Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1453: Bizarre Syndrome.

   Knocked on the door, but there was no response.

  Lu Li listened in front of the door for a while, then turned and left.

  Patients named "Drowning Remnants" only appear at night, but Lu Li is now facing a problem: the patients' commissions have fallen into a dead end with no clues.

  The eyes of the puppet, the knitting needle of the woman, the key of the activity area, the flashlight for exploring the night, the prosthetic limb of the wheelchair girl, and the child of the woman with dragging intestines.

  Lu Li didn't know where to find the things these patients needed—the only solution was to focus on those patients who were temporarily put on hold because they were difficult to reach.

  Lu Li thought of the patient list behind the curtain at the nurse's station... It's best to get it, even if it's only for a while.

  Cross the corridor to the nurse's station on the other side.

   Called a few times, Lu Li was lucky, the head nurse was not inside.

  There was no one in the corridor, and the wheelchair girl in the distance didn't pay attention. Lu Li crossed the counter with his arm, lifted the curtain, and picked up the patient list on the cabinet.

  【Patient list on the second floor:】

  201: Sculpture, Athena, Wheelchair Maiden

  202: Drifting Cat; Lady No Name; Whitley

  203: Remembrance of the drowned; Stone Demon; Mrs. Slav

  204: Evil Fallen; Little Linna

  205: Adang Fuya; Merchant; Andrea

"What are you doing!"

  The sudden stern question made the palm holding the patient list tremble slightly. Lu Li raised his head and looked at the angry nurse: "How did you show up?"

  As long as you behave calmly enough, you will not be suspected.

   But it is useless to nurses. Her harshness and prejudice against Lu Li made him think of paranoia. Is the nurse in the subconscious corresponding to "yellow-faced woman"?

   "I just saw this piece of paper dropped on the ground and picked it up." Lu Li scanned the list of patients.

  206: Raven Mask; Golden Retriever; Mannequin

  207: boy; big sister head; Kate

   "What I saw was that you reached into the counter and picked it up." The doctor exposed Lu Li's lie.

  Lu Li frowned slightly.

  He made sure that there was no one in the corridor before he started stealing the patient list, but the nurse saw this scene and even appeared beside him at some point... How did she do it?

   "Then it should be my delusion—"

   "Are you talking about something interesting?" A heavy voice and the sound of bones hitting the floor tiles sounded at the same time.

  The head nurse is here, but it's good news for Lu Li.

   "Head nurse, this patient is stealing."

   "I said that I just saw it fall on the ground." Lu Li showed the list of "picked up" to the head nurse, "Why are you accusing me so much?"

  208: Pig King; Dog Meat; Gatekeeper

  209: The Worm Family

  He casually scanned the paper in front of the head nurse and nurses.

  210: Michelia; Mildred Hampry; Friday

  211: The leader is weird【】

   "Patient list? What reason would I have to steal this?"

   “Our patients are right.”

  As expected, the head nurse who had a crush on Lu Li was on his side. More importantly: from a nurse's point of view, there is no need for a patient to steal this kind of thing.

   "Thank you for your trust." Lu Li returned the list to the head nurse.

   "But I have a question."

  Lu Li pointed to the patients behind Ward 204, "Why isn't my name here?"

  212: Blood Spirit; Spider Princess; Snot

  213: False God; False Man; Sarah & Adam

   "Because you were temporarily arranged here by the doctor...but your condition is very stable, and you might be able to leave the hospital soon." The head nurse praised Lu Li like a child picking up trash.


  Lu Li let go of the patient list and looked at the nurse beside him.

   "You will live on the third floor soon, I promise..." The dark yellow nurse stared at Lu Li with a curse.

  Lu Li was slightly silent, looking at the head nurse calmly: "Did you hear that?"

   "Apologize to the patient," said the head nurse.

  Nurse Deep Yellow remained silent, resisting its orders.

  The skeletons that make up the head nurse collided, trembled, and bred, as if a majestic shadow of an evil ghost was resurrected from its bones.

   "I said… apology."

   "Head nurse, she probably didn't do it on purpose." At this time, Lu Li took the initiative to speak for the nurse.

   Offending a nurse as a patient is obviously not sensible, and she is one of the few human forms on the second floor of the hospital.

   Although she loathes herself.


  The nurse has no emotion, and the insincere apology also sounded at this time.

  The revived shadow on the head nurse's skeleton disappeared.

   "I forgive you, but don't scare me anymore." Lu Li said to the unwilling nurse, "If my condition becomes serious, the doctor may intervene."


  The nurse didn't say anything, and left with the crisp sound of high heels.

   But Lu Li didn't want to let go of this opportunity. After saying goodbye to the head nurse, Lu Li caught up with the nurse and followed her, "Excuse me, do you have time?"

  The nurse didn't answer, and turned to the 210 ward next to her.

   But Lu Li blocked the door faster than her.

   "You're interfering with my work." The nurse didn't look up at Lu Li.

  He could feel the oppression similar to when the head nurse was angry.

   "It's just a question." Lu Li held the doorknob and pushed the door open for her, "You seem to dislike me, why?"

"You should know."

   "I don't know, my memory is only from talking to the doctor—"


  The sound of the door echoing in the corridor and the messy hair ends answered Nurse Lu Li's resistance to her.

   He could only guess that she seemed to know her pre-amnesia self... So what happened? The poor woman who was hurt by herself? Or where did you contact yourself?

  The habit before amnesia made Lu Li give up thinking about unresolved questions, and prepare to contact difficult-to-reach patients—starting from the 209th ward next to him.

   It's just that this kind of thinking is just a beautiful vision... What hinders Lu Li is not the rejection of the door, but his inability to understand the language of these "patients".

  【209: The Worm Family】

   A group of worms with the characteristics and shape of a polyp, but with the habit of earthworms squirmed chaotically in the dirty ward piled with gravel and soil. It was hard to understand why the nurse allowed this place to be so dirty, or... it was still caused by "paranoia".

   "How are you?"

  Lu Li's greeting did not receive any response. The "earth particles" scattered on the tiles are more attractive to them.

  Lu Li, who didn't want to give up, borrowed a pen and paper from the wheelchair girl, and came again to the door of Ward 209 with a note of greetings—it still didn't work.

  Lu Li could only accept the failure of the first step, and then continue from Ward 210.

  【210: Michelia; Mildred Hamply; Friday】

  Friday gets off to a good start with a friendly wave.

   "He's out of the hospital?"

  Mildred Hampry's bed was empty, and Friday in the next bed nodded quickly.

  Lu Li was thinking about how to start a conversation: "Do you need help?"

   Friday winked at him: "But you seem to need help more than me."