Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 150: 65. Return to Belfast

   Chapter 150 Sixty Five. Return to Belfast

   "Allen Principality Bulletin"

  【The hurricane hit the Principality of the Ellen Peninsula! Belfast has fallen! 】

   "Walson Post"

  【Sudden hurricane, a new wave of disaster warning? 】

   "Daily News"

  [The Immortal Giant is missing in the waters near Cape Wang Cape! 】

   In addition to the Daily News, two other well-known newspapers in the Principality of the Ellen Peninsula use the hurricane as their first-page news.

  The Shadow Town, which is 200 miles away from the coast, is still like this. It is foreseeable that Belfast, which is close to the sea, will suffer more serious damage.

   Compared with the first two newspapers, the last one made Lu Li a little concerned because of some kind of coincidence: more than ten hours ago, he encountered a fishing boat sailing in a hurricane during a storm.

  Lu Li knew about the Immortal Giant. He read the newspaper every day and knew that the ship started its maiden voyage three days ago. Because it was very similar to Earth's Titanic, and at the same time used "unsinkable" as a boo, Lu Li paid more attention.

   Now it seems that the fate of ships known as "eternal" and "immortal" is not very good.

[The Kodak Searson lost contact around last night... Suddenly lost all contact when passing through the Cape Wanghai waters of Farmland Park... 1871 passengers and 426 crew members, and the director of the Royal Hodkin Sailing Company on board disappeared with the big ship Chang, Earl Levis... The Kodak Searson has the most advanced communication system in the world, and it is impossible for it to disappear suddenly... According to scholars' analysis, the disappearance of the Kodak Searson may be related to the increase in speed. It was originally expected to arrive in 23 days. Belfast was forcibly shortened to 15 days... The Queen of the Principality of the Lennon Islands and the Royal Hodkin Sailing Company are communicating with Farmland Park to explore the news of the big ship at this time...]

There is a black and white photo attached to the side of the    text. It was a photo taken on the day of departure. The length of the ship of more than 200 meters is not comparable to the dilapidated ship that Lu Li saw on the rainy night.

   "Daily News" reported the disappearance of the Kodak Selson with a full page, and the second page was the hurricane that hit the Principality of the Ellen Peninsula.

  Lu Li first looked at the accompanying picture, which is a bird's-eye view of Belfast from Sugard Hill. Belfast's neatly arranged streets, which are most talked about by outsiders, stretch down. In the distance, most of the fishing boats in the port of Rodster have left the port. Further on the sea, a dark cloud that covers the sky is rolling in.

   (before the hurricane)

   The shooting time is indicated in parentheses below the attached photo.

   Every morning newspaper was written and published in the afternoon of the previous day. At that time, there was a hurricane over Belfast. The news did not mention the specific situation of Belfast.

  This hurricane came so suddenly, I heard it was less than 50 nautical miles from Belfast when it was found. Prior to this, the weather had nothing to do with the official warning.

   In fact, Belfast has a favorable geographical location. There have only been three recorded hurricanes in the past 100 years, and they were all turned to Belfast after they ravaged inland. The direct impact is the first time in history.

  According to the summary, the first to suffer were the fishing boats that were too late to return to the sea, followed by the port of Rodester. The only good thing is that the house was not seriously damaged by the moderate wind speed, which means that residents can stay at home to avoid the storm and reduce some casualties.

   But only part of it…

  The fishing boats that set sail yesterday morning hit the hurricane, and most of them didn't come back before night.

   As of the press release, very few ships had successfully returned, and they were all relatively large, or ships that did not leave the port too far.

   Seeing this, Lu Li was thoughtful.

  The missing ship, the ship in the hurricane...It seems to correspond.

   is just the wrong direction. The ship came from inland and headed for Belfast.

  The content of the remaining two newspapers is almost the same. The second page is about the disappearance of the Kodak Serson cruise ship.

   The Principality of Allen Gazette has more oral accounts than the other two papers about what happened to some Belfast residents in the aftermath of the hurricane.

"...Everyone was crowded in the church, the sky was filled with lightning, the wind was like the roar of the devil, the windows of the church were shattered, everyone was screaming, hiding in the corner and shaking, and then the nun took us to the cellar... …”

   "...Everyone gathered on the street, staring blankly at the terrible dark clouds coming from the sea. That scene was like the end of the world. I thought I was done, and ran to hug my wife and say I love her."

"...It's not as bad as I imagined. My house is made of wood. It's a miracle that the roof was not blown off, but the ground was soaked. …”

   It looks like Belfast's losses are still in the acceptable range.

  The low wind speed prevented this hurricane from becoming the executioner of Belfast, and only those poor people who didn't have time to hide in the house before the hurricane came.


   Putting down the newspaper, Anna murmured in despair, "I thought Belfast would be safe..."

   She is worried about the detective agency's nest.

   "The sculpture is in the detective agency, it will be taken care of." Lu Li said, not worried that he would see ruins when he went back.

  Sculptures don’t like to move, but they just don’t like to move. What does it do when something happens.

   "Hmm." Anna nodded, looking a little depressed.

   After reading the rest of the three newspapers, Lu Li picked up the about-to-cool bread and put it into his mouth.

  It is also finely ground wheat flour, and the taste of Mrs. Film's Bakery is much better than that of Shadow Town.

   The heavy rain turned into moderate rain at noon and never changed after that.

  Lu Li looked up at the sky in the distance. The rain curtain that blocked his vision could not stop him from observing the blood-colored tentacles, even if they were hundreds of miles away.

  The original eight blood-colored tentacles, one penetrated into Lu Li's mind and disappeared, and three were solved by him one after another. The remaining four blood-colored tentacles scattered and extended from the depths of the clouds, three fell inland, and the last fell behind the mountains, after Belfast, somewhere in the lead-like deep sea.

   Hope Richard doesn't make him wait too long.

   The journey is boring and bumpy. I heard that the steam train has been interviewed, but it has not yet been rolled out in the Principality of the Ellen Peninsula. At this time, the distance of 200 miles often means traveling all day without stopping.

   In the evening, less than an hour before dark, the carriage finally returned to Belfast after the hurricane.

   Horseshoes crossed the bluestone road, and the street was as noisy as ever, with crying and sadness taking up most of it.

  Under the curtain of rain, residents are helping to excavate the collapsed houses of neighbors, clearing the garbage and debris on the streets, and church nuns and medical staff bandage the wounds of the injured residents.

  Belfast's status quo is, as the newspapers say, smaller than imagined.

   But in the end many people died in the hurricane.

   Maybe after a period of time, these pains will gradually be healed by time.

   If there is no new disaster.

   (end of this chapter)