to the final destination of the trip, Wanghaijiao.

  Night means the road is hard, but only the road is hard. The slower speed allowed Kate to get a good night's sleep and they arrived at Prospect Point just in time for dawn.

  The damp sea fog crosses the Wanghai Cape and blows to the lonely carriage. Lu Li looked at the cooking smoke rising in the distance, moved his stiff body, and when he was getting closer to the small town of Wanghaijiao, he retrieved the doomsday apocalypse book on the horse.

  The horse neighed, its front hooves were limp, and it almost fell.

   But now it can rest well.

"Here we are?"

   The shaking woke Kate, who was horribly pale. The drowsiness and weariness of the previous night had not been quelled by the bad road.

  When the sea fog was about to dissipate, the carriage slowly drove into this coastal town.

  Compared to a town, this place looks more like a desolate village. Low, simple thatched wooden houses stretched scatteredly, and poor people wandered on the muddy dirt road.

  The arrival of Lu Li and Kate attracted the attention of the locals.

  They are xenophobic, or wary of outsiders. This direct gaze made Kate uncomfortable.

   "Outsiders, why are you here?"

   "The 'mother' of Bay Town asked us to come here." Lu Li answered the local old man's inquiry, "We are looking for the spirit sculpture."

  The old man who appeared to be the mayor simply replied: "There's nothing here..."

  The locals did not stop Lu Li and Kate from entering Wanghai Cape.

  Tie the carriage outside Wanghaiya Town, and Lu Li and Kate stepped inside. There is no strange atmosphere and suspicious figure, but more curiosity and following.

  Go deep into the town along the stepped road, and get close to the reason why the town was changed to Wanghaiya Town—a low, gentle building near the sea.

  The deep and unknown deep ocean extends endlessly, but Wanghai Cliff is not alone.

  A longhouse school building was built on the edge of the promontory, where the children studied. When Lu Li arrived, there was a chanting sound symbolizing hope.

  The time is wrong.

  The breeze from the dark Dead Sea was blowing the ends of his hair and the corners of his clothes, Lu Li suddenly realized.

   "Mother" is a prophecy about Heim and the Lingmulus, the commission of the King of Ghouls is the future, and the present is the cultivated land where everything has not yet happened.

  The question went back to what Lu Li had thought before: the pure black stone allowed him to return to before the destruction of the Lennon Islands, so what did the existence of the cultivated land want to return to the past?

   "Where are you from?"

  Childish curiosity sounded, a little girl with braided braids looked up at Lu Li and Kate.

   "Lennon Islands." Kate replied, and to her surprise the little girl replied that she knew there.

"you know?"

  The little girl nodded: "Many big ships come from there."

   If there is no weirdness, Heim will also integrate into civilization over time.

  Lu Li asked about the local rumors in Wanghaiya, the little girl thought for a while and said, "Mom said that if you go out at night, you will be eaten by monsters."

   All parents scare their kids that way.

  In addition to this, there are some specious legends that are also circulated in the main continent and the barren land.

  Looking at the sea cliffs has no clues.

   On the way back to the town from the cliff, Lu Li felt some dark eyes and following. He took Kate into the alley on purpose and blocked them at the entrance of the alley.

   They are all local residents, and they don't look like cultists or hooligans.

   But no one puts their identity on their face.

   "Why follow us."

   "You shouldn't appear... It's a variable."

  Lu Li readily accepts their presence—when there are no clues, any change can become a new clue.

   "What do you know?"

   "Get out of here...don't make us."

  Lu Li wanted to ask something else, but they turned and ran away.

   "We follow."

  Lu Li followed closely behind. After they got into the alley, they slowed down, distanced themselves from the alley and walked around to the front.

  A winding, dark, empty alley appears.

   "They're gone." Kate gasped, clutching her belly.

  Looking around the alley, Lu Li suddenly walked towards a pile of door panels piled up in the corner, and opened them with his hand.

  Several silent eyes suppressing panting looked from under the door panel.


   "Forgive them, they are just poor people..."

   "They said that my appearance was a variable." Lu Li calmly watched the mayor who smiled wryly.

  The captured villagers were chasing and rolling in the yard outside the window.

   "Because no outsider has been here for a long time..."

  The mayor proved that those villagers were really just a bunch of idiots.

  Kate didn't feel it, but Lu Li, who came from the weird era, smelled the conspiracy and terror being forcibly imprisoned under the false and beautiful appearance.

   Someone has to lie. Or the mayor of Wanghaiya, or this time.

   "Where do we go next?"

   "Back to the Immortal Giant."

   Lu Li looked around at the peaceful Wanghai Cliff.

  He appeared from there, and he should find the answer from there.

   Kate needs a real break, and so does the horse. The latter, Wang Haiya, kindly helped them change a pony, while the former didn't want to stay, so he endured his fatigue and set off with Lu Li.

  Lu Li passed the abandoned village again. The desolate village remains the same as they left it, but the cave changes unexpectedly.

  The dead villager who has not turned into a ghoul is still turning into a ghoul... His fingers and teeth are longer than not long ago, and more areas of the skin are festered, except for the dissected stomach that remains the same.

   Feeling uneasy, Kate followed Lu Li and left the abandoned village quickly.

  Before evening, they returned to Bay Town.

  The people in the town rescued the victims. Ninety-four people... This is the number of survivors after more than 2,000 passengers and crew stayed overnight in the strange fog.

  Many people, including Kate, were sad because of the disappearance of so many people, and the number of Lu Li's accidental deaths was far less than expected.

  Although nearly half of them survived because of Lu Li.

  They were like prey eating leftover scraps that were discarded, and they were rescued after dawn after lingering.

   But this catastrophe that has everyone terrified and sad is just the beginning. Thousands of deaths quickly become insignificant...

   Now it has begun to see signs, and the anxious survivors found that the cultivated land garden cannot contact the outside world.

  The townspeople are relatively calm, because they don't care if the cultivated land is lost, and they don't know what is waiting ahead.

  Before returning to the beach, Lu Li visited his "mother" again, and briefly told her and the captain of the guard what he knew about the "soon" future.

  They were a little uneasy, but more confused, and frequently looked at their mother.

  Not interested in knowing what Bay Town would do next, Lu Li walked out of the round house and came to Kate, who was pale and lying beside the horse.

   "You can stay here."

"Do not…"

   Kate rejected the suggestion.

  Lu Li didn't say anything else, and set off again while it was still daytime.

  (end of this chapter)