Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 234: One hundred and forty-nine. Deep diver

   Chapter 234

   A few seconds after the last line of handwriting disappeared, the sound of footsteps slowly began to leave, along with the malicious aura.

  The sound of footsteps gradually faded until it disappeared. Lu Li let the existence leave without chasing it out.

   This time, the way of the "door" has changed. It no longer communicates with Lu Li in the form of letters—perhaps because Lu Li has never heard of it, or because it is too unreasonable to receive a letter on a deserted island.

The purpose of    "door" has not changed, it is always for Lu Li to hear it, then see it, then touch it, and finally enter behind the door in the sewer.

   There is no doubt about this, which is the reason why it has always fabricated lies to deceive and lure Lu Li.

   But there is also a truth in a lie.

   For example, ghost killing will increase your strength, and if you increase your strength too quickly, you will lose your mind. Anna may really do it after receiving the letter, and there may be a boat waiting for her by the beach.

   But no matter how true it is, there is still a false part.

  For example, Tesla will not send the letter to the detective agency now, for example, Anna will stay in the detective agency obediently, and will not rush out to sea to find herself.

  Lu Li chose to trust Tesla and Anna.

   After ignoring the "door", the beach was briefly peaceful.

  The burnt smell gradually wafted. Lu Li moved the four small fish to a stone away from the fire, grabbed one of them, and bit down half of the fish's tail in one bite.

  The white fish meat under the charred exterior is completely cooked and smells good. The fish itself has a hint of salty taste, and it is not tasteless.

  Lu Li chewed slowly, chewed all the fish bones and swallowed them, and put the other half of the fish, including the head, into his mouth.

   I ate the second one like the recipe, and Lu Li kept the other two for breakfast tomorrow.

  If he can make it through tonight.

   As the flames flickered, the shadows in the depression swayed.

  The shadow cast on the rock wall, the shadow of the stone, the shadow of the can. As the shadow of the latter swayed, it suddenly broke away from the body, jumped independently, and fled to the windbreak.

  Lu Li looked at the shadow that escaped from the can and fled to the outside world, his expression slightly startled.


  The shadow of the can escaped to the edge of the fire, fading away like most illusions.

   Beneath the can, a shadow swaying with the firelight reappeared, but it was no longer special, just an ordinary shadow.

   Ignoring the nuisances of illusions, such as misjudgment, they are sometimes amusing.

   After this episode, the windbreak returned to peace for a long time.

   When the jars at the water intake had been filled for a long time, Lu Li did not take the risk to go out to retrieve the jars.

  This is a deep-sea island, and no one knows whether there are some strange and terrifying existences around.


   An untraceable voice was caught by Lu Li, he lowered his head, and the sanity counter was quietly wrapped around his wrist, without any movement.

   As if the sound just now was Lu Li's illusion.

  Lu Li watched the counter patiently until after a few tens of seconds, the second beep sounded, indicating that it was not an illusion.


   After dozens of seconds, there was a third sound.

   Sanity drops very slowly, maybe the source is still far away, or maybe the source is very weak.

  Lu Li didn't know the specific value represented by the sound interval of the counter, but there was no doubt that the faster it sounded, the faster the sanity value dropped.

   On the boat returning the dead, Lu Li enjoyed the gurgling sound for a few seconds throughout the night, but Lu Li's sanity was still at the second stage, only slightly more serious.

   This shows that Lu Li's Sanity value is almost insignificant at this moment.

The interval between the    counter beeps decreases over time, and stays at half a minute at the end.

   It was close enough, perhaps on the beach ahead, because Lu Li could smell the strong fishy smell and deep-sea silt-like aura in the sea breeze that had drilled into the windbreak.

   is the group of existences that leave foot prints.

   In a trance, Lu Li seemed to hear the faint chatter, but he didn't seem to hear anything.

   Are you going to be discovered...

  Lu Li grabbed the handle of the gun.

   The opponent will reduce the sanity value, which means that the psychic gun can cause damage.

  Suddenly, the reclining chair that was blocking the windbreak was removed, and Lu Li raised his psychic gun and aimed at a figure covered in black robes.

  The figure got into the windbreak, closed the reclining chair, and sat down against the landing.

  The windbreak can accommodate two people, but it has changed from spacious to slightly narrow.

   "Are you walking silently?" Lu Li put away his psychic gun again and said to Friday who came in.

   "You can hear it when you step on the sand?"

   This sentence made Lu Li slightly startled.

   Maybe there is nothing behind the reclining chair, the footsteps are actually the hallucination of the "door". To prevent the illusion arranged by the cautious Lu Li rushing out.

   "Why are you back." Lu Li continued to look at Friday.

  Friday's nonchalant answer: "As you said, there was a problem with the log house, so I came back."

   "What is it?"

   extinguished the oil lamp on Friday, put it in the sand and said, "It's a tough thing, don't worry, it won't be able to trouble us tonight."

  Friday didn't want to go into details, Lu Li didn't ask further, looked out of the reclining chair and said, "Did you encounter them outside?"


  Lu Li described the flipper prints he found while patrolling the coastline.

   "Sounds like a deep diver." Friday really recognized them, and after calling out their names, he briefly summed up: "Living in the deep sea, the family of a guy who can't be outspoken."

   This explains why their webbed prints come from the sea.

  Lu Li looked at the gap above, the sand wall blocked his vision.

   The fishy smell of burrowing into the windbreak was dissipating, as if those deep divers had retreated to the sea.

   "Do they have wisdom?"

   "Like humans."

   "That means you can communicate?"

  The hood turned to Lu Li, and a surprised look in the shadow fell on Lu Li, just like Tesla: "Why do you have such an idea?"

   "Just talk about it."

  Lu Li didn't talk too much about this, because it was very troublesome to talk about.

  Friday, she didn't ask any further questions, she started to take out the things under the cloak: cans, matches, pots. She took almost everything that could be used in the cabin, and it didn't seem like she left the cabin in a hurry.

   This scene made Lu Li realize something.

   Maybe it wasn’t because she thought it was better to leave the cabin in the morning on Friday. She went to the cabin alone so that Lu Li could set up a windbreak, and then she came back to enjoy the unearned results.

   Compared to exposing Friday, Lu Li has another question he wants to ask: "Why is it wearing a black robe, it is very troublesome to move."

  Friday, as a precaution against Lu Li, he suddenly covered his black robe and whispered slowly, "Face the real me and you will fall into madness."

   Lu Li's line of sight stopped briefly and then retracted.

   Is there no other clothes inside?

   (end of this chapter)