Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1412: 54. Farewell to the Cultivated Land Gard

  Chapter 1412 Fifty-Four. Farewell to the Farmland Garden

  A huge shadow emerges from the dark sea.

  Rushing out of the sea, smashing the waves, revealing the hull of the ship flowing with sea water, heading for the looming cultivated land in the distance.

  Lu Li was captured in the dreamland, but Andrea was not.

  It waited quietly on the bottom of the sea, and surfaced after Lu Li woke up.

  Businessman Anthony, who was also waiting here, left the captain's room and told the anxiously waiting people in Cultivated Land that Lu Li had woken up.

   "How long have I been asleep?"

   Soon, two pieces of paper flew out of the storage box: 7 and 8.

  The time spent in Lu Li's dream in Gengdi Garden was the same.

  The sea breeze blows away the remaining water stains on the windows, and a real and ancient black ring that hangs into the deep sea emerges.

  The surrounding light dimmed as he approached the cultivated land garden. When Lu Li lifted the oil lamp, the flame that had not changed its outline was as dim as a match.

   As if sailing from day to night, darkness fell on Andrea near the north coast of the cultivated land.

   "Cultivated Land Garden."

  Lu Li tried to call Gengdiyuan, but there was no response, and no hazy consciousness descended.

  The storage box in the captain's room drilled Andrea's question:?

  Lu Li didn't answer right away, waiting for the businessman Anthony to come back with news from the Land of Light, he was telling the story of the past few days.

Prior to this, Lu Li had prepared two routes—get off the boat in the north, and follow the road from the dreamland from the gathering place to the Bread Mountain Range to the birthplace of the ghouls and then to Wanghai Cliff, corresponding to searching for survivors, obtaining spirit sculptures, Confirm the identity of the light-stealer; or detour to the south bank of the cultivated land garden, land from Wanghai Cliff, get the spirit sculpture, deal with the light-stealer and return.

  Lu Li chose the latter, because the shadow of the swamp follows him everywhere.

   It's been fast enough from him to Plowland Garden to get the clue, but who knows how long the King of Ghouls can last.

  Andrea under her feet set sail again, and the businessman Anthony also returned at this time, as Lu Li expected, with inquiries from the Land of Light.

  Lu Li talked about the dream of Cultivated Land and the next itinerary. The businessman Anthony left for a short time and returned, with the tea party members' entrustment:

   "Don't try to solve the black ring."

   "I'm not that reckless." Lu Li said.

  But if there is an opportunity like discovering the identity of the light-stealer...

   "Cultivated land is helping you."

"I know."

  There is no cultivated land garden, so Lu Li needs to go deep into this land which is more dangerous than any other area to investigate the origin of ghouls.

   "We should help return to the cultivated land garden."

   "Eternal Dreamer may know something." Lu Li replied.

   Gengdiyuan once said that the existence named "Dream Lord" endowed it with dreams. The description of "Lord of the Dreamland" reminded him of the Everdreamer... Even if there is no connection, he should know something.

   But be careful... the black ring hangs over the cultivated land garden, and the returning indescribable things occupy this land and sea. Any change may attract their attention.

  Eternal Dreamer is still asleep. When he woke up, Andrea had already approached Wanghai Cliff, followed Lu Li's instructions to drill into the deep sea, and found the wreck of the Immortal Giant ship several hundred meters away from Wanghai Cliff.

Covered in dust, it is so huge and silent, it seems to be a trance to see suits wearing bow ties passing among the well-dressed passengers. The crew members stand on the watchtower and hold binoculars to look into the distance. Young people in linen suits are below. The deck chased by—

  Andrea floated back to the surface of the sea and anchored around the sea area of ​​the Lightstealer.

  Lu Li stood on the bow deck of the ship, staring at the deep sea, dream quietly enveloped the sea in front of him.

   Abnormal waves rise, like two opened doors, presenting a cavity stretching hundreds of meters, revealing an ugly silt seabed.

   And on this 100-meter-deep seabed, a strange darkness enveloped a corner, and the only remaining seawater that was not affected by dreams surged.

found it.

  Lu Li fell into the separated sea water, and came to the seabed covered in pitch black, which was not affected by the cursed title.

  A charred head rests on a stone platform sunk in mud.

  The gloomy sky suddenly became extremely dark. Lu Li raised his head and saw a pitch-black claw stretching across the sky and clawing towards this sea area.

   It was too late.

  Lu Li stretched out his left hand, reaching into the darkness to touch the light-stealer's body—

  Looking changed, Lu Li fell into Lightstealer's death retrospective.


  Long migratory teams lined up in fire dragons, winding their way along the hills at night.

  Looking at the noisy and numb team, it was difficult for Lu Li to tell who was the light-stealer. But soon, he saw a stumbling figure fall into the barren farmland by the roadside.

  It was an old man. He was lying on the side of the embankment, but failed to climb up after several attempts. To make matters worse, the torches are dying out at the feet.

   "Someone help me..."

  Desperate old people call for help from the shaking crowd, but they seem unable to hear the voices in the darkness, or dare not respond.


  The torch was completely wiped out, and despair and darkness enveloped the old man. But at this moment, he saw the silhouette of a windbreaker with long sleeves coming to the side of the embankment and stretching out his palm towards him.

   "Thank you..." The old man's lips squirmed, "Thank you..."


  Lu Li returned to reality.

  The scorched black head with its mouth slightly open in front of it dissipated, the ashes melted into the seawater, and the seawater seeped into the mud.

  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  Thousands, tens of thousands of humanity poured into the body. Lu Li took them and set foot on the headland of Wanghai Cliff, returning all the overflowing humanity to the land under his feet.

  The vegetation spread along the coast to the distance beside Lu Li, climbed up the cliffs, climbed up the headlands, delicate flowers and bright bushes bloomed beautifully against the lush lawn. The gentle sea breeze blows, the green vines hanging down from the lush hills flutter with the wind, and the spreading grass bordering the beach ripples.

  Unfortunately, it won't be too long, and this place will turn into a withered and barren land again.

   "Cultivated Land Garden."

  Lu Li's call still did not respond,

  The earth fell asleep because of the firewood, or the firewood was a drop in the bucket.

  Lu Li left the cultivated land, which was like a garden garden, and let the dream cover dozens of miles around him.

  Dense shadows that cannot be seen and spread in the dream appear. Before they noticed Lu Li, Lu Li appeared beside the abandoned village in an instant.

   There is devastation underfoot. With the disappearance of the ghoul king, the place where the ghouls originated became the first place to fall.

   I don't know if the king of ghouls has absorbed the power of his people, or if the surrounding monsters have plundered these unowned creatures.

  Lu Li took the spirit sculpture in the cave—that is, the former corpse of the King of Ghouls, and returned to Wanghai Cliff in an instant.

  Leave the eyeballs of the merchant in the typhoon shelter. Lu Li returned to Andrea. But he won't waste time crossing the deep sea again on the return trip.

  Businessman Anthony came as promised, and Lu Li will return to the barren land from the merchant world.

  The weird residents will come from the merchant world to **** Andrea back to the Land of Light safely.

  On the eve of leaving, Lu Li finally looked at the cultivated land accompanied by the black ring.

  Maybe one day in the future, Lu Li will come back here and wake up the cultivated land.

  (end of this chapter)