Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1421: 63. Reactivate the alchemy tower

  Chapter 1421 Sixty-three. Reactivate the alchemy tower

   Dark Park.

   An incomprehensible gloom enveloped the lightless land.

  The Tree Whisperer and the humanity it carries make Lu Li entertained—they invite Lu Li to step into the park, even with the light source.

  The mother of the swamp took the banyan tree guard and Lu Li, who were also plants, into the dark park, stepped on the moss-like soft creeper, stepped over the gorgeous poisonous mushrooms that drilled out of the moss, and saw the true form of the ethnic group resting here—

  Their size ranges from one meter to two meters. Under the brightly colored canopy, the white bacteria stems have plaque-like compound eyes, just like the naive mushroom man in a fairy tale.

  Mother of the Swamp overlooking canopy protruding cysts.

  There's a reason these seemingly innocuous mushroom people have a place in northern Midnight City.

  The moss and mushrooms around Lu Li grew faster. The mushroom man wanted to get close to Lu Li, but kept a distance because he was afraid of the mother of the swamp.

  Afterwards, they invited Lu Li to a feast—as expected, a feast consisting of mushroom soup, roasted mushrooms, and other mushroom products.

  Lu Li didn't eat these brightly colored mushrooms, and listened quietly to the conversation between the Mother of Swamp and the "King of Mushrooms"—an old and huge mushroom that was similar in size to Mother of Swamp.

  In addition to the initial rhetoric of "finding a suitable habitat for them before agreeing to form an alliance", "King of Mushrooms" said that if Lu Li is willing to become a farmer and take care of them, he can also form an alliance.

   "What kind of habitat do you want?"

  Lu Li and the Mother of the Swamp both ignored the latter.

   Becoming a Farmer Taking Care of Mushrooms While reaping true allies like plant habitats, they lack time.

  The mushroom man shook, and the canopy cysts rattled.

   "Damp, dark, vast, rivers, fertile land, undisturbed and more plants!" The eldest sister on her shoulder raised her hands and shouted to translate.

  Promising to find a habitat for them, they left Dark Park.

  Mother of the Swamp thought: "It is difficult for us to find a suitable habitat... Lu Li, do you have any ideas?"

  Lu Li broke away from the same contemplation: "The Eternal Forest perfectly matches their requirements."

   "But I remember, you deceived the eternal forest."

   "It's not cheating anymore."


  The estuary of the river meets the sea in the bay.

  The mixed sea water was pushed and hugged by the ocean current from the deep sea, and shot towards the promontory with two silhouettes.

  The endless sea of ​​trees extends to the land. Merchant Anthony stayed on the headland, and Lu Li, carrying an oil lamp, set foot on the Broken Swamp alone.

  The lush branches and leaves cover the sky, and the forest is as dark as night, and the surroundings are silent.

  But as Lu Li stepped in, a mysterious aura of hostility was awakening.

  Eternal Forest remembers the villain who tricked away the only inhabitants.

  Lu Li raised the oil lamp, the tiny halo was shrouded in majestic darkness, and talked to the Eternal Forest in front of him: "I will keep my promise and bring residents to this forest."

  Bizarre dreams dazzled the surroundings, and the image of the Mushroom People appeared beside Lu Li.

  "Their population is between two hundred and three hundred. They like darkness and humidity, and love nature and life. They will be the best residents."

  The overwhelming hostility faded away, because of Lu Li's words, and also because of the new sprouts at Lu Li's feet.

   "But I'm having trouble trying to bring them back."

  Lu Li briefly described the situation in Midnight City. Sincerity is the best weapon, so he didn't lie, just concealed part of the truth: "The swamp is threatening their habitat, and we have to solve the swamp to bring them here."

  The silent forest didn't respond. Lu Li took out the devil's contract, signed his name on the contract with loose terms, and threw the contract into the darkness.

  The silence continued, and when young wildflowers bloomed beside Lu Li, a phosphorescent fire suddenly ignited in the air.

  The devil's contract has almost no binding force on both parties, but it can be used as a ceremony to witness cooperation.

  The Eternal Forest will not be much weaker than the three forbidden areas...Even if it only provides meager help, it is better than many allies.

   "We need Ni's help."

   Lu Li said to the Eternal Forest.

  The Eternal Forest returns to silence.

  Lu Li waited quietly. At a certain moment, he lowered his eyes. The young flowers trembled and shook off the dewdrops at the feet, and there was the rustling sound of the crowns of the trees in the woods. The shattered swamp pond behind him ripples turbulently—

  The stone-pillar-like dark bushes rose higher and higher, pulling out the roots buried deep in the ground, moving, shaking the fallen leaves, bringing the tremors of the earth, forming a high wall before Lu Li.

  Lu Li brought them to the headland, and said to the merchant Anthony, "Let Chris come over to check if they can pass... No, I'll go directly."

  Leaving the merchant in the Eternal Forest, Lu Li returned to the castle and told the Mother of the Swamp the result.

   "So you have both sides, just like playing with the emotions of a noble boy, playing with the eternal forest and the mushroom man?"

   What makes people strange is that this kind of long and difficult sentence is not difficult for Claire's fingernail-sized brain.

   "Don't rush to prepare the banquet, we still don't have the confidence to fight the swamp..." The mother of the swamp cooled down the restless emotions.

  Chris had already gone to the Eternal Forest, while Lu Li looked at the three alchemy towers standing in the distance, thoughtfully.

"What are you thinking?"

  The mother of the swamp asked from behind.

   "The three alchemy towers shouldn't be dusted like this."

   "But the key was lost a long time ago." Claire said.

   "Can't craft a new key?"

   "Yes, yes, but the key is fixed in the alchemy tower. We have to go in first to get the key."

   Sounds like an endless loop.

   You have to enter the alchemy tower to get the key, and you have to get the key to enter the alchemy tower.

   "And the key is not so easy to make..." Claire lingered above everyone's heads, "We have to waste almost the resources of the Land of Light on the key, and all we get is the alchemy tower that can be used once."

   "After solving the swamp, I can move the alchemy tower back..."

   "But Land of Light doesn't need so many alchemy towers."

   "The Ellen Peninsula needs it." The mother of the swamp thought more, "Bring the Ellen Peninsula under our command, so that we can counterattack the mainland of the main family."

  They finalized a plan to reactivate the alchemy tower—maybe the alchemy tower is better for swamps than allies.

  The current loose alliance is like a sand sculpture on a bare beach after low tide, which needs to be mixed with stones to make the sand firm and silt to bind.

   "Leave the activation of the Alchemy Tower to the Land of Light, and enlist the allies of Midnight City to us..." The Mother of the Swamp divides the work for the next step.

   "Then what is Lu Li doing?" Claire asked.

  Mother of the Swamp looked at Lu Li tenderly: "Do you want to go back to Agate Lake to rest? Annie misses you very much."

  Lu Li shook his head: "Besides the swamp, there are two forbidden places."

  Claire exploded her wings in fright: "You want to solve them together!?"

   "Just trying to see if I can win them over."

  (end of this chapter)