Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1443: Eighty-five. Wilderness

  The lush grass is all over the mountains, and the gentle breeze blows gently.

  The flower clusters and bushes are rippling in circles, and the lush bushes are dotted with color for the gloomy sky.

  A monster stood under the tree, raised its head blankly, looked at the colors it had never seen before, approached the drooping branches, and smelled the smells it had never smelled before. Unnamed wild flowers bloomed beside its hooves.

   These flourishes that have grown in a few days make it at a loss.

  At this time, a figure walking in the distance destroyed the peaceful scene.

  The monster's front hooves fell, trampled on wild flowers, and rushed towards the figure with a roar.


   Gunshots rang out, gunpowder smoke rose, and the weeds shook with the wind.

  The growing and spreading plants followed Lu Li past the fallen corpse, and covered the monster's corpse with exceptional luxuriance.

  The plant disaster disappeared, and the long-suppressed life revived in this land.

   Bear the brunt of the changes in human nature. In other words, human nature has not changed, but the shackles of plants have disappeared. At this time, 600 human natures are like 6000 human natures.

  When Lu Li stopped for a while, the vegetation would grow wildly around Lu Li, forming clusters of flowers and grass surrounded by clusters.

  In dark and damp environments, they are brightly colored mushrooms and creep. In forests and woodlands, they are fluffy shrubs and saplings, and in hilly plains, they become brightly blooming grasses and flowers.

   This makes camping a hassle.

   Whenever you stay in one place for too long, the vegetation will wrap it up. The loss of the Tree Whisperer made Lu Li unable to order them, so he could only find rocks to camp as much as possible.

  Although the vines will climb along the rock surface like blood vessels.

   And these 600 copies of human nature were not returned to the world, because human nature helps it resist pollution.

  After all, the recovery of plants is only an appearance, and the solution is only the disaster of plants—the weirdness still exists with the earth and never disappears.

   It is said that when the plant disaster melted away, the vegetation in the Bright Land soared. Even if Annie restrained her breath in time, she could not prevent the Bright Land from turning into forest land.

  The wooden houses of the residents have become tree houses, with strong vines covering the walls and blocking the doors and windows.

  Even the sunlit shallow ocean has wisps of seaweed floating around, entwining ships in the bay,

  People are forced to drop what they are doing and spend the day weeding and clearing overgrown vegetation.

  Compared with these changes that are more like disasters to the Land of Light, traces of vegetation were found at the foot of Mount Sugard, mushrooms were found in the Shadow Swamp, and twisted and weird plants appeared in Himfast—this is bad news.

  Human beings suffer from pollution and become different species, so what about plants?

   "There are still dark disasters and weird fogs left, solve them, and we will infinitely tend to the beauty of the old days..."

  Businessman Anthony narrates the mother of the swamp's nostalgia for the past era, while cleaning up the surrounding crops of plants and sprinkling gravel that inhibits their growth.

   "I'm on my way." Lu Li said.

  He is not far from the message he saw through the door.

  As for the weird fog... Lu Li used to chase Roshan on the ocean, but unfortunately they are huge but timid. They often shrink into the deep sea like sea anemones when they approach, making it difficult to find them. Perhaps rising up could uproot it—but Roshan, spewing eerie mist, lay on every shoreline.

  It is difficult to count whether there are more human beings in existence, or more initiators of these strange fogs.

   "And there are dark clouds covering the sky..."

   Haze and mist are gone.

  It was a beauty that Lu Li had never seen before.

   But the latter is just an impossible dream. The cloud covering the world is a shield placed by the elders to block the gaze of the starry sky. Without clouds, the world would have withered and died.

  Even the hole left by the **** of the deep sea over old Belfast has awakened the people of the Bright Land countless times from the nightmare of "a pair of scarlet eyes peeping out the hole to see the earth".

  The horror was indescribable, and even made them want to go back to the time when there was no sunshine.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Mother of the Marsh asked tirelessly. "The apple trees are ripe. I still remember how to make the ancient recipe of apple pie. It is very sweet, but it may come alive after the merchant brings it. You can Go back to Agate Lake to eat, everyone has a lot to say to you..."

   "Let the merchant deliver it."

  Lu Li didn't want to end his final journey, and he would never miss an apple pie.

  Businessman Anthony returned to the Land of Light to wait for the apple pie, while Lu Li sat quietly in front of the campfire, the flames licking his cheeks. At some point, an empty can that had been set aside was overturned by a sprout.

  When Lu Li was about to pick up the empty can, the businessman Anthony came to the fire and took out the apple pie from his backpack.

The moment    came out, sticky and hot tentacles emerged from the apple pie, rushed towards the unsuspecting Lu Li, pulled his body and threw himself on Lu Li's face, opened his scarlet mouth and bit that face.

  Lu Li raised his arm to block between the apple pie and his cheek. The scarlet mouth kept biting, the mixture of sweetness and blood trickled down his arm, and the tentacles wrapped around his soft neck, gradually tightening.

  Businessman Anthony stood aside, useless.

  When Lu Li was about to be killed by a piece of apple pie, he lifted the holster with his right hand, drew out the psychic gun, pressed it against the body of the apple pie, and pulled the trigger—


  The long-lost loud noise echoed in the night sky, and the flames and blades of grass swayed low and low in an instant.

  The apple pie that was biting his arm suddenly burst, and the rotten fruit puree scattered.

   One piece landed on Lu Li's lips. Sweet, soft and greasy, with a smell of gunpowder.


   A few minutes later, Lu Li, who changed into clean clothes, returned to sit by the fire.

  Businessman Anthony is gathering the dead apple pie. Although it is dead, the smell is still there, and it can be recycled.

   "I am going to walk into the final destination."

   Merchant Anthony acted as a messenger.



   It's just that the Mother of the Swamp has some premonition: "Will we ever see you again?"

"have no idea."

  Lu Li didn't know what was behind the "door", he only knew the truth was inside.

   "But if it's deceiving you... maybe there was never any truth."

   "Neither outside."

  Snow mountains, oceans, forests, deserts, fields... His footprints are all over every land, but there has never been a legend of the girl's shadow here.

  Mother of the Swamp could not persuade more. He witnessed the entanglement between Lu Li and Anna, which was an emotion beyond love—

   Moreover, this was Lu Li's choice.

   He shouldn't want more of the heroes that come out of this world.

   "I will hide the news for you, and we will wait for you to come back."


  Businessman Anthony left, Lu Li packed some firewood, curled up around the fire and fell asleep.

  Early in the morning, he sat up from the rippling grass in the breeze, the petals stained with dew were coquettish in the bushes, and the extinguished fire rose with blue smoke.

  Lu Li walked alone, leaving the lush grass.

   There is a strange gray fog in the distance.

  Lu Li walked towards the end of the trip along the barren gravel.