Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 176: Ninety-one. The real reason for sobriety

   Chapter 176 Ninety-one. The real reason for sobriety

   "I have nothing to teach you."

  Tesla can only sigh in his heart that Lu Li is really suitable to be an exorcist. If Lu Li's sanity doesn't deviate too much from the qualifying line... Tesla intends to give Lu Li a chance.

   "Touch the tree with your hand, it will change after you touch it, and the degree of change depends on your Sanity status."

  Lu Li nodded, raised his palm to the dark branches on the table, and touched the rough surface of the branches with his fingertips.

  The indescribable obscure aura penetrated into his mind along his fingertips, and in a trance, a bizarre vision emerged in his mind. It was a huge banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves and a crown like an umbrella cover. The thick and thick trunks stacked like ice icicles were as black as ink. Not only the trunk, but also the branches and leaves were also pitch-black, forming this huge black banyan tree. Far away from the edge of the picture, there is a faint presence of human buildings.

  Illusions linger briefly for a few seconds, shattering like bubbles. The opposite Tesla stared blankly at the table.

  Lu Li followed his gaze, a branch-shaped ashes remained on the table.

   It is also raining today, but there is no wind, and the ashes are not blown away by the wind like yesterday.

  What did Lu Li notice from Tesla's expression: "Very bad?"

   "Not bad."

  Tesla shook his head, rubbing his index finger's silver ring.

   "It's very bad."


   The sky was overcast, the drizzle fell, the umbrella made a small popping sound, and half a face was revealed below the edge.

  Lu Li was holding a kraft paper bag and walking back to Sailor Street.

   He was walking by the side of the road near the gutter, and his pace was slow, indicating that he was thinking.

  Lu Li still remembered the shock on Tesla's face after he said frankly that he had entered the hallucination period.

   "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   "You didn't ask."

   Both sides got one thing wrong.

   After the first failure, Lu Li thought that the Tesla organization realized the stage of his sanity, and Tesla thought that Lu Li's situation was not serious.

   After all, he is too normal.

   The symptoms of patients whose sanity value reaches the hallucination stage: madness, sensitivity, disbelief in everything, and questioning everything.

   Except for the last one, the others never appeared on Lu Li.

  Tesla couldn't help but asked curiously: "Now do you see those things, hear those things, and perceive those things?"

   "Hmm." Lu Li's eyes moved slightly and asked, "Can you elaborate?"

After the    Sanity value is reduced to the hallucination period, there will be a projection of the existence of the inner world around you, as well as the murmurs and whispers echoing in your ears.

   Most people become neurotic in this situation.

   but not exorcists. Most exorcists who deal with the weird are not afraid of hallucinations. They are like Lu Li, they know that these are projections and cannot hurt themselves. Except for occasional troubles, such as being indistinguishable in battle, or being disturbed by murmurs.

   But that's not all.

  When those projections and sounds appear, they will bring their own breath. That is not the dark aura that humans can bear. Even if that kind of aura is only brought out by projection by 1%, it is enough to make people crazy.

   This kind of breath will infect this person, causing his sanity to continue to drop until the person can't bear the pressure and goes crazy, or survive this stage and his sanity drops to a more terrifying stage...

   This is the reason why the exorcists suffered huge losses in the early days when Sanity points were not materialized.

  Now people can judge their state through the sanity test, take rest and recuperation, and let themselves out of the illusion period.

   It can be said that the breath is the real reason for the horror of the illusion period——

   But this never happened to Lu Li.

   Lu Li only had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. The gloomy aura they bring cannot be sensed in the slightest.

   Maybe it has something to do with you being not a person from this world?

  Lu Li was thoughtful.

"I'll send this to the regional branch along with your document. Frankly, if you didn't look really normal, this document would have been rejected by me. I appreciate you, so I'm more I need you to live."

   "Will I not be able to join the investigator?"

   "The chances are great, you know that the negative effects of lower sanity have plagued us for hundreds of years. Your situation is an important discovery. If it can be popularized, we will no longer be completely suppressed by weirdness."

   "But the branch office may send someone to drag you to ask questions, which is more cumbersome."

"no problem."

  Lu Li couldn't think of any disadvantages.

   Get knowledge, get paid, be protected by investigators, and make the world a safer place.

   "Will my sanity continue to be tested?"

   "Yes... in the next few days. We have to first find out what state you are in at this time."

   "What do you use next time, to approach that banyan tree?"

   "It's a tree branch... wait how do you know it's a banyan tree?"

   "When I touched the branch, I saw it."

   "Excellent psychic perception ability..."

   "What is psychic perception ability?"

   "This is internal information, I can't tell you now, we can tell you when you join."

  Lu Li didn't ask any further, and instead asked, "Senger, who appeared in my room yesterday, is an investigator."

   "An investigator who passed by Belfast made a friendly cameo, and he came back with a good impression of you, so I personally came over for this test."

   "I'm fine."

  Lu Li stopped in time and didn't ask questions.

  Tesla glanced at the counter, his coffee hadn't come yet. Looking back at Lu Li who was about to leave: "Don't leave in a hurry, you have something on your body."

   He leaned forward, took a parchment full of cumbersome characters as a handkerchief, and wiped Lu Li's sleeves.

   There is clean.

   In the dark, Lu Li suddenly felt that the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and resentful whispers sounded all over his body. But just for a moment, **** disappeared, and the light returned to normal.

   As if nothing happened just now.

   "Okay." Tesla sat back and folded the parchment.

   Lu Li asked, "What is that?"

   "The mark of the Swamp Mother. You don't think that the evil god's territory is your own garden and you can come and go at will."

  Tesla's words reminded Lu Li of what he said at the beginning: You are decisive, lucky, and bold. A person dared to enter the evil god's territory, and actually returned "almost" safe and sound.

   That's why he said almost?

   "I don't have a garden." Lu Li said.

   He has no money.

"This is not the point... Forget it, next time you enter the Heretic God's territory, even if you just pass by, remember to come back and remove the mark, otherwise it will be very troublesome. They all use this method to leave marks on people passing through the territory, and then bewitch them. ."


  The sole stepped into the puddle and splashed a piece of water.

  Some fell on his trousers and felt the coldness. Lu Li regained his senses, looked up at the familiar street, and walked towards the long house in front of him.

   (end of this chapter)