Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 148: 63. Quiet Night

   Chapter 148 Sixty-three. Quiet Night

  Catherine has never seen such a perfect figure.

Whether it's the first five husbands, or the workers who come to the tavern to drink topless, they either have disgusting bellies or dirty ugly muscles, not this spotless body that looks like a work of art in an exhibition hall. …

   She was very fortunate to have the opportunity to watch Lu Li take a bath - with only some hot water and a heart-warming soup in the cold storm.

   The only thing that made her regretful was that Lu Li would wear those shorts even if he took a shower.


  The sound of water flow stopped, and Lu Li walked out of the misty bathroom with steam on his body, took the towel from the hand of the old woman leaning against the door, and wiped the dripping black hair.

   "How long will the food be good?"

   "After you put on your dry clothes, you will see that it is already on your dining table." The old woman reluctantly looked away from Lu Li's chest and returned to the hall.

  The towel wiped the black hair messy and dry, Lu Li threw it back to the sink, picked up a brand new set of clothes next to him and put it on.

   After a minute, Lu Li returned to the hall after changing his clothes. On the table where we ate yesterday, steak, chicken soup, red wine, candles. The old woman put on a red dress faster than Lu Li, and she was quite beautiful - of course, when she was young.

   This scene is only missing a few bouquets of roses from the candlelight dinner.

   facing his gaze towards the dining table, Lu Li picked up his own portion of steak and broth, and an oil lamp.


  Lu Li thanked him, turned around and walked up the stairs.

   opened the door of the room, and a strand of black hair fell from the crack of the door.

   Lu Li turned sideways and walked into the room, slammed his shoulder against the wooden door behind him, and went to the dining table to put down the things in his hands.

  Anna remained still and rested, and Lu Li guessed that other ghosts may also rest in the same way.

  The majestic and heavy rain outside the window has not weakened, but the strong wind has become smaller, and the sharp whistling is no longer so obvious. After extinguishing the candle, Lu Li sat down at the long table.

   In front of the window on a stormy night, Lu Li watched the lightning outside the window while eating slowly.

   In the blink of an eye, Lu Li will see the quiet town under the rain curtain, the shadow swamp farther away, and some interesting illusions brought about by the drop in Sanity.

  Even a professionally trained person finds it difficult to remain rational in the face of these illusions, which are everywhere and don’t know when they will appear. Compared with Lu Li, who is materialistic, he can face these things calmly and maintain his curiosity about the unknown.

   Of course, it can also be understood as giving up.

  The world is not kind to curious people.

   Quietly looked out the window for a while, then Lu Li looked away and landed on the flashlight not far from the pot of chicken soup.

   The flashlight is small, only the width of two fingers. The shell is made of wood-like material, and the smooth surface is covered with bizarre stripes like annual rings, with a steampunk feeling combined with a mysterious side and technology, just like a psychic gun.

   Its brightness is not high, which Lu Li has already tried. The irradiation distance is slightly stronger than that of oil lamps, but the range is far less.

  Its value lies in providing light in the dark and preventing darkness from coming. if it's stable enough.

   And the figure with the beak mask said "invitation card for invitation card" when referring to the flashlight, and the look of the seeker was also very surprised, which means that the flashlight is also some kind of similar token.

   The seeker is a trainee investigator. The figure with the beak mask took the invitation from Lu Li, and it is likely to use the invitation to go to the party to bring back the seeker. Perhaps the figure with the beak mask can be temporarily identified as an investigator... Formal.

  Is it a token of the investigator organization?

   A granulation grows from the steak on the dinner plate, blooms within a dozen seconds, and the result is rotten. The fruit fell on the steak, and the husk peeled off, revealing a dense swarm of microscopic spiders. They dispersed, burrowed into the void and disappeared.

   Waiting quietly for the illusion of the contaminated meat steak to disappear, Lu Li silently forked the meat steak and put it into his mouth to chew.

  The taste is no different, just a little cold.

   After spending a few minutes eating the food, Lu Li sent the tableware back to the hall downstairs, went back to the room to wring out the clothes, and hung them on the hanger behind the door.

   Next, Lu Li picked up the "Shadow Town Local Guide" and read it from the beginning before the dim light. Ignoring the insane compliments and apparently fictional deeds of each mayor, this guide is interesting and a good way to pass the time.

  Anna woke up near 11 midnight and took over from Lu Li's vigil.

   Lu Li asked her some questions and got answers one by one.

   If the power is exhausted, Ana will be forced to fall into a deep sleep.

   Anna can perceive the outside world in her sleep, but the range is very small, only less than a few tens of centimeters around her.

   The process of falling asleep is like sleeping, but without dreaming, Anna can wake up at any time, such as now.

  You can go to the world to rest.

   gets stronger over time, but slowly.

   After asking the question, Lu Li and Anna switched places, Lu Li put on his woolen coat, and Anna held up the "Shadow Town Local Guide" that Lu Li had just finished reading.

   "Good night." Anna said softly.

  Lu Li didn't say a word and covered his head with his coat.

  The rainy night is calm again.

  The wind is no longer manic, and the frequent thunders in the clouds gradually fade away, leaving only the majestic rain.

  Anna gently drew the curtains, covering the almost pitch-black window, the oil lamp softly caressing her cheeks, holding her chin, and the sound of pages turning from time to time.


   When the sky was slightly cold and bright, Lu Li woke up on time.

  The curtains were opened, and the rain streaks and slaps on the windows showed that the rain was still falling. But the brutality of yesterday is no longer there.

  The hurricane has gone and headed inland, leaving behind a mess.

   Looking at the town from the window of the room on the second floor, it was a mess. The roofs were lifted, the trees were blown down, and the **** was scattered everywhere. Residents who woke up in the morning were cleaning the streets and repairing holes. Some trucks appeared in a row in the three-person street below, queuing up in long queues.

  Because it is close to the swamp and the terrain is high, the Shadow Town did not turn into a swamp due to the storm, only some roads that are not paved with bluestone are difficult to walk.

  Lu Li put on his coat, picked up his umbrella and walked towards the door. Anna wanted to keep up, but was stopped by him.

   He was just going out to buy a newspaper.

   But when Lu Li closed the door, he saw Anna's figure faded and hidden, and he seemed to follow secretly.

   didn't say anything, and pretended not to know, Lu Li came downstairs.

  The old woman Catherine was not behind the bar, but little Jack, who was dozing on his stomach, was no longer suitable for an elderly person like her to get up at six in the morning.

   Lu Li pushed the door and walked out of the tavern, and the cold moisture rushed towards him.

   Lu Li's breath was a little misty, and the temperature was a little cold.

   Holding up his umbrella, Lu Li stepped down the steps, crossed Sansan Street diagonally to the newsstand opposite.

  The newsboy was cleaning up the water on the branches around the newsstand. He told Lu Li that today's newspapers had not been delivered. After the newsboy said it could be delivered to his home, Lu Li left the name of the Big Wave Tavern.

   (end of this chapter)