Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1406: Forty-eight. Arrive again

  Chapter 1406 Forty-eight. Reaching the shore again

   Cold raindrops fell on the outstretched palm.

   Splashing water brings icy chill.

  Looking at the sea, the distorted sea water forms an abstract painting.

  Lu Li retreated into the dining room amidst the increasing rain, and the sound of the waves and rain outside gradually became dull.

  A sheet of lightning deep in the dark cloud illuminates the dilapidated, dark restaurant. Scattered stale food suggests that people have eaten here, and radiating blood and blood stains suggest that Weird has also eaten here.

  Stepping over the scattered tableware, Lu Li, who was approaching the kitchen, heard a strange licking sound.


   Pushing open the door, cold humidity poured into the dining room.

  The wall of the dining room was broken, and the strong wind and rain poured into the kitchen through the hole, tearing the fragile food.

  Lu Li braved the wind and rain to rescue some vegetables and meat.

   No cans.

  Rain dripped down the wet black hair, Lu Li watched the rotting food, and left the kitchen without taking anything away.

   Not only abandoned for fear of pollution, but no time to cook them.

  Looking at the outer deck, the afternoon is as dark as night, and the slanting rain curtain covers the immortal giant. The powerless ship sails in an unknown direction.

  Lu Li braved the rain to leave the dining room, and walked back to the cabin on the slippery deck and stairs.

  There are three restaurants on board—first class and first class, second class and third class, and last class.

  The former has just left, and the latter is in the depths of the cabin, where the darkness itself and the existence that inhabits the darkness surge.

  Removing the extinguished oil lamp hanging on the wall, Lu Li followed the signs that can be seen everywhere to the second-class cabin dining room.

  Frequent sheet lightning outside the porthole illuminates the outline of the restaurant, but there are still no dead bodies. Lu Li walked into the back kitchen, and found canned food scattered everywhere rolling with the waves.

  Picking up the can opener that had slipped to his feet, Lu Li took off his wet windbreaker, picked up the unleaked cans in the windbreaker, wrapped them up, found the water bottle and filled it, and returned the same way with a dozen bottles of cans.

  Passing the fork in the road, Lu Li noticed that there was an infirmary not far away on the sign.

   This immortal giant, which claims to be unsinkable, can indeed conquer wind and waves. But people can't. Lu Li, who was leaning on the wall, could no longer bear the dizziness of his feet shaking, which was far more painful than the bumping of the carriage.

  Arrive along the shaky corridor to the infirmary, where people rushed in first, and **** bandages and medicines were scattered.

  Temporarily hanging the windbreaker on the doorknob, Lu Li opened the drawer and found some drugs with unknown effects.

   Fortunately, the medicine to cure seasickness has a package with instructions, and it is lying in the drawer.

  Bringing medicine and a windbreaker, Lu Li returned to the first-class cabin, and chose a room near the deck that was not damaged.

  Lightning shines into the room through the gap. The shaking room was quickly lit with dim oil lamps. After fixing the lamp to the base, Lu Li pulled up the curtains and took the seasickness medicine first.

  The seasickness medicine seemed to contain a sleeping ingredient, or the intensified shaking made the body uncomfortable—Lu Li, who had not woken up for a long time, fell into a drowsiness again.

  The sharp can opener scratched open the cans, Lu Li fished out some soaked pieces of meat and ate them, poured out the canned soup, and connected the empty cans together to form a canned alarm bell. Then throw everything that can move out of the room, block the door, place the alarm bell, put the alarm clock in the drawer, confirm that the oil lamp fuel can last until he wakes up, fix himself on the bed with the last thought, and fall into a deep sleep .

  The insignificant Lu Li fell asleep on the big boat.

   Tiny big ship adrift on rough sea.

  The raging waves converged, lifting the big boat up and down, splashing the fleeting waves.

  The distant hum of the ship's deformation echoed, the furniture fixed to the floor trembled with the waves, only Lu Li was tightly bound on the bed.

  The weird mist that the storm could not blow away came quietly, covering the noisy stormy night.


   Torrential rain pours down.


  The pitch-black sea waves are terrifyingly churning.


  The iron chain collided and reverberated.

   Whispering whispers sounded outside the door and then faded away. The piercing noise of scraping against the wall that gradually surfaced gradually disappeared in the depths. The eerie singing sounded leisurely and gradually faded away. The hazy thunder light briefly illuminated the outline in the depths of the mist.

  Lu Li is not alone.

   When the kerosene became less and less and the burning wick was faint, Lu Li opened his eyes and regained consciousness.

   No longer shaking violently, it means that the big ship is far away from the core of the storm.

   His eyes fell on the lamp that was about to be turned off. This time he slept longer than he imagined, so that his body had not fully recovered, and he was still weak and tired—or shaken due to bumps.

  Lu Li untied the rope, opened the drawer and took out the alarm clock: 9:00.

  Lightning flashed outside the dark porthole covered by curtains from time to time, whether it was morning or night.

  The storm has not stopped.

  The Immortal Colossus may be carried away from land by the waves, or it may be heading towards the farmland.

   While thinking about this, Lu Li put back the alarm clock, took off the oil lamp and was about to fill in kerosene, when suddenly a shaking came from under his feet. This force was so great that Lu Li was lifted into the air, hit the ceiling, and fell heavily. Then, as if being dragged by an invisible hand, it crashed into the wall with the sundries in the room.

  The oil lamps under his eyes were scattered like a million-flower mirror, and Lu Li fell into darkness again.


   After an unknown amount of time passed, Lu Li slowly woke up.

  The oil lamp emitting a faint and hazy halo fell in front of his eyes, flickering.


   It seemed to be an illusion, as if the last kerosene had dried up, and a breeze blew by, completely extinguishing the weak wick in the oil lamp.

   Surrounded by hopeless darkness.

  Whispering whispers permeated the depths of the darkness, and the invisible claws gathered into outlines, grabbing Lu Li who was still awake—


  The lightning that penetrated through the porthole of the curtain and illuminated the rain screen dragged Lu Li out of the abyss of dying.

  Lu Li propped up his body in severe pain, and pulled down the curtains with a "crash" before the darkness enveloped him again.

   Purple lightning flashed non-stop for a moment, illuminating Lu Li's face.

  The pale face reflected in the window has a red and swollen forehead, and bleeding from the corner of the mouth. He had suffered some injuries from the knock while unconscious, but only bruises and scrapes, luckily no serious injuries affecting his mind or body.

  The torn sheet lightning faded, and the deep storm that remained on the retina was faintly shimmering. There is no weird fog, and it seems to be daytime.

   It might be early morning, it might be evening.

  The floor under your feet is fixedly tilted at an angle and no longer shakes. The Immortal Colossus ran aground.

  Lu Li returned to the bed and picked up the oil lamp.


   The kerosene lamp without fuel flickered with sparks.

   Giving up on lighting the oil lamp, Lu Li walked to the door and pushed the door open a crack.

  The sound of gurgling water echoed from the depths of the cabin, and the Immortal Giant could not escape the bad luck of leaking again.

   Whether it is stranded or hit a rock, it means that it is very close to land.

  When Lei Mang appeared again, Lu Li stepped onto the corridor, let the lightning stretch the shadow long and narrow, and stood in front of the deck where the torrential rain was raging.

  The lightning that tears apart the rainy night illuminates the shadows dormant in front of you:

  A mountain headland stretches out from the land, with a grotesque silhouette highlighted by the pale lightning.

  (end of this chapter)