Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 173: Eighty-eight. Investigator Mock Incident

   Chapter 173 Eighty-eight. Investigator Mock Incident Seven

"Next, Remy helps you avoid the dangers and weirdness that keep appearing. There are bottomless potholes similar to the previous ones, there are monsters lying in front of you, and there are passages that have collapsed and are almost blocked by gravel, update 'Mission progress (115%/100%)."

"Fortunately, Remy is here, you can't help thinking. But this still doesn't improve your current situation... You didn't find the exit, but the passage ahead became more and more dangerous, as if instead of approaching the entrance, you entered the ruins. deep."

   "'There's a monster on the left side road ahead.' Remy whispered in her ear, you bypassed it and walked to the right passage, moving much slower. 'Are you tired?' Remy asked."

  Lu Li: "I'm not tired, I'm full of energy."

  Lu Li tried to use this method to get Tesla to add physical strength to himself - but failed.

"You tell her you're not tired, but you know that your body is on the verge of exhaustion. Your legs are shaking, your heart can almost jump from your chest to your throat. Almost fell."

  'Maybe we're really going to be trapped here...let's find a side room to rest first. ' You finally couldn't hold it any longer, leaning against the wall and panting heavily. "

"'Let me come down, I'll take you with me.' Remy said to get off you. What do you mean by letting me take you away? You were a little confused, and then you felt Remy's cold, soft palm dig into your own. 'Come with me,' she said."

   "'What the **** is going on?' You feel unbelievable, Remy dragged you along, and it was as smooth as crossing the streets at noon."

"'I'm sorry I lied to you... I said I can perceive danger, but I can see in the dark, and I don't know why... I don't tell you because I'm afraid you'll leave me behind ...' Your head hums when you hear Remy's narration, followed by uncontrollable anger. You carry her through the eerie ruins for hours to save her, take out your own food Give it to her, but she's actually cheating on you... What else did she not tell you? You are going to be angry—"

  Lu Li: "Ask her for help and let her guide the way to the exit."

  Lu Li was not confused by the fictional self in the story.

   He's not someone who will be held accountable, especially since it's pointless.

   Accusing Remy at this time is definitely the stupidest move. Maybe Remy has concealed a lot of information, but she is the biggest help in getting herself out of the ruins.

   "Your calmness overcomes your anger, and you know that you can't leave the ruins without Remy's help, even if she keeps lying to you."

"Led by Remy, you walk with her, and you have lost your sense of direction at all, and you have no idea where you are, until you see the end of the passage, a soft light shines. Your mood becomes agitated, aching eyes The legs also regained some strength. But when you approached the light source, you found that it was not the light coming out, but the glowing stone embedded in the wall."

   "Looking at these stones, you feel inexplicably uncomfortable. What makes you even more uneasy is the back of Remy in front of you."

"You see, her clothes are not the sackcloth that is common in the village, but a long white dress. You see her body is slightly translucent, although you are still holding her palm. You realize at this moment that Lei Mi is already dead, she deceived you again...and this time deceived you so much..."

   "Remi released your palm at this moment and turned around, revealing a pale cheek with only the whites of her eyes."

"'Thank you for helping me, and I'm sorry I lied to you again...but it's for your own good.' She's not attacking you, she's telling you the truth. She died a few days ago, But the soul did not disperse because of the relics."

   "'What do you mean by being good for me?' you can't help asking."

   "Remy didn't answer, she turned her head and pointed to the deepest part of the passage, where a pitch-black altar dozens of meters high stood inside the mountain, updating the 'mission progress (150%/100%)'."

"'It's calling me over, it's saying that as long as I sacrifice myself at the altar, it'll let you go...I'm so grateful for your help all the time, it's strengthened my faith. If I can help you leave at the end of my life ...I'm very happy. By the way, tell my brother for me and let him take care of my father...' Remy said, walking towards the dark passage leading to the altar."

   "You froze in place, wondering whether to believe what she said, or what... Next you want to—"

  Lu Li: "Stop her from talking."

   "You came back to your senses and found that Remy had walked out of the passage, and in front of her was the altar standing tall. You rushed over and hugged Remy who was walking towards the steps of the altar, and you told her—"

  Lu Li: "The situation is not serious yet, we still have food, enough to survive in the ruins for a day or two."

   "She looked at you with a wry smile, and said with reluctance deep in her eyes, 'But I'm already dead...'"

  Lu Li: "It doesn't matter. As long as you don't lose your nature, you can still live as a human being."

   "'The owner of the ruins won't allow us to leave...' Remi's eyes flashed with hesitation, you plan to—"

  Lu Li: "It will allow it. You are a soul, you can penetrate the wall, you can ask the owner of the ruins to send me out first, and when I successfully leave the ruins, you can come out through the wall."

  Tesla gave Lu Li a strange look.

"Tell Remy the way you're going to think. It rekindles her desire for life, and she tells you to step back and communicate with the master of the altar. You begin to feel some very evil horror descending on the altar. , 'Medium inner strength gone'"

"You can't help but step back to the edge of the passage and observe what's happening. Updated 'Mission Progress (200%/100%)' You can't hear Remy's communication with the Ruins Consciousness. After a while, Remy stopped communicating and walked towards about you."

   "'Run straight into the passage, the exit is in front.' Remy said to you. You turn back subconsciously, the passage behind you extends straight into the distance, and at the end of your line of sight, there seems to be light."

"'I was waiting for you outside.' You gave Remy a deep look, turned and ran into the passage. Power poured out of your heart, driving you to run. Gradually, you saw the light ahead. It was not an illusion, nor Not soft lighting, but light from the outside world."

"You are running faster, only your breathing is left in the dark passage, and you have never been so eager for light as you are now. The light at the end is gradually clear, you seem to hear outside voices in your ears, the further you leave the exit Come closer, rush into the light, the endless light wraps around your body--"

   There is a long section of content here that was not handed over to Action Lu Li.

   Maybe the story is coming to an end.

   (end of this chapter)